3,066 research outputs found

    Exposure system for animals Patent

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    System for continuous monitoring of exhalations, weighing, and cage cleaning for animal exposed to controlled atmosphere for toxic stud

    New system for bathing bedridden patients

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    Multihead shower facility can be used with minimal patient handling. Waterproof curtain allows patient to bathe with his head out of shower. He can move completely inside shower to wash his face and hair. Main advantage of shower system is time saved in giving bath

    Advanced Centaur explicit guidance equation study Final report

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    Generalized equations and in-flight computer requirements for Centaur guidance and control and advanced mission plannin

    On the use of variability time-scales as an early classifier of radio transients and variables

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    We have shown previously that a broad correlation between the peak radio luminosity and the variability time-scales, approximately L ~ t^5, exists for variable synchrotron emitting sources and that different classes of astrophysical source occupy different regions of luminosity and time-scale space. Based on those results, we investigate whether the most basic information available for a newly discovered radio variable or transient - their rise and/or decline rate - can be used to set initial constraints on the class of events from which they originate. We have analysed a sample of ~ 800 synchrotron flares, selected from light-curves of ~ 90 sources observed at 5-8 GHz, representing a wide range of astrophysical phenomena, from flare stars to supermassive black holes. Selection of outbursts from the noisy radio light-curves has been done automatically in order to ensure reproducibility of results. The distribution of rise/decline rates for the selected flares is modelled as a Gaussian probability distribution for each class of object, and further convolved with estimated areal density of that class in order to correct for the strong bias in our sample. We show in this way that comparing the measured variability time-scale of a radio transient/variable of unknown origin can provide an early, albeit approximate, classification of the object, and could form part of a suite of measurements used to provide early categorisation of such events. Finally, we also discuss the effect scintillating sources will have on our ability to classify events based on their variability time-scales.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Blood changes in acutely splenectomized rats during prolonged hyperoxic exposure

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    Effect of high pressure oxygen exposure on red blood cells in splenectomized rat

    Staying on message: ensuring fidelity in pre-mRNA splicing

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    The faithful expression of genes requires that cellular machinery select substrates with high specificity at each step in gene expression. High specificity is particularly important at the stage of nuclear pre-mRNA splicing, during which the spliceosome selects splice sites and excises intervening introns. With low specificity, the usage of alternative sites would yield insertions, deletions and frame shifts in mRNA. Recently, biochemical, genetic and genome-wide approaches have significantly advanced our understanding of splicing fidelity. In particular, we have learned that DExD/H-box ATPases play a general role in rejecting and discarding suboptimal substrates and that these factors serve as a paradigm for proofreading NTPases in other systems. Recent advances have also defined fundamental questions for future investigations

    Perceptions of Beauty Among Female Chinese Students in the United States and China

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    This pilot study compared the perceptions of beauty among Chinese women who were exchange students in the United States with Chinese women who were students in their homeland. We interviewed 19 women in China and 19 women in the United States to determine differences in responses. In accordance with the sociocultural approach and the social comparison approach, we expected Chinese women in the United States to have a be more acculturate, more frequently conclude that American women were more beautiful than Chinese women, be more likely than those studying in China to report body dissatisfaction, be more likely to dislike and desire to alter body parts that specifically reflect American beauty ideals, and express a greater desire to surgically alter their bodies. Results indicated that participants in the United States group were more likely to reflect some American beauty standards (particularly their desires to lose weight and to be taller), while maintaining those of their own culture (the importance of facial appearance), as well. Suggestions for future research and practice, particularly for mental health workers on college campuses with growing populations of Chinese exchange students, are discussed

    How Relations are Built within a SNS World: Social Network Analysis on Mixi

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    Our purpose here is to (1) investigate the structure of the personal networks developed on mixi, a Japanese social networking service (SNS), and (2) to consider the governing mechanism which guides participants of a SNS to form an aggregate network. Our findings are as follows:the clustering coefficient of the network is as high as 0.33 while the characteristic path lenght is as low as 5.5. A network among central users (over 300 edges) consist of two cliques, which seems to be very fragile. Community-affiliation network suggests there are several easy-entry communities which later lead users to more high-entry, unique-theme communities. The analysis on connectedness within a community reveals the importance of real-world interaction. Lastly, we depict a probable image of the entire ecology on mixi among users and communities, which contributes broadly to social systems on the Web

    Stability Analysis of Asynchronous States in Neuronal Networks with Conductance-Based Inhibition

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    Oscillations in networks of inhibitory interneurons have been reported at various sites of the brain and are thought to play a fundamental role in neuronal processing. This Letter provides a self-contained analytical framework that allows numerically efficient calculations of the population activity of a network of conductance-based integrate-and-fire neurons that are coupled through inhibitory synapses. Based on a normalization equation this Letter introduces a novel stability criterion for a network state of asynchronous activity and discusses its perturbations. The analysis shows that, although often neglected, the reversal potential of synaptic inhibition has a strong influence on the stability as well as the frequency of network oscillations

    Strategies Employed by Clergy to Prevent and Cope with Interpersonal Isolation

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    Numerous studies have affirmed that interpersonal isolation is one of the unique challenges clergy face. This study examined the experience of interpersonal isolation among a sample of clergy serving in a senior pastor role by having them complete a modified form of the Social Support Questionnaire, Short Form (SSQSR), as well as six open-ended interview questions. The interview responses of clergy participants were compared based on a median split of the SSQSR satisfaction scores. Analysis of clergy responses revealed several prominent themes in the following areas: barriers to establishing supportive relationships, strategies for establishing and maintaining supportive relationships, lack of support, and coping with loneliness. Identified themes, as well as clergy responses that exemplified these themes, are discussed. Clergy with social support scores at or above the median more frequently indicated that being transparent and vulnerable is a means by which they establish and maintain close, supportive relationships with others
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