63 research outputs found

    Iron Speciation in PM2.5 from Urban, Agriculture, and Mixed Environments in Colorado, USA

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    Atmospheric iron solubility varies depending on whether the particles are collected in rural or urban areas, with urban areas showing increased iron solubility. In this study, we investigate if the iron species present in different environments affects its ultimate solubility. Field data are presented from the Platte River Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (PRAPPE), aimed at understanding the interactions between organic carbon and trace elements in atmospheric particulate matter (PM). 24-hr PM2.5 samples were collected during the summer and winter (2016–2017), at three different sites on the Eastern Colorado plains: an urban, agricultural, and a mixed site. Downtown Denver had an average total and water-soluble iron air concentration of 181.2 and 7.7 ng m−3, respectively. Platteville, the mixed site, had an average of total iron of 76.1 ng m−3, with average water-soluble iron concentration of 9.1 ng m−3. Jackson State Park (rural/agricultural) had the lowest total iron average of 31.5 ng m−3 and the lowest water-soluble iron average, 1.3 ng m−3. The iron oxidation state and chemical speciation of 97 samples across all sites and seasons was probed by X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy. The most common iron phases observed were almandine (Fe₃Al₂Si₃O₁₂) (Denver 21%, Platteville 16%, Jackson 24%), magnetite (Fe3O4) (Denver 9%, Platteville 4%, Jackson 5%) and Fe (III)dextran (Denver 5%, Platteville 13%, Jackson 5%), a surrogate for Fe-organic complexes. Additionally, native iron [Fe(0)] was found in significant amounts at all sites. No correlation was observed between iron solubility and iron oxidation state or chemical speciation

    Spectral shaping of laser generated proton beams

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    The rapid progress in the field of laser particle acceleration has stimulated a debate about the promising perspectives of laser based ion beam sources. For a long time, the beams produced exhibited quasi-thermal spectra. Recent proof-of-principle experiments demonstrated that ion beams with narrow energy distribution can be generated from special target geometries. However, the achieved spectra were strongly limited in terms of monochromacity and reproducibility. We show that microstructured targets can be used to reliably produce protons with monoenergetic spectra above 2 MeV with less than 10% energy spread. Detailed investigations of the effects of laser ablation on the target resulted in a significant improvement of the reproducibility. Based on statistical analysis, we derive a scaling law between proton peak position and laser energy, underlining the suitability of this method for future applications. Both the quality of the spectra and the scaling law are well reproduced by numerical simulations

    Ein Beitrag zur klinischen Diagnostik des ektopischen ACTH-Syndroms

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    Es wird über einen Fall von ektopischem ACTH-Syndrom mit Hypercortizismus und hypokaliämischer Alkalose bei einem metastasierten Pankreas-Carcinom berichtet. Das Fehlen einer Differenz zwischen den ACTH-Spiegeln im Plasma aus dem Bulbus cranialis venae jugularis und aus der Vena femoralis unterstützte die Annahme einer nicht hypophysären Herkunft der erhöhten ACTH-Spiegel.A case of ectopic ACTH syndrome is reported presenting with hypercorticism and pronounced hypokalemic alkalosis in a woman aged 55 y. with metastatic cancer of the pancreas. The failure to show a significant difference of plasma ACTH-levels from bulbus superior venae jugularis resp. femoral vein supported the clinical assumption of non pituitary origin of elevated plasma ACTH

    Light induced single molecule frequency shift

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    Alight induced frequency shift of the 0-0 line was measured in two-photon excitation spectra of single diphenyloctatetraene molecules doped in a crystal matrix. The shifts were proportional to the laser power with a slope of about 600 MHz/W when the laser beam of about 300 mW power was focused to a diameter of 2 mu m. Significantly, the observed line broadenings were an order of magnitude smaller than the shifts. The effect is ascribed mainly to a ''fast'' energy exchange between a local vibration and thermal phonons created by the third harmonic C-H band absorption in the matrix, and partially to an ac Stark shift