489 research outputs found

    Les fièvres dans un centre PMI d'Abidjan : étiologies et pratiques thérapeutiques

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    Les auteurs ont étudié les caractéristiques clinicobiologiques de tous les enfants consultant pour fièvre dans un centre de Protection Maternelle et Infantile d'un quartier populaire d'Abidjan; soit du 01.02.1987 au 30.04.1987, 354 enfants avec plus de 37°8 C de température rectale. Le diagnostic le plus fréquent est celui de rougeole (184) suivi des infections respiratoires aiguës (90). Seuls 11 cas de paludisme ont été diagnostiqués cliniquement mais 29 enfants sont porteurs de plasmodium dont 4 #P. malariae$ et 26 avec une parasitémie supérieure à 1000 GR parasités par mm3. Il semble que la stratégie de chimiothérapie présomptive des accès fébriles continue à se justifier, les infirmiers se montrant capables de suspecter les causes d'hyperthermie autres que palustres. (Résumé d'auteur

    Microbial contamination of laboratory constructed removable orthodontic appliances

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    Prurit après prise de chloroquine et filarioses

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    Une étude des rapports entre le prurit après prise de chloroquine et l'infection par #Mansonella perstans filaire sanguine fréquente dans certaines régions mais passant inaperçue car peu pathogène et par #Onchocerca volvulus filaire dermique fréquente et aux conséquences pathologiques parfois graves a été menée dans deux villages de Côte d'Ivoire. Il n'est pas possible de mettre en évidence un rapport entre l'existence de ce prurit et l'infection par ces deux filaires. (Résumé d'auteur

    Impact of the repurposed drug thonzonium bromide on host oral-gut microbiomes

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    Drug repurposing is a feasible strategy for the development of novel therapeutic applications. However, its potential use for oral treatments and impact on host microbiota remain underexplored. Here, we assessed the influences of topical oral applications of a repurposed FDA-approved drug, thonzonium bromide, on gastrointestinal microbiomes and host tissues in a rat model of dental caries designed to reduce cross-contamination associated with coprophagy. Using this model, we recapitulated the body site microbiota that mirrored the human microbiome profile. Oral microbiota was perturbed by the treatments with specific disruption of Rothia and Veillonella without affecting the global composition of the fecal microbiome. However, disturbances in the oral-gut microbial interactions were identified using nestedness and machine learning, showing increased sharing of oral taxon Sutterella in the gut microbiota. Host-tissue analyses revealed caries reduction on teeth by thonzonium bromide without cytotoxic effects, indicating bioactivity and biocompatibility when used orally. Altogether, we demonstrate how an oral treatment using a repurposed drug causes localized microbial disturbances and therapeutic effects while promoting turnover of specific oral species in the lower gut in vivo

    L'infection par le VIH chez les femmes en âge de procréer à Sassandra (Côte d'Ivoire)

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    Le travail, réalisé en 1988-1989, a consisté à comparer les caractéristiques socio-démographiques des femmes en âge de procréer (15-49 ans) d'une sous-préfecture rurale de Côte d'Ivoire (Sassandra) avec leur statut sérologique VIH afin de dégager des variables explicatives de cette séropositivité. Il n'a pas été possible de tester que 521 femmes sur les 1084 qui constituaient la population de départ, mais les deux sous-populations ne diffèrent que par les lieux de naissance et de résidence. La séropositivité tréponémique est élevée, de façon homogène. Pour la séropositivité du VIH, le taux global de séropositivité est de 6,1 plus ou moins 0,02 %, soit un taux intermédiaire (différences non significatives) entre ceux trouvés lors de l'enquête nationale en zone rurale (4,9 %) et en zone urbaine (7,3 %). Ce taux de séropositivité est lié au lieu de naissance (même après ajustement sur le taux de présentation); les femmes nées dans la région sont plus souvent positives que les autres et les femmes nées dans les villages plus souvent que celles nées en ville (p = 0,005 et 0,02). En revanche, les femmes mariées sont moins souvent positives que les femmes non mariées et que celles vivant en union libre (p = 0,02 et 0,0005); la polygamie semble apporter une certaine protection envers le VIH par rapport à la monogamie. Enfin les femmes séropositives ont eu plus souvent des enfants mort-nés et moins souvent des enfants décédés que les femmes séronégatives (p = 0,02 et 0,03). Il est proposé de renforcer les activités de surveillance prénatale et de les renforcer surtout en zone rurale pour prévenir de nouvelles infections par le VIH. (Résumé d'auteur

    Effect of non-use of antibiotics on the zootechnical performance of cobb 500 broiler chickens at the Diallo farm in the commune of Korhogo, northern Côte d'Ivoire.

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    This study was conducted at the Diallo farm in the commune of Korhogo, precisely in the new district. The general objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of not using antibiotics on the zootechnical performance of Cobb 500 broiler chickens. The experimental device consisted of constituting 2 batches of 50 broiler chickens. Batch 1, which is the control batch, did not receive antibiotics after the start until the end of the experiment. Batch 2 received antibiotics for six (6) weeks. The results showed that the broilers of batch 1 obtained the best zootechnical performance. After 42 days of breeding, the chickens of this batch consumed 6300 ml of water and 3150 g of food per bird. They obtained an average weight of 2230g against 1950g for batch 2. Similarly, they obtained a low mortality rate (8%) and a better carcass yield (75.33%). Ultimately, breeders would benefit from avoiding antibiotics for better zootechnical performance in broilers and to preserve human health

    Microbiological assessment of aerosol generated during debond of fixed orthodontic appliances

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    Introduction The aims of this study were to describe bacterial load and diversity of the aerosol created during enamel cleanup after the removal of fixed orthodontic appliances and to assess the effect of a preprocedural mouth rinse. Methods The study involved the sampling of ambient air adjacent to the patient's mouth during adhesive removal using a slow-speed handpiece and a spiral fluted tungsten carbide bur without water irrigation. Sampling was carried out during enamel cleanup with or without a preprocedural mouth rinse of either sterile water or chlorhexidine. Airborne particles were collected using a viable inertial impactor simulating the human respiratory tree. The bacteria collected were analyzed using both culture and molecular techniques. Results Bacteria produced during debond and enamel cleanup can reach all levels of the respiratory tree. The use of a preprocedural mouth rinse, either sterile water or chlorhexidine, increased the numbers and diversity of the bacteria in the air. Conclusions When using a slow-speed handpiece and a spiral fluted tungsten carbide bur for enamel cleanup after orthodontic treatment, the bacterial load and diversity of the aerosol produced are lower when a preprocedural mouth rinse is not used.</p

    Recuperación e identificación de variedades de vid en Aragón

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    1 copia .pdf del Póster original de los Autores.- 1 Tabl.- 4 Fots. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)A partir de la década de los setenta diferentes circunstancias provocaron que muchas de las zonas más productivas arrancaran las vides antiguas y apostaran por plantaciones de variedades foráneas o distintas de las tradicionales. Conscientes de la pérdida de biodiversidad, desde la Unidad de Tecnología Vegetal (Gobierno de Aragón) se viene prospectando en toda la geografía aragonesa y recopilando accesiones de vid, especialmente en viñas antiguas y a punto de desaparecer. El año 1992 se formó el Banco de Germoplasma de Vid de Aragón (Dep. de Agricultura, Ganadería y Medio Ambiente) que conserva más de 700 accesiones (algunas caracterizadas molecularmente, Buhner-Zaharieva et al., 2010) .Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el INIA (RF2012-00027-C05-02) y el Gobierno de Aragón (A44)Peer reviewe

    Soft nanostructures out of star-shaped triazines with flexible amide spacers: liquid crystals with a cubic to columnar transition with memory effect, gels and supramolecular chirality

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    This work reports the synthesis and characterization of a new family of star-shaped tricarboxamides with C3-symmetry that have flexible amide spacers linking a tris(triazolyl)triazine core with three trialkoxyphenyl groups. The presence of amide groups allows the formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds that reinforce π-stacking and van der Waals interactions, promoting liquid crystalline behavior, and self-assembly in solvents leading to organogels. As determined by polarized optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction on powder samples, all the three reported molecules present a hexagonal columnar (Colh) phase stable at room temperature. Interestingly, they show a transition to a cubic micellar mesophase (BCC) at high temperatures. A mechanism for this transition, which is consistent with the fragmentation of columns to form supramolecular spheres, was elucidated from X-ray studies on aligned samples. Moreover, on cooling from the BCC to the columnar phase a preferential orientation of columns occurs, according to which each cubic domain gives rise to four hexagonal domains. The ability of the synthesized structures to aggregate in solvent media was studied in a variety of organic solvents, and all of them were able to gel 1-octanol at low concentrations. X-ray studies of gels and xerogels were carried out and showed a molecular organization consistent with Colh order. FTIR studies were carried out to analyze the formation of hydrogen bonds and the influence of the length of the flexible spacer in the liquid crystalline state and in the organogels. Furthermore, the presence of a stereogenic center in the flexible amide spacer leads to macroscopic chirality in the liquid crystal state and the organogels in 1-octanol as demonstrated by circular dichroism spectroscopy.This work was financially supported by the Spanish projects PGC2018-093761-B-C31, PID2021-122882NB-I00, PID2021-126132NB-I00 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, the Gobierno de Aragón-FSE (E47_20R-research group) and the Basque Goverment (Project IT1458-22)

    Epidemio-clinical study of the first iterative cesarean in the gynecology-obstetric service at the teaching hospital of Cocody

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    Background: The iterative caesarean section, is a caesarean section that is performed on a uterus already healed, therefore for fear of maternal and perinatal risks, is recognized as one of the main causes of the inflation of caesarean section in the world. One in three caesarean sections is performed because of a scar uterus. Objective of this study was to analyse the epidemiological and clinical factors of iterative caesarean sections in the gynecology-obstetrics department at the Teaching Hospital of Cocody (Abidjan).Methods: This was a retrospective and descriptive study conducted from June 1st, 2018 to May 31st, 2019, including 349 iterative caesarean section cases.Results: The first iterative C-section accounted for 16.1% of the C-section indications during the study period. The average age of the patients was 30 years. Nearly half of the patients practiced in the informal sector 47.9%, were uneducated in 38.1% of cases and lived with a partner in 73.1% of cases. The majority of patients in this series 75.1% performed at least 4 ANCs. Patients were followed by prenatal visits in 61% of cases by midwives and in 8.6% of cases had an inter-reproductive space of less than 18 months. This study patients were evacuated in 46.4% of cases. Acute fetal distress was the first indication of first iterative caesarean section with 20.3% of cases. Emergency caesarean sections accounted for 84.4% of the cases in this series. Authors found maternal death 0.3% and 6.7% perinatal mortality.Conclusions: The iterative caesarean section is a caesarean section likely to cause difficulties and complications per- operative. Although in constant improvement the prognosis of the mother-child couple still remains a problem in this context, prenatal monitoring should be the prerogative of obstetrician gynecologists