495 research outputs found

    [CII] 158μ\mum and [NII] 205μ\mum emission from IC 342 - Disentangling the emission from ionized and photo-dissociated regions

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    Aims: We investigate how much of the [CII] emission in the nucleus of the nearby spiral galaxy IC 342 is contributed by PDRs and by the ionized gas. We examine the spatial variations of starburst/PDR activity and study the correlation of the [CII] line with the [NII] 205{\textmu}m emission line coming exclusively from the HII regions. Methods: We present small maps of [CII] and [NII] lines recently observed with the GREAT receiver on board SOFIA. In particular we present a super-resolution method to derive how unresolved, kinematically correlated structures in the beam contribute to the observed line shapes. Results: We find that the emission coming from the ionized gas shows a kinematic component in addition to the general Doppler signature of the molecular gas. We interpret this as the signature of two bi-polar lobes of ionized gas expanding out of the galactic plane. We then show how this requires an adaptation of our understanding of the geometrical structure of the nucleus of IC~342. Examining the starburst activity we find ratios I([CII])/I(12CO(10))I([CII])/I(^{12}\mathrm{CO} (1-0)) between 400 and 1800 in energy units. Applying predictions from numerical models of HII and PDR regions to derive the contribution from the ionized phase to the total [CII] emission we find that 35-90% of the observed [CII] intensity stems from the ionized gas if both phases contribute. Averaged over the central few hundred parsec we find for the [CII] contribution a HII-to-PDR ratio of 70:30. Conclusions: The ionized gas in the center of IC 342 contributes more strongly to the overall [CII] emission than is commonly observed on larger scales and than is predicted. Kinematic analysis shows that the majority of the [CII] emission is related to the strong but embedded star formation in the nuclear molecular ring and only marginally emitted from the expanding bi-polar lobes of ionized gas.Comment: 20 pages spectra available online: http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/ submitted to and accepted by A&

    The ionized and hot gas in M17 SW: SOFIA/GREAT THz observations of [C II] and 12CO J=13-12

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    With new THz maps that cover an area of ~3.3x2.1 pc^2 we probe the spatial distribution and association of the ionized, neutral and molecular gas components in the M17 SW nebula. We used the dual band receiver GREAT on board the SOFIA airborne telescope to obtain a 5'.7x3'.7 map of the 12CO J=13-12 transition and the [C II] 158 um fine-structure line in M17 SW and compare the spectroscopically resolved maps with corresponding ground-based data for low- and mid-J CO and [C I] emission. For the first time SOFIA/GREAT allow us to compare velocity-resolved [C II] emission maps with molecular tracers. We see a large part of the [C II] emission, both spatially and in velocity, that is completely non-associated with the other tracers of photon-dominated regions (PDR). Only particular narrow channel maps of the velocity-resolved [C II] spectra show a correlation between the different gas components, which is not seen at all in the integrated intensity maps. These show different morphology in all lines but give hardly any information on the origin of the emission. The [C II] 158 um emission extends for more than 2 pc into the M17 SW molecular cloud and its line profile covers a broader velocity range than the 12CO J=13-12 and [C I] emissions, which we interpret as several clumps and layers of ionized carbon gas within the telescope beam. The high-J CO emission emerges from a dense region between the ionized and neutral carbon emissions, indicating the presence of high-density clumps that allow the fast formation of hot CO in the irradiated complex structure of M17 SW. The [C II] observations in the southern PDR cannot be explained with stratified nor clumpy PDR models.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, letter accepted for the SOFIA/GREAT A&A 2012 special issu

    Aperture synthesis observations of the molecular ring in the galactic center

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    Reported are 88 GHz aperture synthesis observations of HCN J=1 yields 0 emission and absorption in the central 5 pc of the Galaxy. The data, taken by the Hat Creek mm-interferometer at 5" to 10" spatial and 4 km/s spectral resolution, show a complete, clumpy ring of molecular gas surrounding the ionized central 2 pc of the Galaxy. The ring is the inner edge of a larger disk extending to about 5 pc. Comparison with sub-mm line data suggests that the HCN 1-0 line is slightly optically thick and originates in subthermally populated gas. The clumpy line emission distribution reflects a combination of hydrogen volume and column density variations. The new data clearly show a close physical relation between the molecular and the ionized gas in the central cavity. The western arc appears to be the ionized inner surface of the molecular ring, and the northern arm and bar may be streamers of ionized gas falling from the ring toward the center. The dominant large scale velocity pattern of the majority of the molecular gas in the inner 5 pc is rotation. No overall radial motion of the ring greater than about 20 km/s is apparent. The rotation is perturbed in several ways; (1) there is a very large local velocity dispersion, (2) the ring shows changes in position angle and inclination (warps), (3) there is a bright, redshifted cloud which appears to be located in the western part of the ring but does not participate in the rotation. These characteristics and the high degree of clumpiness indicate a non-equilibrium configuration of short (less than or approx. 10 to the 4th power to 10 to the 5th power y) dynamical lifetime. The warping and tilting of the structure and the short dynamical lifetime make an accurate determination of equilibrium rotation velocity uncertain

    A 492 GHz cooled Schottky receiver for radio-astronomy

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    We developed a 492 GHz cooled GaAs Schottky receiver driven by a solid state local oscillator with a DSB noise temperature of 550 K measured at the telescope. The receiver-bandwidth is approx. equal to 1.0 GHz. Quasi-optical mirrors focus the sky and local oscillator radiation into the mixer. Stability analysis via the Allan variance method shows that the total system including a 1 GHz bandwidth acousto-optical spectrometer built in Cologne allows integration times up to 100 sec per half switching cycle. We successfully used the receiver at the KOSMA 3 m telescope on Gornergrat (3150m) located in the central Swiss Alps near Zermatt during January-February 1992 for observations of the 492 GHz, (CI) (3)P1 to (3)P0 fine structure line in several galactic sources. These observations confirm that Gornergrat is an excellent winter submillimeter site in accordance with previous predictions based on the atmospheric opacity from KOSMA 345 GHz measurements

    Detection of a large fraction of atomic gas not associated with star-forming material in M17 SW

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    We probe the column densities and masses traced by the ionized and neutral atomic carbon with spectrally resolved maps, and compare them to the diffuse and dense molecular gas traced by [C I] and low-JJ CO lines toward the star-forming region M17SW. We mapped a 4.1pc x 4.7pc region in the [C I] 609 mμ\mu line using the APEX telescope, as well as the CO isotopologues with the IRAM 30m telescope. We analyze the data based on velocity channel maps that are 1 km/s wide. We correlate their spatial distribution with that of the [C II] map obtained with SOFIA/GREAT. Optically thin approximations were used to estimate the column densities of [C I] and [C II] in each velocity channel. The spatial distribution of the [C I] and all CO isotopologues emission was found to be associated with that of [C II] in about 20%-80% of the mapped region, with the high correlation found in the central (15-23 km/s ) velocity channels. The excitation temperature of [C I] ranges between 40 K and 100 K in the inner molecular region of M17 SW. Column densities in 1 km/s channels between ~1015^{15} and ~1017^{17} cm2^{-2} were found for [C I]. Just ~20% of the velocity range (~40 km/s) that the [C II] line spans is associated with the star-forming material traced by [C I] and CO. The total gas mass estimated from the [C II] emission gives a lower limit of ~4.4x103^3 MM_{\odot}. At least 64% of this mass is not associated with the star-forming material in M17SW. We also found that about 36%, 17%, and 47% of the [C II] emission is associated with the HII, HI, and H_2 regimes, respectively. Comparisons with the H41α\alpha line shows an ionization region mixed with the neutral and part of the molecular gas, in agreement with the clumped structure and dynamical processes at play in M17SW. These results are also relevant to extra-galactic studies in which [C II] is often used as a tracer of star-forming material.Comment: 21 pages + 6 pages of appendix, 32 figures in total, accepted for publication on A&A (10/12/2014) Relevant calibrated data cubes are available on CD

    The Carbon content in the Galactic CygnusX/DR21 star forming region

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    Observations of Carbon bearing species are among the most important diagnostic probes of ongoing star formation. CO is a surrogate for H2_2 and is found in the vicinity of star formation sites. There, [CI] emission is thought to outline the dense molecular cores and extend into the lower density regions, where the impinging interstellar UV radiation field plays a critical role for the dissociation and ionization processes. Emission of ionized carbon ([CII]) is found to be even more extended than [CI] and is linking up with the ionized medium. These different tracers emphasize the importance of multi-wavelength studies to draw a coherent picture of the processes driving and driven by high mass star formation. Until now, large scale surveys were only done with low resolution, such as the COBE full sky survey, or were biased to a few selected bright sources (e.g. Yamamoto et al. 2001, Schneider et al. 2003). A broader basis of unbiased, high-resolution observations of [CI], CO, and [CII] may play a key role to probe the material processed by UV radiation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure, to appear in "Proceedings of the 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt-Symposium", ed. S. Pfalzner, C. Kramer, C. Straubmeier, and A. Heithausen (Springer Verlag

    The molecular environment of massive star forming cores associated with Class II methanol maser emission

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    Methanol maser emission has proven to be an excellent signpost of regions undergoing massive star formation (MSF). To investigate their role as an evolutionary tracer, we have recently completed a large observing program with the ATCA to derive the dynamical and physical properties of molecular/ionised gas towards a sample of MSF regions traced by 6.7 GHz methanol maser emission. We find that the molecular gas in many of these regions breaks up into multiple sub-clumps which we separate into groups based on their association with/without methanol maser and cm continuum emission. The temperature and dynamic state of the molecular gas is markedly different between the groups. Based on these differences, we attempt to assess the evolutionary state of the cores in the groups and thus investigate the role of class II methanol masers as a tracer of MSF.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, IAU Symposium 242 Conference Proceeding

    The Fractal Dimension of Projected Clouds

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    The interstellar medium seems to have an underlying fractal structure which can be characterized through its fractal dimension. However, interstellar clouds are observed as projected two-dimensional images, and the projection of a tri-dimensional fractal distorts its measured properties. Here we use simulated fractal clouds to study the relationship between the tri-dimensional fractal dimension (D_f) of modeled clouds and the dimension resulting from their projected images. We analyze different fractal dimension estimators: the correlation and mass dimensions of the clouds, and the perimeter-based dimension of their boundaries (D_per). We find the functional forms relating D_f with the projected fractal dimensions, as well as the dependence on the image resolution, which allow to estimatethe "real" D_f value of a cloud from its projection. The application of these results to Orion A indicates in a self-consistent way that 2.5 < D_f < 2.7 for this molecular cloud, a value higher than the result D_per+1 = 2.3 some times assumed in literature for interstellar clouds.Comment: 27 pages, 13 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Minor change

    Disentangling the excitation conditions of the dense gas in M17 SW

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    We probe the chemical and energetic conditions in dense gas created by radiative feedback through observations of multiple CO, HCN and HCO+^+ transitions toward the dense core of M17 SW. We used the dual band receiver GREAT on board the SOFIA airborne telescope to obtain maps of the J=1615J=16-15, J=1211J=12-11, and J=1110J=11-10 transitions of 12^{12}CO. We compare these maps with corresponding APEX and IRAM 30m telescope data for low- and mid-JJ CO, HCN and HCO+^+ emission lines, including maps of the HCN J=87J=8-7 and HCO+^+ J=98J=9-8 transitions. The excitation conditions of 12^{12}CO, HCO+^+ and HCN are estimated with a two-phase non-LTE radiative transfer model of the line spectral energy distributions (LSEDs) at four selected positions. The energy balance at these positions is also studied. We obtained extensive LSEDs for the CO, HCN and HCO+^+ molecules toward M17 SW. The LSED shape, particularly the high-JJ tail of the CO lines observed with SOFIA/GREAT, is distinctive for the underlying excitation conditions. The critical magnetic field criterion implies that the cold cloudlets at two positions are partially controlled by processes that create and dissipate internal motions. Supersonic but sub-Alfv\'enic velocities in the cold component at most selected positions indicates that internal motions are likely MHD waves. Magnetic pressure dominates thermal pressure in both gas components at all selected positions, assuming random orientation of the magnetic field. The magnetic pressure of a constant magnetic field throughout all the gas phases can support the total internal pressure of the cold components, but it cannot support the internal pressure of the warm components. If the magnetic field scales as Bn2/3B \propto n^{2/3}, then the evolution of the cold cloudlets at two selected positions, and the warm cloudlets at all selected positions, will be determined by ambipolar diffusion.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figures, A&A accepte