280 research outputs found

    Ruthenium (0) complexes with NHC tetrazolylidene ligands: Synthesis, characterization and reactivity

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    Here we present two new phenyl-tetrazolylidene carbenes as ligands in non-mesoionic (1,4-substitution pattern) and mesoionic (1,3-substitution pattern) tetrazolylidene-cyclopentadienone ruthenium(0) complexes namely 1 and 2 respectively. The complexes have been obtained in good yield and fully characterized; X-ray structure determination confirmed the binding mode of the ligand for 2. Reactivity studies has been performed in order to shed light on the fact that the phenyl substituent position in the heterocyclic ligand can seriously change complexes behavior and stabilit

    Therapeutic approach in glioblastoma multiforme with primitive neuroectodermal tumor components: case report and review of the literature

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive malignant glioma that is treated with first-line therapy, using surgical resection followed by local radiotherapy and concomitant/adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) treatment. GBM is characterised by a high local recurrence rate and a low response to therapy. Primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET) of the brain revealed a low local recurrence rate; however, it also exhibited a high risk of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dissemination. PNET is treated with surgery followed by craniospinal irradiation (CSI) and platinum-based chemotherapy in order to prevent CSF dissemination. GBM with PNET-like components (GBM/PNET) is an emerging variant of GBM, characterised by a PNET-like clinical behaviour with an increased risk of CSF dissemination; it also may benefit from platinum-based chemotherapy upfront or following failure of GBM therapy. The results presented regarding the management of GBM/PNET are based on case reports or case series, so a standard therapeutic approach for GBM/PNET is not defined, constituing a challenging diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. In this report, a case of a recurrent GBM/PNET treated with surgical resection and radiochemotherapy as Stupp protocol, and successive platinum-based chemotherapy due to the development of leptomeningeal dissemintation and an extracranial metastasis, is discussed. A review of the main papers regarding this rare GBM variant and its therapeutic approach are also reported. In conclusion, GBM/PNET should be treated with a multimodal approach including surgery, chemoradiotherapy, and/or the early introduction of CSI and platinum-based chemotherapy upfront or at recurrence

    Effectiveness of XP-endo finisher in the reduction of bacterial load in oval-shaped root canals

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    This study investigated the effectiveness of XP-Endo Finisher (XPF) associated with XP-Endo Shaper (XPS) or Reciproc Blue (RB) files in reducing bacterial load in oval-shaped root canals (RC) during chemomechanical preparation (CMP) using 0.9% saline solution (NaCl) or 2.5% sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). Eighty mandibular incisors with single oval-shaped RC were contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis. The teeth were randomly assigned to eight experimental groups (n = 10) according to the CMP, as follows: G1: XPS, G2: XPS + XPF, G3: RB, and G4: RB + XPF. CMP was performed with NaCl or NaOCl. The reduction of bacterial load was assessed by colony-forming unit count before (S1) and after (S2) CMP. Data normality was verified by using Shapiro-Wilk test. ANOVA, Tukey's test, and Bonferroni post-hoc test were used at a 5% significance level. Culturable bacteria were present in all S1 samples (p>0.05). All instrumentation techniques were effective in reducing bacterial load, irrespective of the irrigating solution (p < 0.05). With the use of NaCl, RB was more effective than XPS (p = 0.035). With the use of NaOCl, XPS and RB presented similar effectiveness (p = 0.779). XPF enhanced the bacterial reduction of both systems tested (p < 0.05). The use of NaOCl improved the CMP, irrespective of the instrumentation technique used (p < 0.05). In conclusion, XPS and RB files are effective in reducing bacterial levels in oval-shaped RC. The use of XPF as a method of agitation of the irrigating solution improved the cleaning efficiency of both file systems tested. Mechanical preparation performed with saline solution decreased culturable bacteria from the root canal, but antimicrobial substances such as NaOCl should be used to achieve a significantly better disinfection33CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP308162/2014-5não tem2015/23479-

    Platelet-Rich Plasma combined with a sterile 3D polylactic acid scaffold for postoperative management of complete hoof wall resection for keratoma in four horses.

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    Keratoma is a non-malignant horse tumour that grows in the space between the horn of the hoof and the distal phalanx. Keratoma causes lameness in the horse, and surgical excision is the treatment of choice. Four horses underwent removal of a keratoma by complete hoof wall resection. The remaining wound was treated with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) combined with a sterile 3D polylactic acid scaffold. The PRP was applied at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 days postoperatively. The surgical site was cleaned with gauzes and swabs soaked in Ringer’s lactate solution before applying PRP and the foot bandage. Healthy granulation tissue developed at 6-21 days postoperatively. The hoof wall defect was completely filled with new hoof wall within 6-8 months after surgery. All horses returned to their previous exercise level and no recurrence of lameness was reported by the owner

    A low-cost portable vocal analyser for long-term monitoring and clinical investigation

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    A low-cost portable device has been developed at Politecnico di Torino to provide traceable measurements of vocal parameters during long-term monitoring as well as short ambulatory tests. The device, named Voice Care, is based on a contact microphone that is attached to the jugular notch of the subject under monitoring and on a wearable data acquisition unit that stores the raw samples of the signal generated by the vocal folds’ vibration. Post processing algorithms have been assessed to evaluate the vocal effort and the vocal load that voice professionals are subjected to during their daily activity, estimating the parameters sound pressure level, fundamental frequency and phonation time percentage. Other investigations are related to the length of voiced and unvoiced frames, whose distribution are dependent on the acoustic characteristics of the environment where the voice monitoring takes place. Another application of the Voice Care is related to short-term ambulatory tests, which allows the cooperation with physicians to make the device a reliable diagnostic tool. Processing algorithms have been extended to estimate other parameters, such as jitter, shimmer and voice quality indexes, that allow the phonatory status of the subject under monitoring to be evaluated. An experimental campaign has been performed involving thirty teachers in four primary schools who have been monitored for two to four days across one week of teaching. The effectiveness of the proposed device has been shown by the obtained results, which were in good agreement with the subjective impression and the classroom acoustics. Other specific tests have been performed in very different acoustic environments (anechoic, reverberant and semi- reverberant chambers) to highlight the device capability in evaluating the environment effects on the vocal production. Ambulatory tests for the optimization of the Voice Care as a diagnostic tool are planned to be carried out soon

    The BovMAS Consortium: investigation of bovine chromosome 14 for quantitative trait loci affecting milk production and quality traits in the Italian Holstein Friesian breed

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    Many studies have demonstrated that quantitative trait loci (QTL) can be identified and mapped in commercial dairy cattle populations using genetic markers in daughter and granddaughter designs.The final objective of these studies is to identify genes or markers that can be used in breeding schemes via marker assisted selection (MAS)

    First human case of Usutu virus neuroinvasive infection, Italy, August-September 2009.

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    We report the first worldwide case of Usutu virus (USUV) neuroinvasive infection in a patient with diffuse large B cell lymphoma who presented with fever and neurological symptoms and was diagnosed with meningoencephalitits. The cerebrospinal fluid was positive for USUV, and USUV was also demonstrated in serum and plasma samples by RT-PCR and sequencing. Partial sequences of the premembrane and NS5 regions of the viral genome were similar to the USUV Vienna and Budapest isolates

    Is it cheating or learning the craft of writing? Using Turnitin to help students avoid plagiarism

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    Plagiarism is a growing problem for universities, many of which are turning to software detection for help in detecting and dealing with it. This paper explores issues around plagiarism and reports on a study of the use of Turnitin in a new university. The purpose of the study was to inform the senior management team about the plagiarism policy and the use of Turnitin. The study found that staff and students largely understood the university’s policy and Turnitin’s place within it, and were very supportive of the use of Turnitin in originality checking. Students who had not used Turnitin were generally keen to do so. The recommendation to the senior management team, which was implemented, was that the use of Turnitin for originality checking should be made compulsory where possible - at the time of the study the use of Turnitin was at the discretion of programme directors. A further aim of the study was to contribute to the sector’s body of knowledge. Prevention of plagiarism through education is a theme identified by Badge and Scott (2009) who conclude an area lacking in research is "investigation of the impact of these tools on staff teaching practices". Although a number of recent studies have considered educational use of Turnitin they focus on individual programmes or subject areas rather than institutions as a whole and the relationship with policy