962 research outputs found

    Address Terms Used By Suku Anak Dalam

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    Keywords: Address Terms, Orang Rimba, Bahasa Rimba.There are many ethnic groups in Indonesia which use specific languages. One of them is Suku Anak Dalam or called Orang Rimba. Suku Anak Dalam is a semi nomadic ethnic group living in National Park of Bukit Dua Belas, Jambi. They use Bahasa Rimba to communicate to each other. In Bahasa Rimba to address someone is the most important things to be considered. Bahasa Rimba has some variations and also has some social functions. The writer conducted a study about address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam by using Kridalaksana classification of address terms and Wardhaugh's theory on the function of address terms. This study focuses on two problems: (1) What are the address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam, (2) What are the functions of address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam.This study uses qualitative approach to describe the address terms used in Bahasa Rimba and answer the problems. There are two types of data employed in this study, namely primary and secondary data. They are in the form of transcription of the observation result and in the form of transcription of interview result. Moreover, this study is a qualitative research because the writer only analyzed the data without any statistical number.This research finds 28 address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam which are classified into four categories; 4 terms in second personal pronouns, such as diria, mikae, senamo and urangmeru; 8 terms in kinship terms, such as induk, bepak, kakok, nenek jenton; 4 terms in title and rank categories, such as temenggung, bepak kepala adat, ibu guru; and also 12 terms in other categories, such as guding, bebet, kinde, waris and jenang. Furthermore, address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam has some social functions such as to show politeness, to show intimacy, to show solidarity, and to maintain social status.To summarize, address terms used by Suku Anak Dalam has some variations, by the title or rank, sex, age, etc. The address terms are used to address their family, their neighbor, the people around, their friends, their teacher, the people who already passed away, and even the stranger. The function of the address terms that is found in this study are to show politeness, intimacy, solidarity, and also to maintain social status. The writer also hopes that this study can provide better and deeper explanation especially on address terms in Bahasa Rimba. The writer suggests the next researchers who want to conduct a research about Bahasa Rimba focusing on different linguistic aspects such as, semantic,syntax, pragmatic, etc. for their research, so that their study is different and unique

    Pengaruh Pemberian Hadiah (Reward) terhadap Kemandirian Belajar Anak di TK Tunas Muda Karas Kabupaten Magetan Ta 2015/2016

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    Reward merupakan suatu penghargaan yang diberikan kepada seseorang yang memiliki kelebihan biasanya reward diberikan kepada orang yang memiliki prestasi, berperilaku baik, rajin, tekun, dan lain-lain, reward berlaku disetiap instansi pada anak usia dini reward menjadi pegangan para guru dalam mengkondisikan anak di kelas pada setiap kegiatan pembelajaran dan hal ini akan berpengaruh terhadap kemandirian belajar siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu penulis ingin mengetahui bagaimana penerapan reward dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar pada anak usia dini di TK Tunas Muda II Karas Magetan dan ingin mengetahui apakah reward dapat mempengaruhi kemandirian belajar anak di Taman Kanak-kanak dan dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode bermain sambil belajar, diagram bintang, pemberian hadiah berupa benda/barang yang membuat anak bangga dan disukai oleh anak. Penelitian ini langsung meneliti kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa, kegiatan guru, kepala sekolah, dan keadaan lingkungan sekolah. Peneliti juga meneliti bagaimana cara siswa atau peserta didik dalam menghadapi masalah, aktivitas keseharian di dalam kelas, guru dalam menghadapi perilaku siswanya dalam kemandirian belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian penulis bahwa reward diterima berbeda-beda oleh anak tergantung cara pemberian reward itu diberikan kepada anak dengan pemberian yang mendidik maka setiap anak akan menerimanya dengan semangat dan merupakan suatu penghargaan, peneliti berharap semoga dalam penelitian ini berdampak baik dan menjadi acuan belajar yang baik bagi siswa, guru dalam mengkondisikan anak di kelas agar kemandirian belajar anakakan tercipta dengan baik

    Dinamika Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa Terkait Disfungsi Jabatan Kepala Desa (Studi Kasus di Desa Bangunrejo Kabupaten Tuban )

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    Tujuan yang ingin dicaapai dalam penelitian ini adalah 1). Untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis dinamika penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa terkait disfungsi jabatan Kepala Desa, 2). Untuk mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis akibat penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa dan pertanggungjawaban penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Desa Bangunrejo Kabupaten Tuban, menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris dengan metode pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier yang diperoleh penulis akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan descriptive analitical, yaitu mengumpulkan data (fakta) yang kemudian diuraikan, dikaji, dan dianalisis untuk mencari pemecahan masalah berdasarkan kejelasan mengenai Kenyataan yang kemudian dihubungkan dengan teori dan hukum yang berkaitan dengan peraturan Perundang-undang yang terkait dengan yang di bahas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa, Kepala Desa adalah tonggak pimpinan yang bertugas untuk menyelenggarakan pemerintahan desa, melaksanakan pembangunan desa, pembinaan kemasyarakatan desa, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Pemerintahan Desa yang tidak memiliki pemimpin akan menjadikan kondisi Desa yang tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya yang sesuai dengan tujuan pemerintah dan masyarakat desa khususnya, sehingga akan mengakibatkan dampak yang buruk seperti ketidak stabilan kondisi desa. Kepala Desa yang dapat menjalankan jabatanya dengan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang ada, akan menghidupkan fungsi dan menjalankan misi desa secara optimal dimana akan membawa desa yang di pimpinya menjadi desa yang lebih baik. Sehingga Kepala Desa berpengaruh penting pada dinamika penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa.Kata Kunci : Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa, Disfungsi Jabatan, Kepala Desa

    Analisis Pengaruh Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Di Karita Muslim Square YOGYAKARTA

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    Syari'ah marketing is a business discipline strategies that directs to the process of supply, demand and value alteration from an initiator to its stakeholders based on Islamic principles. And also about customer's satisfaction which is a basic concept of marketing and success factor for organization in business as well. It could be viewed from the fact that there are many companies emphasize the importance of giving their customers high level of satisfaction. Most companies measure the satisfaction of their customer and hope the customer will loyal in choosing the company's product or service, if the customer satisfaction is high. So that it would cause the customer's loyalty to the company.This research is attempted to measure the influence of marketing mix which are consist of four aspects product, price, location or distribution and promotion to the customer's satisfaction, then their accordance to Islamic Principles and to measure the influence of customer's satisfaction to customer's loyalty in Karita Muslim Square Yogyakarta. This research is an analytic descriptive research in quantitative and qualitative uses the method of distributing questionnaire in order to gain primary data by non probability sampling technique for 100 respondents of the customer of Karita Muslim Square Yogyakarta. The result of this research shows that product and price significantly influence to the customer's satisfaction. But location or distribution gives the negative influence and doesn't significantly toward the customer's by the standardized coefficient value -0.26, while promotion gives the positive influence but doesn't significantly toward customer's satisfaction by the significant value 0.467 > á (0.05). Price is the strongest aspect which gives the influence to customer's satisfac- tion by the significance value 0,000. Meanwhile, from simple regression it was proven that customer satisfaction positively influence loyalty intentions. Those four marketing mix which were offered by Karita Muslim Square have been according to Islamic Principles as have appropriated by Al-Qur'an and Hadits teachings

    Experimental and Analytical Investigations of an Optically Pre-Amplified FSO-MIMO System With Repetition Coding Over Non-Identically Distributed Correlated Channels

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    This paper presents theoretical and experimental bit error rate (BER) results for a freespace optical (FSO) multiple-input-multiple-output system over an arbitrarily correlated turbulence channel. We employ an erbium-doped fiber amplifier at the receiver (Rx), which results in an improved Rx’s sensitivity at the cost of an additional non-Gaussian amplified spontaneous emission noise. Repetition coding is used to combat turbulence and to improve the BER performance of the FSO links. A mathematical framework is provided for the considered FSO system over a correlated non-identically distributed Gamma-Gamma channel; and analytical BER results are derived with and without the pre-amplifier for a comparative study. Moreover, novel closed-form expressions for the asymptotic BER are derived; a comprehensive discussion about the diversity order and coding gain is presented by performing asymptotic analysis at high signal-tonoise ratio (SNR). To verify the analytical results, an experimental set-up of a 2 × 1 FSO-multiple-inputsingle-output (MISO) system with pre-amplifier at the Rx is developed. It is shown analytically that, both correlation and pre-amplification do not affect the diversity order of the system, however, both factors have contrasting behaviour with respect to coding gain. Further, to achieve the target forward error correction BER limit of 3.8 × 10−3 , a 2 × 1 FSO-MISO system with a pre-amplifier requires 6.5 dB lower SNR compared with the system with no pre-amplifier. Moreover, an SNR penalty of 2.5 dB is incurred at a higher correlation level for the developed 2×1 experimental FSO set-up, which is in agreement with the analytical findings

    Impact of Channel Correlation on Different Performance Metrics of OSSK-Based FSO System

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    In this paper, we study the impact of correlation on the bit error rate (BER) and the channel capacity of a free-space optical (FSO) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) system employing optical space shift keying (OSSK) over a fading channel. In order to study a practical correlated channel, we consider the effect of channel correlation due to both small-and large-scale eddies and show that the use of OSSK over correlated FSO channel can lead to an improved system performance with increasing correlation level of upto 0.9. In this work, we first develop an analytical framework for different performance metrics of the OSSK multiple-input single-output system with correlation and then extend our investigation by proposing an asymptotically accurate mathematical framework for MIMO. We also validate all the analytical results using MATLAB simulations. Finally, we develop an experimental setup of FSO with two correlated links to study the throughput and latency of the links at different turbulence levels

    Population dynamics of potential bioagents of mustard aphid, Lipaphiserysimi(Kaltenbach) on different cultivars of rapeseed-mustard

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    Field experiment was conducted to study the population dynamics of potential bioagents of mustard aphids on 9 different cultivars which included: Brassica alba cv. PSB-I, Eruca sativa Mill cv. T-27, Brassica campestriscv. BSH-I, Brassica napuscv. Sheetal, B. carinataBraun cv. CCN-06- 1, B. junceaL. cv. Varuna, B. nigraKoch. cv. PBR-I, Brassica campestriscv.YST-151 and Brassica campestriscv. PT-30. Population of aphid and natural enemies was recorded at weekly intervals. The results indicated that the first appearance of coccinellids and syrphids has been observed during 4th standard week, which gradually build up population and attained peak during 9th (pooled mean 1.42 coccinellids/ plant and 0.122 syrphid larva/plant) and 8th standard week (pooled mean 3.96 coccinellids/plant and 0.228 syrphid larva/plant) in 2008-09 and 2009-10 respectively, followed by a declining trend in the following weeks. Similarly first appearance of parasi-tization has been found to occur from 4th standard week followed by a gradual increase in the following weeks with maximum parasitization on PT-30 (33.32%) and BSH-1 (35.25%) during 2008-09 and 2009-10 respectively. Correlation between abiotic factors and these natural enemies was also studied. It has been observed that with the increase of aphid population the population of natural enemies also increased. The population dynamics of mustard aphids and its natural enemies var-ied according to climatic situations and between host plant species. So by computing population trends of both natu-ral enemies and aphids with meterological records would generate information on relative abundance and would certainly help in formulating sound pest management strategies against mustard aphid

    Biology and feeding potential of Coccinella septempunctata (Linn.) against Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt) at different temperature regimes

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    Biology and feeding potential of Coccinella septempunctata (Linn.) were studied in laboratory on 3rd instar nymphs of mustard aphid (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt.) at two different temperature regimes. At 30± 20C, fecundity, oviposition period, hatchability of eggs, male and female longevity (232±70.46, 12.8±3.91, 82.87±6.66, 22.70 ± 2.21and 26.60 ± 4.45, respectively) were higher and incubation period, pre-oviposition period, total grub duration and pupal duration (2.6±0.51, 6.5±3.53, 8.7 ± 1.63 and 5.1 ± 1.10, respectively) were lesser in comparison to 25± 20C where fecundity, oviposition period, hatchability of eggs, male and female longevity, incubation period, preoviposition period, total grub duration and pupal duration were 169.8±61.12, 7.9±1.37, 71.68±4.08, 16.2 ± 1.31 and 21.50 ± 1.95, 2.9±0.73, 7.7±2.49, 11.1 ± 1.52 and 5.8 ± 0.918, respectively . At 27± 2 0C, total mustard aphid consumption by a grub of C. septempunctata during the whole life span, was 424.4±2.78 mustard aphids in comparison to 272.64±1.79 mustard aphid at 23± 20C. Similarly an adult male and female consumed 103.2±1.52 and 116.6 ±1.46 aphids per day respectively at 27± 2 0C in comparison to 65.6 ± 1.02 and 71.8 ± 1.60 at 23± 20C. Thus, at both temperatures aphid consumption increased gradually till 4th instar and 30±20C was found to be most suitable temperature as compared to 25±20C for the life history of C. septempunctata. Hence, it could be concluded that C. septempunctata might play a suitable role in biointensive Integrated Pest Management programme because of better longevity and high predatory potential against the mustard aphid

    Accurate merging of images for predictive analysis using combined image

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    Several Scientific and engineering applications require merging of sampled images for complex perception development. In most cases, for such requirements, images are merged at intensity level. Even though it gives fairly good perception of combined scenario of objects and scenes, it is found that they are not sufficient enough to analyze certain engineering cases. The main problem is incoherent modulation of intensity arising out of phase properties being lost. In order to compensate these losses, combined phase and amplitude merge is demanded. We present here a method which could be used in precision engineering and biological applications where more precise prediction is required of a combined phenomenon. When pixels are added, its original property is lost but accurate merging of intended pixels can be achieved in high quality using frequency domain properties of an image. This paper introduces a technique to merge various images which can be used as a simple but effective technique for overlapped view of a set of images and producing reduced dataset for review purposes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures,Signal Processing Image Processing & Pattern Recognition (ICSIPR), 2013 International Conference on, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India, pp.169,173, 7-8 Feb. 2013. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1407.812
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