831 research outputs found

    Form, performance and trade-offs in swimming and stability of armed larvae

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    Diverse larval forms swim and feed with ciliary bands on arms or analogous structures. Armed morphologies are varied: numbers, lengths, and orientations of arms differ among species, change through development, and can be plastic in response to physiological or environmental conditions. A hydromechanical model of idealized equal-armed larvae was used to examine functional consequences of these varied arm arrangements for larval swimming performance. With effects of overall size, ciliary tip speed, and viscosity factored out, the model suggested trade-offs between morphological traits conferring high swimming speed and weight-carrying ability in still water (generally few arms and low arm elevations), and morphologies conferring high stability to external disturbances such as shear flows (generally many arms and high arm elevations). In vertical shear, larvae that were passively stabilized by a center of buoyancy anterior to the center of gravity tilted toward and consequently swam into downwelling flows. Thus, paradoxically, upward swimming by passively stable swimmers in vertical shear resulted in enhanced downward transport. This shear-dependent vertical transport could affect diverse passively stable swimmers, not just armed larvae. Published descriptions of larvae and metamorphosis of 13 ophiuroids suggest that most ophioplutei fall into two groups: those approximating modeled forms with two arms at low elevations, predicted to enhance speed and weight capacity, and those approximating modeled forms with more numerous arms of equal length at high elevations, predicted to enhance stability in shear

    Modeling electrodialysis and a photochemical process for their integration in saline wastewater treatment.

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    Oxidation processes can be used to treat industrial wastewater containing non-biodegradable organic compounds. However, the presence of dissolved salts may inhibit or retard the treatment process. In this study, wastewater desalination by electrodialysis (ED) associated with an advanced oxidation process (photo-Fenton) was applied to an aqueous NaCl solution containing phenol. The influence of process variables on the demineralization factor was investigated for ED in pilot scale and a correlation was obtained between the phenol, salt and water fluxes with the driving force. The oxidation process was investigated in a laboratory batch reactor and a model based on artificial neural networks was developed by fitting the experimental data describing the reaction rate as a function of the input variables. With the experimental parameters of both processes, a dynamic model was developed for ED and a continuous model, using a plug flow reactor approach, for the oxidation process. Finally, the hybrid model simulation could validate different scenarios of the integrated system and can be used for process optimization

    Evolution of local recruitment and its consequences for marine populations

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    Advantages of dispersal on the scales that are possible in a long pelagic larval period are not apparent, even for benthic species. An alternative hypothesis is that wide dispersal may be an incidental byproduct of an ontogenetic migration from and then back to the parental habitat. Under this hypothesis, the water column is a better habitat than the bottom for early development. Because the parental area is often an especially favorable habitat for juveniles and adults, selection may even favor larval retention or larval return rather than dispersal. Where larval capabilities and currents permit, a high percentage of recruits may then be produced from local adults. Expected consequences of a high proportion of local recruitment are stronger links between stock and recruitment, greater vulnerability to recruitment overfishing and local modifications of habitat, greater local benefits from fishery reserves, and possibly more localized adaptation within populations. Export of some larvae is consistent with a high proportion of retained or returning larvae, could stabilize populations linked by larval exchange, and provide connectivity between marine reserves. Even a small amount of larval export could account for the greater gene flow, large ranges, and long evolutionary durations seen in species with long pelagic larval stages

    Critical light scattering in liquids

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    We compare theoretical results for the characteristic frequency of the Rayleigh peak calculated in one-loop order within the field theoretical method of the renormalization group theory with experiments and other theoretical results. Our expressions describe the non-asymptotic crossover in temperature, density and wave vector. In addition we discuss the frequency dependent shear viscosity evaluated within the same model and compare our theoretical results with recent experiments in microgravity.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Larval dispersal in a changing ocean with an emphasis on upwelling regions

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    Dispersal of benthic species in the sea is mediated primarily through small, vulnerable larvae that must survive minutes to months as members of the plankton community while being transported by strong, dynamic currents. As climate change alters ocean conditions, the dispersal of these larvae will be affected, with pervasive ecological and evolutionary consequences. We review the impacts of oceanic changes on larval transport, physiology, and behavior. We then discuss the implications for population connectivity and recruitment and evaluate life history strategies that will affect susceptibility to the effects of climate change on their dispersal patterns, with implications for understanding selective regimes in a future ocean. We find that physical oceanographic changes will impact dispersal by transporting larvae in different directions or inhibiting their movements while changing environmental factors, such as temperature, pH, salinity, oxygen, ultraviolet radiation, and turbidity, will affect the survival of larvae and alter their behavior. Reduced dispersal distance may make local adaptation more likely in well-connected populations with high genetic variation while reduced dispersal success will lower recruitment with implications for fishery stocks. Increased dispersal may spur adaptation by increasing genetic diversity among previously disconnected populations as well as increasing the likelihood of range expansions. We hypothesize that species with planktotrophic (feeding), calcifying, or weakly swimming larvae with specialized adult habitats will be most affected by climate change. We also propose that the adaptive value of retentive larval behaviors may decrease where transport trajectories follow changing climate envelopes and increase where transport trajectories drive larvae toward increasingly unsuitable conditions. Our holistic framework, combined with knowledge of regional ocean conditions and larval traits, can be used to produce powerful predictions of expected impacts on larval dispersal as well as the consequences for connectivity, range expansion, or recruitment. Based on our findings, we recommend that future studies take a holistic view of dispersal incorporating biological and oceanographic impacts of climate change rather than solely focusing on oceanography or physiology. Genetic and paleontological techniques can be used to examine evolutionary impacts of altered dispersal in a future ocean, while museum collections and expedition records can inform modern-day range shifts

    Conformational Mechanics of Polymer Adsorption Transitions at Attractive Substrates

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    Conformational phases of a semiflexible off-lattice homopolymer model near an attractive substrate are investigated by means of multicanonical computer simulations. In our polymer-substrate model, nonbonded pairs of monomers as well as monomers and the substrate interact via attractive van der Waals forces. To characterize conformational phases of this hybrid system, we analyze thermal fluctuations of energetic and structural quantities, as well as adequate docking parameters. Introducing a solvent parameter related to the strength of the surface attraction, we construct and discuss the solubility-temperature phase diagram. Apart from the main phases of adsorbed and desorbed conformations, we identify several other phase transitions such as the freezing transition between energy-dominated crystalline low-temperature structures and globular entropy-dominated conformations.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure

    Josephson tunneling in high-TcT_c superconductors

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    This article describes the Josephson tunneling from time-reversal symmetry-breaking states and compares it with that from time-reversal invariant states for both twinned and untwinned crystals and for both cc-axis and basal-plane currents, in a model for orthorhombic YBCO. A macroscopic invariance group describing the superconducting state of a twinned crystal is introduced and shown to provide a useful framework for the discussion of the results for twinned crystals. In addition, a ring geometry, which allows ss-wave and dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductivity in a tetragonal superconductor to be distinguished on the basis of symmetry arguments only, is proposed and analyzed. Finally, an appendix gives details of the experimental Josephson tunneling evidence for a superconducting state of orthorhombic ux2+vy2ux^2+vy^2 symmetry in YBCO.Comment: Latex File, 18 pages, 6 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Low-cost inorganic cation exchange membrane for electrodialysis: optimum processing temperature for the cation exchanger

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    The optimum temperature for fixing zirconium phosphate, obtained by precipitation, on a low-cost ceramic support was determined in order to obtain an inorganic cation exchange membrane for electrodialysis. Zirconium phosphate ion exchange capacity maximised between 450 and 550°C, thus it was considered the optimum processing temperature. The origin of this maximum was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and termogravimetry and evolved gas analysis. Zirconium phosphate formation by precipitation in the porous network of the support was verified by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis and mercury intrusion porosimetry. The membrane obtained after thermal treatment at 450°C displayed selectivity to the cations present in the spent rinse water of the chromium plating process. This property allows the recovery of chromium by removing the cations through the cation exchange ceramic membrane.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the support given to the research study (National Basic Research Programme, Ref. CTQ2008-06750-C02-02), as well as for the FPU student grant awarded to one of the authors (Ref.: AP2009-4409).Mestre, S.; Sales, S.; Palacios, M.; Lorente, M.; Mallol, G.; Pérez-Herranz, V. (2013). Low-cost inorganic cation exchange membrane for electrodialysis: optimum processing temperature for the cation exchanger. Desalination and Water Treatment. 51(16-18):3317-3324. https://doi.org/10.1080/19443994.2012.749177S331733245116-18Strathmann, H. (2010). Electromembrane Processes: Basic Aspects and Applications. Comprehensive Membrane Science and Engineering, 391-429. doi:10.1016/b978-0-08-093250-7.00048-7Drioli, E., & Fontananova, E. (s. f.). Integrated Membrane Processes. 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