187 research outputs found

    Atmospheric refractivity effects on mid-infrared ELT adaptive optics

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    We discuss the effect of atmospheric dispersion on the performance of a mid-infrared adaptive optics assisted instrument on an extremely large telescope (ELT). Dispersion and atmospheric chromaticity is generally considered to be negligible in this wavelength regime. It is shown here, however, that with the much-reduced diffraction limit size on an ELT and the need for diffraction-limited performance, refractivity phenomena should be carefully considered in the design and operation of such an instrument. We include an overview of the theory of refractivity, and the influence of infrared resonances caused by the presence of water vapour and other constituents in the atmosphere. `Traditional' atmospheric dispersion is likely to cause a loss of Strehl only at the shortest wavelengths (L-band). A more likely source of error is the difference in wavelengths at which the wavefront is sensed and corrected, leading to pointing offsets between wavefront sensor and science instrument that evolve with time over a long exposure. Infrared radiation is also subject to additional turbulence caused by the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere not seen by visible wavefront sensors, whose effect is poorly understood. We make use of information obtained at radio wavelengths to make a first-order estimate of its effect on the performance of a mid-IR ground-based instrument. The calculations in this paper are performed using parameters from two different sites, one `standard good site' and one `high and dry site' to illustrate the importance of the choice of site for an ELT.Comment: 11 pages, to be published in SPIE Proceedings vol. 7015, Adaptive Optics Systems, eds. N. Hubin, C.E. Max and P.L. Wizinowich, 200

    Modeling Li I and K I sensitivity to Pleiades activity

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    We compare schematic modeling of spots and plage on the surface of cool dwarfs with Pleiades data to assess effects of magnetic activity on the strengths of the L II and K I resonance lines in Pleiades spectra. Comprehensive L II and K I NLTE line formation computation is combined with comparatively well-established empirical solar spot and plage stratifications for solar-like stars. For other stars, we use theoretical constructs to model spots and plage that portray recipes commonly applied in stellar activity analyses. We find that - up to B-V = 1.1 | neither the L 670.8 nm nor the K I 769.9 nm line is sensitive to the presence of a chromosphere, in contrast to what is often supposed. Instead, both lines respond to the effects of activity on the stratification in the deep photosphere. They do so in similar fashion, making the K I line a valid proxy to study L II line formation without spread from abundance variations. The computed effects of activity on line strength are opposite between plage and spots, differ noticeably between the empirical and theoretical solar-like stratifications, and considerably affect stellar broad-band colors. Our results indicate that one can neither easily establish, nor easily exclude, magnetic activity as major provider of K I line strength variation in the Pleiades. Since L II line formation follows K I line formation closely, the same holds for L II and the apparent lithium abundance

    Mid-Infrared Instrumentation for the European Extremely Large Telescope

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    MIDIR is the proposed thermal/mid-IR imager and spectrograph for the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT). It will cover the wavelength range of 3 to at least 20 microns. Designed for diffraction-limited performance over the entire wavelength range, MIDIR will require an adaptive optics system; a cryogenically cooled system could offer optimal performance in the IR, and this is a critical aspect of the instrument design. We present here an overview of the project, including a discussion of MIDIR's science goals and a comparison with other infrared (IR) facilities planned in the next decade; top level requirements derived from these goals are outlined. We describe the optical and mechanical design work carried out in the context of a conceptual design study, and discuss some important issues to emerge from this work, related to the design, operation and calibration of the instrument. The impact of telescope optical design choices on the requirements for the MIDIR instrument is demonstrated.Comment: for publication in SPIE Proceedings vol. 6692, Cryogenic Optical Systems and Instrumentation XII, eds. J.B. Heaney and L.G. Burriesci, San Diego, Aug 200

    Data calibration for the MASCARA and bRing instruments

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    Aims: MASCARA and bRing are photometric surveys designed to detect variability caused by exoplanets in stars with mV<8.4m_V < 8.4. Such variability signals are typically small and require an accurate calibration algorithm, tailored to the survey, in order to be detected. This paper presents the methods developed to calibrate the raw photometry of the MASCARA and bRing stations and characterizes the performance of the methods and instruments. Methods: For the primary calibration a modified version of the coarse decorrelation algorithm is used, which corrects for the extinction due to the earth's atmosphere, the camera transmission, and intrapixel variations. Residual trends are removed from the light curves of individual stars using empirical secondary calibration methods. In order to optimize these methods, as well as characterize the performance of the instruments, transit signals were injected in the data. Results: After optimal calibration an RMS scatter of 10 mmag at mV7.5m_V \sim 7.5 is achieved in the light curves. By injecting transit signals with periods between one and five days in the MASCARA data obtained by the La Palma station over the course of one year, we demonstrate that MASCARA La Palma is able to recover 84.0, 60.5 and 20.7% of signals with depths of 2, 1 and 0.5% respectively, with a strong dependency on the observed declination, recovering 65.4% of all transit signals at δ>0\delta > 0^\circ versus 35.8% at δ<0\delta < 0^\circ. Using the full three years of data obtained by MASCARA La Palma to date, similar recovery rates are extended to periods up to ten days. We derive a preliminary occurrence rate for hot Jupiters around A-stars of >0.4%{>} 0.4 \%, knowing that many hot Jupiters are still overlooked. In the era of TESS, MASCARA and bRing will provide an interesting synergy for finding long-period (>13.5{>} 13.5 days) transiting gas-giant planets around the brightest stars.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    bRing: An observatory dedicated to monitoring the β\beta Pictoris b Hill sphere transit

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    Aims. We describe the design and first light observations from the β\beta Pictoris b Ring ("bRing") project. The primary goal is to detect photometric variability from the young star β\beta Pictoris due to circumplanetary material surrounding the directly imaged young extrasolar gas giant planet \bpb. Methods. Over a nine month period centred on September 2017, the Hill sphere of the planet will cross in front of the star, providing a unique opportunity to directly probe the circumplanetary environment of a directly imaged planet through photometric and spectroscopic variations. We have built and installed the first of two bRing monitoring stations (one in South Africa and the other in Australia) that will measure the flux of β\beta Pictoris, with a photometric precision of 0.5%0.5\% over 5 minutes. Each station uses two wide field cameras to cover the declination of the star at all elevations. Detection of photometric fluctuations will trigger spectroscopic observations with large aperture telescopes in order to determine the gas and dust composition in a system at the end of the planet-forming era. Results. The first three months of operation demonstrate that bRing can obtain better than 0.5\% photometry on β\beta Pictoris in five minutes and is sensitive to nightly trends enabling the detection of any transiting material within the Hill sphere of the exoplanet

    Lithium in Blanco1: Implications for Stellar Mixing

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    We obtain lithium abundances for G and K stars in Blanco 1, an open cluster with an age similar to, or slightly younger than, the Pleiades. We critically examine previous spectroscopic abundance analyses of Blanco 1 and conclude that while there were flaws in earlier work, it is likely that Blanco 1 is close in overall metallicity to the older Hyades cluster and more metal-rich than the Pleiades. However, we find Blanco 1 has Li abundances and rotation rates similar to the Pleiades, contradicting predictions from standard stellar evolution models, in which convective pre-main sequence (PMS) Li depletion should increase rapidly with metallicity. If the high metallicity of Blanco 1 is subsequently confirmed, our observations imply (1) that a currently unknown mechanism severely inhibits PMS Li depletion, (2) that additional non-standard mixing modes, such as those driven by rotation and angular momentum loss, are then responsible for main sequence Li depletion between the ages of Blanco 1 and the Hyades, and (3) that in clusters younger than the Hyades, metallicity plays only a minor role in determining the amount of Li depletion among G and K stars. These conclusions suggest that Li abundance remains a useful age indicator among young (less than 700 Myr) stars even when metallicities are unknown. If non-standard mixing is effective in Population I stars, the primordial Li abundance could be significantly larger than present day Population II Li abundances, due to prior Li depletion.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figs. To appear in ApJ Vol. 511 (Jan 20 1999

    MASCARA-2 b: A hot Jupiter transiting the mV=7.6m_V=7.6 A-star HD185603

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    In this paper we present MASCARA-2 b, a hot Jupiter transiting the mV=7.6m_V=7.6 A2 star HD 185603. Since early 2015, MASCARA has taken more than 1.6 million flux measurements of the star, corresponding to a total of almost 3000 hours of observations, revealing a periodic dimming in the flux with a depth of 1.3%1.3\%. Photometric follow-up observations were performed with the NITES and IAC80 telescopes and spectroscopic measurements were obtained with the Hertzsprung SONG telescope. We find MASCARA-2 b orbits HD 185603 with a period of 3.4741190.000006+0.000005 days3.474119^{+0.000005}_{-0.000006}~\rm{days} at a distance of 0.057±0.006 AU0.057 \pm 0.006~\rm{AU}, has a radius of 1.83±0.07 RJ1.83 \pm 0.07~\rm{R}_{\rm{J}} and place a 99%99\% upper limit on the mass of <17 MJ< 17~\rm{M}_{\rm{J}}. HD 185603 is a rapidly rotating early-type star with an effective temperature of 8980130+90 K8980^{+90}_{-130}~\rm{K} and a mass and radius of 1.890.05+0.06 M1.89^{+0.06}_{-0.05}~M_\odot, 1.60±0.06 R1.60 \pm 0.06~R_\odot, respectively. Contrary to most other hot Jupiters transiting early-type stars, the projected planet orbital axis and stellar spin axis are found to be aligned with λ=0.6±4\lambda=0.6 \pm 4^\circ. The brightness of the host star and the high equilibrium temperature, 2260±50 K2260 \pm 50~\rm{K}, of MASCARA-2 b make it a suitable target for atmospheric studies from the ground and space. Of particular interest is the detection of TiO, which has recently been detected in the similarly hot planets WASP-33 b and WASP-19 b.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Lithium abundances from the 6104A line in cool Pleiades stars

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    Lithium abundances determined by spectral synthesis from both the 6708A resonance line and the 6104 subordinate line are reported for 11 late-type Pleiades stars, including spectra previously analysed by Russell (1996). We report a 0.7 dex scatter in the abundances from 6708A, and a scatter at least as large from the 6104A line. We find a reasonable correllation between the 6104A and 6708A Li abundances, although four stars have 6104A-determined abundances which are significantly larger than the 6708-determined values, by up to 0.5 dex, suggesting problems with the homogeneous, one-dimensional atmospheres being used. We show that these discrepancies can be explained, although probably not uniquely, by the presence of star spots with plausible coverage fractions. The addition of spots does not significantly reduce the apparent scatter in Li abundances, leaving open the possibility that at least some of the spread is caused by real star-to-star differences in pre-main- sequence Li depletion.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; Accepted by A&A 17/05/0