40 research outputs found

    Expertleerkrachten in de omgang met probleemgedrag

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    Expertleerkrachten in de omgang met probleemgedrag

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    The potential of training specialist oncology nurses in real-life reporting of adverse drug reactions

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    Specialist oncology nurses (SONs) have the potential to play a major role in monitoring and reporting adverse drug reactions (ADRs); and reduce the level of underreporting by current healthcare professionals. The aim of this study was to investigate the long term clinical and educational effects of real-life pharmacovigilance education intervention for SONs on ADR reporting. This prospective cohort study, with a 2-year follow-up, was carried out in the three postgraduate schools in the Netherlands. In one of the schools, the prescribing qualification course was expanded to include a lecture on pharmacovigilance, an ADR reporting assignment, and group discussion of self-reported ADRs (intervention). The clinical value of the intervention was assessed by analyzing the quantity and quality of ADR-reports sent to the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Center Lareb, up to 2 years after the course and by evaluating the competences regarding pharmacovigilance of SONs annually. Eighty-eight SONs (78% of all SONs with a prescribing qualification in the Netherlands) were included. During the study, 82 ADRs were reported by the intervention group and 0 by the control group. This made the intervention group 105 times more likely to report an ADR after the course than an average nurse in the Netherlands. This is the first study to show a significant and relevant increase in the number of well-documented ADR reports after a single educational intervention. The real-life pharmacovigilance educational intervention also resulted in a long-term increase in pharmacovigilance competence. We recommend implementing real-life, context- and problem-based pharmacovigilance learning assignments in all healthcare curricula

    Functional analysis of the SRV-1 RNA frameshifting pseudoknot

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    Simian retrovirus type-1 uses programmed ribosomal frameshifting to control expression of the Gag-Pol polyprotein from overlapping gag and pol open-reading frames. The frameshifting signal consists of a heptanucleotide slippery sequence and a downstream-located 12-base pair pseudoknot. The solution structure of this pseudoknot, previously solved by NMR [Michiels,P.J., Versleijen,A.A., Verlaan,P.W., Pleij,C.W., Hilbers,C.W. and Heus,H.A. (2001) Solution structure of the pseudoknot of SRV-1 RNA, involved in ribosomal frameshifting. J. Mol. Biol., 310, 1109–1123] has a classical H-type fold and forms an extended triple helix by interactions between loop 2 and the minor groove of stem 1 involving base–base and base–sugar contacts. A mutational analysis was performed to test the functional importance of the triple helix for −1 frameshifting in vitro. Changing bases in L2 or base pairs in S1 involved in a base triple resulted in a 2- to 5-fold decrease in frameshifting efficiency. Alterations in the length of L2 had adverse effects on frameshifting. The in vitro effects were well reproduced in vivo, although the effect of enlarging L2 was more dramatic in vivo. The putative role of refolding kinetics of frameshifter pseudoknots is discussed. Overall, the data emphasize the role of the triple helix in −1 frameshifting

    Uber die Genese des Guerinischen Sinus sowie dessen Bedeutung fur die Therapie der Gonorrhoe der mannlichen Harnrohre.

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    &lt;P&gt;1. Die Frequenz des Guerinischen Sinus betragt nach meinen Untersuchungen 80.08%, d. h. unter 125 Fallen ist derselbe 101 mal nachgewiesen, fehlt 24 mal (19.2%). Schon aus dem prozentualen Verhaltnis la&#946;t sich schlie&#946;en, da&#946; derselbe als physiologisches Produkt anzusehen ist. 2. Der kleine Vordersinus, der dicht vor dem Guerinischen Sinus anliegt, beginnt meist in dem Stadium etwa vom 8. Embryonalmonate an aufzutreten und mit der kraftigen Entwicklung des Guerinischen Sinus wachst er gleichfalls stark. 3. Die Epithelzellen, die sich uber die Wand des Guerinischen Sinus bei Embryonen heruberziehen, bestehen hauptsachlich aus geschichteten Plattenepithelzellen, dazwischen jedoch findet man auch einige aus geschichteten Zylinderepithelzellen bestehende Ge-webe, die gewohnlich um die Morgagnische Sinus herum auffindbar sind. Sehr selten ist bei Erwachsenen die ganze Wand von geschich-teten Zylinderepithelzellen oder Ubergangszellen bekleidet. 4. Im 3. Embryonalmonate la&#946;t sich schon an der hinteren Partie der Pars glandis der Geschlechtsrinne kompakte Epithelial-knospe des Guerinischen Sinus und des Morgagnischen Sinus fest-stellen. 5. Was die Valvula Gurini anbetrifft, so ist sie als nichts anderes anzusehen als die sich verdunnende Partie der Einmun-dungsstelle des Guerinischen Sinus. 6. Gonorrhoe der mannlichen Harnrohre ist in zwei Gruppen zu scheiden, namlich Schleimhautgonorrhoe und Seitenrohrengonor-rhoe. Die erstere tritt sofort nach der Infektion als akute Form auf, die letztere hingegen beim subakuten oder chronischen Stadium. 7. Als Therapie verwende ich im allgemeinen ziemlich milde antiphlogistische Mittel bei akutem Stadium, und blutige Behandlung unter der Urethroskopie bei chronischer Seitenrohrengonorrhoe. Zum Schlu&#946; mochte ich Herrn Prof. Dr. J. Shikinami meinen herzlichsten und ergebensten Dank aussprechen.&lt;/P&gt;</p

    Prestrain process of Arall

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    Aerospace Engineerin