355 research outputs found

    Reading Imagined Letter Shapes from the Mind's Eye Using Real-time 7 Tesla fMRI

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    We present a 7 Tesla fMRI proof-of-concept study of the first letter speller BCI that decodes imagined letter shapes from activity patterns in early visual cortical areas. New tools are developed to enable real-time population receptive field retinotopic mapping for encoding and decoding. Using two different letter shapes (H and T), classification performance of generated activity patterns during imagery reaches 80% accuracy in each individual. Using a denoising autoencoder, recognizable letter shapes could be reconstructed and displayed as feedback to participants in the scanner

    Effects of Synaptic and Myelin Plasticity on Learning in a Network of Kuramoto Phase Oscillators

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    Models of learning typically focus on synaptic plasticity. However, learning is the result of both synaptic and myelin plasticity. Specifically, synaptic changes often co-occur and interact with myelin changes, leading to complex dynamic interactions between these processes. Here, we investigate the implications of these interactions for the coupling behavior of a system of Kuramoto oscillators. To that end, we construct a fully connected, one-dimensional ring network of phase oscillators whose coupling strength (reflecting synaptic strength) as well as conduction velocity (reflecting myelination) are each regulated by a Hebbian learning rule. We evaluate the behavior of the system in terms of structural (pairwise connection strength and conduction velocity) and functional connectivity (local and global synchronization behavior). We find that for conditions in which a system limited to synaptic plasticity develops two distinct clusters both structurally and functionally, additional adaptive myelination allows for functional communication across these structural clusters. Hence, dynamic conduction velocity permits the functional integration of structurally segregated clusters. Our results confirm that network states following learning may be different when myelin plasticity is considered in addition to synaptic plasticity, pointing towards the relevance of integrating both factors in computational models of learning.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figures This work is submitted in Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Scienc

    An invariant distribution in static granular media

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    We have discovered an invariant distribution for local packing configurations in static granular media. This distribution holds in experiments for packing fractions covering most of the range from random loose packed to random close packed, for beads packed both in air and in water. Assuming only that there exist elementary cells in which the system volume is subdivided, we derive from statistical mechanics a distribution that is in accord with the observations. This universal distribution function for granular media is analogous to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for molecular gasses.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    Minkowski tensors and local structure metrics: Amorphous and crystalline sphere packings

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    Robust and sensitive tools to characterise local structure are essential for investigations of granular or particulate matter. Often local structure metrics derived from the bond network are used for this purpose, in particular Steinhardt's bond-orientational order parameters ql . Here we discuss an alternative method, based on the robust characterisation of the shape of the particles' Voronoi cells, by Minkowski tensors and derived anisotropy measures. We have successfully applied these metrics to quantify structural changes and the onset of crystallisation in random sphere packs. Here we specifically discuss the expectation values of these metrics for simple crystalline unimodal packings of spheres, consisting of single spheres on the points of a Bravais lattice. These data provide an important reference for the discussion of anisotropy values of disordered structures that are typically of relevance in granular systems. This analysis demonstrates that, at least for sufficiently high packing fractions above φ > 0.61, crystalline sphere packs exist whose Voronoi cells are more anisotropic with respect to a volumetric moment tensor than the average value of Voronoi cell anisotropy in random sphere packs

    L-arabinose co-ingestion delays glucose absorption derived from sucrose in healthy men and women : A double-blind, randomized crossover trial

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    Dietary interventions to delay carbohydrate digestion or absorption can effectively prevent hyperglycaemia in the early postprandial phase. L-arabinose can specifically inhibit sucrase. It remains to be assessed whether co-ingestion of L-arabinose with sucrose delays sucrose digestion, attenuates subsequent glucose absorption and impacts hepatic glucose output. In this double-blind, randomised crossover study, we assessed blood glucose kinetics following ingestion of a 200-ml drink containing 50 g of sucrose with 7·5 g of L-arabinose (L-ARA) or without L-arabinose (CONT) in twelve young, healthy participants (24 ± 1 years; BMI: 22·2 ± 0·5 kg/m2). Plasma glucose kinetics were determined by a dual stable isotope methodology involving ingestion of (U-13C6)-glucose-enriched sucrose, and continuous intravenous infusion of (6,6–2H2)-glucose. Peak glucose concentrations reached 8·18 ± 0·29 mmol/l for CONT 30 min after ingestion. In contrast, the postprandial rise in plasma glucose was attenuated for L-ARA, because peak glucose concentrations reached 6·62 ± 0·18 mmol/l only 60 min after ingestion. The rate of exogenous glucose appearance for L-ARA was 67 and 57 % lower compared with CONT at t = 15 min and 30 min, respectively, whereas it was 214 % higher at t = 150 min, indicating a more stable absorption of exogenous glucose for L-ARA compared with CONT. Total glucose disappearance during the first hour was lower for L-ARA compared with CONT (11 ± 1 v. 17 ± 1 g, P < 0·0001). Endogenous glucose production was not differentially affected at any time point (P = 0·27). Co-ingestion of L-arabinose with sucrose delays sucrose digestion, resulting in a slower absorption of sucrose-derived glucose without causing adverse effects in young, healthy adults

    Minkowski tensors and local structure metrics: Amorphous and crystalline sphere packings

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    Robust and sensitive tools to characterise local structure are essential for investigations of granular or particulate matter. Often local structure metrics derived from the bond network are used for this purpose, in particular Steinhardt's bond-orientational order parameters ql . Here we discuss an alternative method, based on the robust characterisation of the shape of the particles' Voronoi cells, by Minkowski tensors and derived anisotropy measures. We have successfully applied these metrics to quantify structural changes and the onset of crystallisation in random sphere packs. Here we specifically discuss the expectation values of these metrics for simple crystalline unimodal packings of spheres, consisting of single spheres on the points of a Bravais lattice. These data provide an important reference for the discussion of anisotropy values of disordered structures that are typically of relevance in granular systems. This analysis demonstrates that, at least for sufficiently high packing fractions above φ > 0.61, crystalline sphere packs exist whose Voronoi cells are more anisotropic with respect to a volumetric moment tensor than the average value of Voronoi cell anisotropy in random sphere packs

    Channel-Independent and Sensor-Independent Stimulus Representations

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    This paper shows how a machine, which observes stimuli through an uncharacterized, uncalibrated channel and sensor, can glean machine-independent information (i.e., channel- and sensor-independent information) about the stimuli. First, we demonstrate that a machine defines a specific coordinate system on the stimulus state space, with the nature of that coordinate system depending on the device's channel and sensor. Thus, machines with different channels and sensors "see" the same stimulus trajectory through state space, but in different machine-specific coordinate systems. For a large variety of physical stimuli, statistical properties of that trajectory endow the stimulus configuration space with differential geometric structure (a metric and parallel transfer procedure), which can then be used to represent relative stimulus configurations in a coordinate-system-independent manner (and, therefore, in a channel- and sensor-independent manner). The resulting description is an "inner" property of the stimulus time series in the sense that it does not depend on extrinsic factors like the observer's choice of a coordinate system in which the stimulus is viewed (i.e., the observer's choice of channel and sensor). This methodology is illustrated with analytic examples and with a numerically simulated experiment. In an intelligent sensory device, this kind of representation "engine" could function as a "front-end" that passes channel/sensor-independent stimulus representations to a pattern recognition module. After a pattern recognizer has been trained in one of these devices, it could be used without change in other devices having different channels and sensors.Comment: The results of a numerically simulated experiment, which illustrates the proposed method, have been added to the version submitted on October 27, 2004. This paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics. For related papers, see http://www.geocities.com/dlevin2001

    Post-exercise protein synthesis rates are only marginally higher in type I compared with type II muscle fibres following resistance-type exercise.

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    We examined the effect of an acute bout of resistance exercise on fractional muscle protein synthesis rates in human type I and type II muscle fibres. After a standardised breakfast (31 ± 1 kJ kg(−1) body weight, consisting of 52 Energy% (En%) carbohydrate, 34 En% protein and 14 En% fat), 9 untrained men completed a lower-limb resistance exercise bout (8 sets of 10 repetitions leg press and leg extension at 70% 1RM). A primed, continuous infusion of l-[ring-(13)C(6)]phenylalanine was combined with muscle biopsies collected from both legs immediately after exercise and after 6 h of post-exercise recovery. Single muscle fibres were dissected from freeze-dried biopsies and stained for ATPase activity with pre-incubation at a pH of 4.3. Type I and II fibres were separated under a light microscope and analysed for protein-bound l-[ring-(13)C(6)]phenylalanine labelling. Baseline (post-exercise) l-[ring-(13)C(6)]phenylalanine muscle tissue labelling, expressed as (∂(13)C/(12)C), averaged −32.09 ± 0.28, −32.53 ± 0.10 and −32.02 ± 0.16 in the type I and II muscle fibres and mixed muscle, respectively (P = 0.14). During post-exercise recovery, muscle protein synthesis rates were marginally (8 ± 2%) higher in the type I than type II muscle fibres, at 0.100 ± 0.005 versus 0.094 ± 0.005%/h, respectively (P < 0.05), whereby rates of mixed muscle protein were 0.091 ± 0.005%/h. Muscle protein synthesis rates following resistance-type exercise are only marginally higher in type I compared with type II muscle fibres