675 research outputs found


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    Manipulation of Fgf and Bmp signaling in teleost fishes suggests potential pathways for the evolutionary origin of multicuspid teeth

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    Teeth with two or more cusps have arisen independently from an ancestral unicuspid condition in a variety of vertebrate lineages, including sharks, teleost fishes, amphibians, lizards, and mammals. One potential explanation for the repeated origins of multicuspid teeth is the existence of multiple adaptive pathways leading to them, as suggested by their different uses in these lineages. Another is that the addition of cusps required only minor changes in genetic pathways regulating tooth development. Here we provide support for the latter hypothesis by demonstrating that manipulation of the levels of Fibroblast growth factor (Fgf) or Bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) signaling produces bicuspid teeth in the zebrafish (Danio rerio), a species lacking multicuspid teeth in its ancestry. The generality of these results for teleosts is suggested by the conversion of unicuspid pharyngeal teeth into bicuspid teeth by similar manipulations of the Mexican Tetra (Astyanax mexicanus). That these manipulations also produced supernumerary teeth in both species supports previous suggestions of similarities in the molecular control of tooth and cusp number. We conclude that despite their apparent complexity, the evolutionary origin of multicuspid teeth is positively constrained, likely requiring only slight modifications of a pre-existing mechanism for patterning the number and spacing of individual teeth. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Resolving the terrestrial planet forming regions of HD113766 and HD172555 with MIDI

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    We present new MIDI interferometric and VISIR spectroscopic observations of HD113766 and HD172555. Additionally we present VISIR 11um and 18um imaging observations of HD113766. These sources represent the youngest (16Myr and 12Myr old respectively) debris disc hosts with emission on <<10AU scales. We find that the disc of HD113766 is partially resolved on baselines of 42-102m, with variations in resolution with baseline length consistent with a Gaussian model for the disc with FWHM of 1.2-1.6AU (9-12mas). This is consistent with the VISIR observations which place an upper limit of 0."14 (17AU) on the emission, with no evidence for extended emission at larger distances. For HD172555 the MIDI observations are consistent with complete resolution of the disc emission on all baselines of lengths 56-93m, putting the dust at a distance of >1AU (>35mas). When combined with limits from TReCS imaging the dust at ~10um is constrained to lie somewhere in the region 1-8AU. Observations at ~18um reveal extended disc emission which could originate from the outer edge of a broad disc, the inner parts of which are also detected but not resolved at 10um, or from a spatially distinct component. These observations provide the most accurate direct measurements of the location of dust at 1-8AU that might originate from the collisions expected during terrestrial planet formation. These observations provide valuable constraints for models of the composition of discs at this epoch and provide a foundation for future studies to examine in more detail the morphology of debris discs.Comment: 22 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Hadro-Chemistry and Evolution of (Anti-) Baryon Densities at RHIC

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    The consequences of hadro-chemical freezeout for the subsequent hadron gas evolution in central heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies are discussed with special emphasis on effects due to antibaryons. Contrary to naive expectations, their individual conservation, as implied by experimental data, has significant impact on the chemical off-equilibrium composition of hadronic matter at collider energies. This may reflect on a variety of observables including source sizes and dilepton spectra.Comment: 4 pages ReVTeX incl. 3 ps-figs, submitted to PR

    The Structure of the {\beta} Leonis Debris Disk

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    We combine nulling interferometry at 10 {\mu}m using the MMT and Keck Telescopes with spectroscopy, imaging, and photometry from 3 to 100 {\mu}m using Spitzer to study the debris disk around {\beta} Leo over a broad range of spatial scales, corresponding to radii of 0.1 to ~100 AU. We have also measured the close binary star o Leo with both Keck and MMT interferometers to verify our procedures with these instruments. The {\beta} Leo debris system has a complex structure: 1.) relatively little material within 1 AU; 2.) an inner component with a color temperature of ~600 K, fitted by a dusty ring from about 2 to 3 AU; and 3.) a second component with a color temperature of ~120 K fitted by a broad dusty emission zone extending from about ~5 AU to ~55 AU. Unlike many other A-type stars with debris disks, {\beta} Leo lacks a dominant outer belt near 100 AU.Comment: 14 page body, 3 page appendix, 15 figure

    16O( gamma ,p) 15N reaction with linearly polarized photons

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    The 16O ( gamma ,p0) reaction has been studied with linearly polarized bremsstrahlung photons in and below the giant E1 resonance. The parity of the absorbed radiation was determined from the observed azimuthal asymmetry of the emitted protons. Combined with unpolarized measurements the polarized results determine the proton decay amplitudes of the M1 resonance at Ex=16.2 MeV in 16O. The shape of the unpolarized 16O ( gamma ,p3) angular distribution in the giant E1 resonance was derived from the measured analyzing power. NUCLEAR REACTIONS 16O( gamma ,p), E=15-25 MeV; measured analyzing power theta =90° linearly polarized bremsstrahlung; 16O dipole levels deduced pi ; 16.2 MeV 1+ resonance deduced p0 decay amplitudes; 16O GEDR deduced p3 angular distribution