261 research outputs found

    Analysis of Chemical Laboratory Management at SMAN 55 Jakarta

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    An understanding of laboratory management is highly important to be owned by parties related to the laboratory, both directly and indirectly. Laboratories must be managed and utilized properly, because chemical laboratories are one type of laboratory that is considered quite dangerous in the context of carrying out education, research, and / or community service. This study aims to describe the management of a chemical laboratory using qualitative descriptive research methods. Research subjects were the principal, vice chairman of the curriculum, chair of the laboratory, and teachers in the field of chemistry studies. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research are: 1) Planning of chemical laboratory work program has been prepared and standardized by the head of the laboratory, 2) Organizing the laboratory structurally already exists, 3) Organizing by the principal involving all those involved in laboratory management, 4) The implementation of the program is suitable with the plan of the work program, 5) Supervision and evaluation of the principal must still be carried out intensively. In other words, laboratory management at SMA 55 Jakarta has been well organized

    Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Melalui Penerapan Pendekatan Scientific

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah penerapan pendekatan Scientific dapat membentuk karakter siswa. Karena rendahnya karakter bangsa serta menurunnya kualitas moral dalam kehidupan manusia terutama di kalangan siswa disebabkan kurangnya pendidikan karakter yang ditanamkan semenjak masih sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Langsa di kelas X-Akuntasi-1. Dalam penelitian ini data diperoleh dari lembar angket yang diisi oleh 23 responden, 30 butir daftar pernyataan tertutup yang dibuat berdasarkan aspek nilai-nilai karakter yang telah ditentukan. Data dianalisis dengan langah-langkah: pengeditian (editing), skoring, tabulasi dengan cara menghitung mean dan standar deviasi, kategorisasi dengan tiga kategori yaitu: (baik,cukup,kurang), dan analisis persentase. Berdasarkan hasil persentase lembar angket karakter siswa kelas X-Akuntansi-1 temasuk kategori “baik” dengan persentase 60,86%, artinya melalui lembar angket, telah terlihat siswa memiliki karakter yang baik dan mampu sesuai dengan aspek karakter yang diamati. Dengan demikian, berdasarkan hasil persentase lembar observasi dan angket karakter siswa di kelas X-Akuntansi-1 diperoleh lebih dari 60%. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menerapkan pendekatan scientific pada materi statistika dapat membentuk karakter siswa

    Off-shell tachyon amplitudes: analyticity and projective invariance

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    We compute off-shell three- and four-tachyon amplitudes at tree level by using a prescription based on the requirement of projective invariance. In particular we show that the off-shell four-tachyon amplitude can be put in the same form as the corresponding on-shell one, exhibiting therefore the same analyticity properties. This is shown both for the bosonic and the fermionic string. The result obtained in the latter case can be extended to the off-shell four-tachyon amplitude in type 0 theory

    What Else (Besides the Syllabus) Should Students Learn in Introductory Physics?

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    We have surveyed what various groups of instructors and students think students should learn in introductory physics. We started with a Delphi Study based on interviews with experts, then developed orthogonal responses to “what should we teach non‐physics majors besides the current syllabus topics?” AAPT attendees, atomic researchers, and PERC08 attendees were asked for their selections. All instructors rated “sense‐making of the answer” very highly and expert problem solving highly. PERers favored epistemology over problem solving, and atomic researchers “physics comes from a few principles.” Students at three colleges had preferences anti‐aligned with their teachers, preferring more modern topics, and the relationship of physics to everyday life and also to society (the only choice with instructor agreement), but not problem solving or sense‐making. Conclusion #1: we must show students how old physics is relevant to their world. Conclusion #2: significant course reform must start by reaching consensus on what to teach and how to hold students’ interest (then discuss techniques to teach it).National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant PHY-0757931

    Sustaining Educational Reforms in Introductory Physics

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    While it is well known which curricular practices can improve student performance on measures of conceptual understanding, the sustaining of these practices and the role of faculty members in implementing these practices are less well understood. We present a study of the hand-off of Tutorials in Introductory Physics from initial adopters to other instructors at the University of Colorado, including traditional faculty not involved in physics education research. The study examines the impact of implementation of Tutorials on student conceptual learning across eight first-semester, and seven second-semester courses, for fifteen faculty over twelve semesters, and includes roughly 4000 students. It is possible to demonstrate consistently high, and statistically indistinguishable, student learning gains for different faculty members; however, such results are not the norm, and appear to rely on a variety of factors. Student performance varies by faculty background - faculty involved in, or informed by physics education research, consistently post higher student learning gains than less-informed faculty. Student performance in these courses also varies by curricula used - all semesters in which the research-based Tutorials and Learning Assistants are used have higher student learning gains than those semesters that rely on non-research based materials and do not employ Learning Assistants.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, and other essential inf

    Physical assessment of toxicology at nanoscale: nano dose-metrics and toxicity factor

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    In this work, we propose a systematic and reproducible evaluation of nanoparticles (NPs) toxicology in living systems, based on a physical assessment and quantification of the toxic effects of NPs by the experimental determination of the key parameter affecting the toxicity outcome (i.e., the number of NPs) and of the NPs "toxicity factor". Such a strategy was applied to a well determined scenario, i.e., the ingestion of citrate-capped gold NPs (AuNPs) of different sizes by the model system Drosophila melanogaster. Using these AuNPs as a reference toxicity standard, we were able to define different regions in the multiparametric space of toxicity, enabling the classification of the toxic levels of other nanomaterials, such as quantum dots and pegylated AuNPs. This approach may pave the way to a systematic classification of nanomaterials, leading to important developments in risk assessment and regulatory approval, as well as in a wide range of nanomedicine applications

    Signaling Cross-Talk between Salicylic and Gentisic Acid in the ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’ Interaction with Sangiovese Vines

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    “Bois noir” disease associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ seriously compromises the production and survival of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) in Europe. Understanding the plant response to phytoplasmas should help to improve disease control strategies. Using a combined metabolomic and transcriptomic analysis, this work, therefore, investigated the phytoplasma–grapevine interaction in red cultivar Sangiovese in a vineyard over four seasonal growth stages (from late spring to late summer), comparing leaves from healthy and infected grapevines (symptomatic and symptomless). We found an accumulation of both conjugate and free salicylic acids (SAs) in the leaves of ‘Ca. P. solani’-positive plants from early stages of infection, when plants are still asymptomatic. A strong accumulation of gentisic acid (GA) associated with symptoms progression was found for the first time. A detailed analysis of phenylpropanoids revealed a significant accumulation of hydroxycinnamic acids, flavonols, flavan 3-ols, and anthocyanin cyanidin 3-O-glucoside, which are extensively studied due to their involvement in the plant response to various pathogens. Metabolomic data corroborated by gene expression analysis indicated that phenylpropanoid biosynthetic and salicylic acid-responsive genes were upregulated in ‘Ca. P. solani-positive plants compared to -negative ones during the observed period
