156 research outputs found

    Complex Investigations of Double Layer of Colloid Particles. Electric Conductivity of Suspensions and Anisotropy of Electrophoresis

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    Conditions for obtaining quantitative .ililformation on the double layer of colloid particles on the basis of electrosurface measurements have been analyzed. A rigorous theory of electric conductivdty of diluted suspensions on the basis of induced dilpole moments of particles has been presented. The .isoconductance point of a suspension has been shown to codncide wd.th the isopolarisation state of a particle. A theory of anisotropy of the electrophoresis of long rod-like particles has been put forward. The identity of the formules of electrophoresis of a sphere and of cylindrical particles oriented pevpendicular towards the field at a small thickness of the double layer has been shown. A good agreement has been found between the values of induced dipole moments and, specific surface conductivity in a wide electrolite concentration range measured by the methods of electric conductivity of suspensions and anisotropy of electrophoresis. The theories of induced dipole moment, electric conductivity of suspension and anisotropy of electrophoresis have been experimentally examined

    16S phylogenetic composition of the bacterial component of the kefir grain (A) and kefir fermented milk (B) at genus level.

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    <p>16S phylogenetic composition of the bacterial component of the kefir grain (A) and kefir fermented milk (B) at genus level.</p

    ITS phylogenetic composition of the fungal component of the kefir grain (A) and kefir fermented milk (B) at genus level.

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    <p>ITS phylogenetic composition of the fungal component of the kefir grain (A) and kefir fermented milk (B) at genus level.</p

    List of fungal species identified in the study, listed in teleomorph form with anamorph or synonym names and previous kefir association.

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    <p>List of fungal species identified in the study, listed in teleomorph form with anamorph or synonym names and previous kefir association.</p

    Procrustes imaging of unweighted UniFrac distance matrices highlight the diversity amongst the 16S bacterial component (A) and fungal component (B) of the different kefir samples.

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    <p>The two different sample types are linked with a bar (white represents grain flora; red represents milk flora). The direction of each axis is arbitrary.</p

    Principle Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) plots, based on unweighted UniFrac distance matrices, show the diversity within bacterial populations from kefir grains (A) and kefir fermented milk (B) and fungal grain (C) and milk (D) populations.

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    <p>Green = Irish kefir, Orange = Belgian kefir, Light Brown = Spanish kefir, Red = German kefir, Grey = US kefir, Pink = Italian kefir and Purple = UK kefir.</p

    Actual and expected frequencies of hinge amino acids from randomly selected representatives of the hinge mutant bank.

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    <p>Actual and expected frequencies of hinge amino acids from randomly selected representatives of the hinge mutant bank.</p

    Minimum inhibitory concentrations of purified nisin (WT) and nisin K12A against various Gram-positive targets.

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    <p>Results from minimum inhibitory concentration assays of purified nisin (WT) and nisin K12A against various Gram-positive targets. Values given are identical results from three independent determinations. Fold Difference represents the improvement of K12A compared to nisin against the relevant indicator.</p

    Oligonucleotides used in this study.

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    <p>PHO indicates 5′ phosphate modification. Underlined sequences represent degenerate codon (N = A+C+G+T, K = G+T, M = A+C). Lower-case letters indicate site-directed mutation.</p
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