1,363 research outputs found

    Microfluidics for Advanced Drug Delivery Systems.

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    Considerable efforts have been devoted towards developing effective drug delivery methods. Microfluidic systems, with their capability for precise handling and transport of small liquid quantities, have emerged as a promising platform for designing advanced drug delivery systems. Thus, microfluidic systems have been increasingly used for fabrication of drug carriers or direct drug delivery to a targeted tissue. In this review, the recent advances in these areas are critically reviewed and the shortcomings and opportunities are discussed. In addition, we highlight the efforts towards developing smart drug delivery platforms with integrated sensing and drug delivery components

    Mathematical Modeling of Two-dimensional Unsteady Flow in Growing Tumor

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    We investigate the problem of unsteady fluid flow in growing solid tumors. We develop a mathematical model for a growing tumor whose boundary is taken as a sphere, and the unsteady fluid flow within the tumor is assumed to be two dimensional with respect to the radial distance and the latitudinal angle in spherical coordinates. The expressions for the time, radial and latitudinal variations of the flow velocity, pressure, and the two investigated drug concentrations within the tumor were determined analytically. We calculated these quantities in the tumor as well as in a corresponding normal tissue. We find, in particular, that blood pressure in the tumor would be higher than that in the normal tissue, and there could be blood flow circulation in the tumor. For a given spatial location in the tumor, the amount of drug delivered to the growing tumor decreases first with time, but then the rate of decrease reduces with further increase in time. The Therapeutic Index, which is a measure of the efficiency of drug delivery in the tumor in the biomedical science, is determined for different values of the parameters and discussed in the absence or presence of the drugs’ interactions which may exist in the presence of the two drugs in the tumor. The main results of our model agree with the available experiments

    Aviram-Ratner rectifying mechanism for DNA base pair sequencing through graphene nanogaps

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    We demonstrate that biological molecules such as Watson-Crick DNA base pairs can behave as biological Aviram-Ratner electrical rectifiers because of the spatial separation and weak hydrogen bonding between the nucleobases. We have performed a parallel computational implementation of the ab-initio non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) theory to determine the electrical response of graphene---base-pair---graphene junctions. The results show an asymmetric (rectifying) current-voltage response for the Cytosine-Guanine base pair adsorbed on a graphene nanogap. In sharp contrast we find a symmetric response for the Thymine-Adenine case. We propose applying the asymmetry of the current-voltage response as a sensing criterion to the technological challenge of rapid DNA sequencing via graphene nanogaps

    Study on survival and growth rate of three Artemia species fed with Dunaliella tertiolecta, Tetraselmis suecica and Nannochloropsis oculata

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    In recent years, Artemia has proven to be one of the easiest to prepare and the most nutritious food available to aquaculture. In this research, the process of hatching of Artemia cyst into larval stage using algae as a diet was investigated. The cysts used for this experiment belonged to three species Artemia urmiana, Artemia parthenogenetica and Artemia franciscana. The algae species used for the feeding of the Artemia included Dunaliella tertiolecta, Tetraselmis suecica and Nannochloropsis oculata. The effect of algae feeding on growth rate and survival of the Artemia species from hatching to maturation during 15 days was investigated. The results showed that A. franciscana had better growth rate and survival compared to the other two species

    Drug delivery in catheterized arterial blood flow with atherosclerosis

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    We study the problem of drug delivery in a catheterized artery in the presence of atherosclerosis. The problem is modeled in the context of a two-phase flow system which consists of red blood cells and blood plasma. The coupled differential equations for fluid (plasma) and particles (red cells) are solved for the relevant quantities in the reasonable limits. The drug delivery problem is modeled with a partial differential equation that is developed in terms of the drug concentration, blood plasma velocity, hematocrit value and the diffusion coefficient of the drug/fluid. A conservative-implicit finite difference scheme is develop in order to numerically solve the drug concentration model with an atherosclerosis region. We find that the evolution of the drug concentration varies in magnitude depending on the roles played by the convection and diffusion effects. For the cases where the diffusion coefficient is not too small, then convection effect is not strong enough and drug was delivered mostly in the central part of the blood flow region and could not reach effectively the atherosclerosis zone. However, for sufficiently small values of the diffusion coefficient, the convective effect dominates over the diffusion effect and the drug was delivered effectively over the blood flow region and on the atherosclerosis zone

    Enabling security and risk-based operation of container line supply chains under high uncertainties

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    Container supply chains are vulnerable to many risks. Vulnerability can be defined as an exposure to serious disturbances arising from the risks within the supply chain as well as the risks external to the supply chain. Vulnerability can also be defined as exposure to serious disturbances arising from a hazard or a threat. Containers are one of the major sources of security concerns and have been used, for example, to smuggle illegal immigrants, weapons, and drugs. The consequences of the use of a weapon of mass destruction or discovery of such a device in a container are serious. Estimates suggest that a weapon of mass destruction explosion and the resulting port closure could cost billions of dollars. The annual cost of container losses as consequences of serious disturbances arising from hazards is estimated as $500 million per year. The literature review, historical failure data, and statistical analysis in the context of containerships' accidents from a safety point of view clearly indicate that the container cargo damage, machinery failure, collision, grounding, fire/explosion, and contact are the most significant accident categories with high percentages of occurrences. Another important finding from the literature review is that the most significant basic event contributing to the supply chains' vulnerability is human error. Therefore, firstly, this research makes full use of the Evidential Reasoning (ER) advantages and further develops and extends the Fuzzy Evidential Reasoning (FER) by exploiting a conceptual and sound methodology for the assessment of a seafarer's reliability. Accordingly, control options to enhance seafarers' reliability are suggested. The proposed methodology enables and facilitates the decision makers to measure the reliability of a seafarer before his/her designation to any activities and during his/her seafaring period. Secondly, this research makes full use of the Bayesian Networks (BNs) advantages and further develops and extends the Fuzzy Bayesian Networks (FBNs) and a "symmetric method" by exploiting a conceptual and sound methodology for the assessment of human reliability. Furthermore a FBN model (i. e. dependency network), which is capable of illustrating the dependency among the variables, is constructed. By exploiting the proposed FBN model, a general equation for the reduction of human reliability attributable to a person's continuous hours of wakefulness, acute sleep loss and cumulative sleep debt is formulated and tested.A container supply chain includes dozens of stakeholders who can physically come into contact with containers and their contents and are potentially related with the container trade and transportation. Security-based disruptions can occur at various points along the supply chain. Experience has shown that a limited percentage of inspection, coupled with a targeted approach based on risk analysis, can provide an acceptable security level. Thus, in order not to hamper the logistics process in an intolerable manner, the number of physical checks should be chosen cautiously. Thirdly, a conceptual and sound methodology (i. e. FBN model) for evaluating a container's security score, based on the importer security filling, shipping documents, ocean or sea carriers' reliability, and the security scores of various commercial operators and premises, is developed. Accordingly, control options to avoid unnecessary delays and security scanning are suggested. Finally, a decision making model for assessing the security level of a port associated with ship/port interface and based on the security score of the ship's cargo containers, is developed. It is further suggested that regardless of scanning all import cargo containers, one realistic way to secure the supply chain, due to lack of information and number of variables, is to enhance the ocean or sea carriers' reliability through enhancing their ship staff's reliability. Accordingly a decision making model to analyse the cost and benefit (i.e. CBA) is developed

    Evaluation de la fiabilité des structures fissurées en mode mixte en tenant compte des inspections

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    Theoretical and experimental study of the orientational ordering in the field-induced intermediaite phase from the SmC*FI2 phase in chiral smectic liquid crystals

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    Under an electric field, chiral smectic liquid crystals transit usually to the unwound SmC* phase where the helical structure is completely unrolled. Sometimes the sample transits initially towards an intermediate polar state before the total destruction of the helix. Based on the extension of the H-T model, a theoretical study of these field-induced phase transitions was carried out. Two hypotheses of the dynamics that give rise to the appearance of the intermediate phase have been discussed. The results of a numerical analysis confirm the known experimental results; the intermediate phase has a three-layer periodicity structure
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