6,230 research outputs found

    A Lensed Arc in the Low Redshift Cluster Abell 2124

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    We report the discovery of an arc-like object 27" from the center of the cD galaxy in the redshift z=0.066z=0.066 cluster A2124. Observations with the Keck II telescope reveal that the object is a background galaxy at z=0.573z=0.573, apparently lensed into an arc of length \sim 8 \farcs5 and total R magnitude mR=20.86±0.07m_R = 20.86\pm0.07. The width of the arc is resolved; we estimate it to be ∼\sim0\farcs6 after correcting for seeing. A lens model of the A2124 core mass distribution consistent with the cluster galaxy velocity dispersion reproduces the observed arc geometry and indicates a magnification factor \gta 9. With this magnification, the strength of the [OII] \lambda 3727 line implies a star-formation rate of SFR \sim 0.4 h^{-2}\msun yr^{-1}$. A2124 thus appears to be the lowest redshift cluster known to exhibit strong lensing of a distant background galaxy.Comment: 6 pages using emulateapj.sty; 4 Postscript figures; Figure 4 uses color. Accepted for publication, but ApJ Letters' new policy of counting data images makes the manuscript too long; will appear in main journal. This final version has minor correction

    The Ballistic Phonon Signal in Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    By scanning the surface of a specimen cooled to liquid-helium temperature with the electron beam, ballistic phonons are generated which can be used for acoustic imaging. The anisotropy of the ballistic phonon propagation caused by the phonon focusing effect has been observed in recent experiments. The simultaneous operation of two or more small-area phonon detectors during the scanning process appears promising for three-dimensional acoustic imaging of structural inhomogeneities even far from the specimen surface. The principles of this scheme for acoustic imaging are discussed and the spatial resolution limits are estimated

    An ultraviolet excess in the superluminous supernova Gaia16apd reveals a powerful central engine

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    Since the discovery of superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) in the last decade, it has been known that these events exhibit bluer spectral energy distributions than other supernova subtypes, with significant output in the ultraviolet. However, the event Gaia16apd seems to outshine even the other SLSNe at rest-frame wavelengths below ∼3000\sim 3000 \AA. Yan et al (2016) have recently presented HST UV spectra and attributed the UV flux to low metallicity and hence reduced line blanketing. Here we present UV and optical light curves over a longer baseline in time, revealing a rapid decline at UV wavelengths despite a typical optical evolution. Combining the published UV spectra with our own optical data, we demonstrate that Gaia16apd has a much hotter continuum than virtually any SLSN at maximum light, but it cools rapidly thereafter and is indistinguishable from the others by ∼10\sim 10-15 days after peak. Comparing the equivalent widths of UV absorption lines with those of other events, we show that the excess UV continuum is a result of a more powerful central power source, rather than a lack of UV absorption relative to other SLSNe or an additional component from interaction with the surrounding medium. These findings strongly support the central-engine hypothesis for hydrogen-poor SLSNe. An explosion ejecting Mej=4(0.2/κ)M_{\rm ej} = 4 (0.2/\kappa) M⊙_\odot, where κ\kappa is the opacity in cm2^2g−1^{-1}, and forming a magnetar with spin period P=2P=2 ms, and B=2×1014B=2\times10^{14} G (lower than other SLSNe with comparable rise-times) can consistently explain the light curve evolution and high temperature at peak. The host metallicity, Z=0.18Z=0.18 Z⊙_\odot, is comparable to other SLSNe.Comment: Updated to match accepted version (ApJL

    An X-ray measurement of Titan's atmospheric extent from its transit of the Crab Nebula

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    Saturn's largest satellite, Titan, transited the Crab Nebula on 5 January 2003. We observed this astronomical event with the {\it Chandra} X-ray Observatory. An ``occultation shadow'' has clearly been detected and is found to be larger than the diameter of Titan's solid surface. The difference gives a thickness for Titan's atmosphere of 880 ±\pm 60 km. This is the first measurement of Titan's atmospheric extent at X-ray wavelengths. The value measured is consistent with or slightly larger than those estimated from earlier Voyager observations at other wavelengths. We discuss the possibility of temporal variations in the thickness of Titan's atmosphere.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, AASTeX preprint. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The SBF Survey of Galaxy Distances. I. Sample Selection, Photometric Calibration, and the Hubble Constant

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    We describe a program of surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) measurements for determining galaxy distances. This paper presents the photometric calibration of our sample and of SBF in general. Basing our zero point on observations of Cepheid variable stars, we find that the absolute SBF magnitude in the Kron-Cousins I band correlates well with the mean (V-I)o color of a galaxy according to M_Ibar = (-1.74 +/- 0.07) + (4.5 +/- 0.25) [ (V-I)o - 1.15 ] for 1.0 < (V-I) < 1.3. This agrees well with theoretical estimates from stellar population models. Comparisons between SBF distances and a variety of other estimators, including Cepheid variable stars, the Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function (PNLF), Tully-Fisher (TF), Dn-sigma, SNII, and SNIa, demonstrate that the calibration of SBF is universally valid and that SBF error estimates are accurate. The zero point given by Cepheids, PNLF, TF (both calibrated using Cepheids), and SNII is in units of Mpc; the zero point given by TF (referenced to a distant frame), Dn-sigma and SNIa is in terms of a Hubble expansion velocity expressed in km/s. Tying together these two zero points yields a Hubble constant of H_0 = 81 +/- 6 km/s/Mpc. As part of this analysis, we present SBF distances to 12 nearby groups of galaxies where Cepheids, SNII, and SNIa have been observed.Comment: 29 pages plus 8 figures; LaTeX (AASTeX) uses aaspp4.sty (included); To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, 1997 February 1 issue; Compressed PostScript available from ftp://mars.tuc.noao.edu/sbf

    Leonardo's rule, self-similarity and wind-induced stresses in trees

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    Examining botanical trees, Leonardo da Vinci noted that the total cross-section of branches is conserved across branching nodes. In this Letter, it is proposed that this rule is a consequence of the tree skeleton having a self-similar structure and the branch diameters being adjusted to resist wind-induced loads

    Nickel-Rich Outflows Produced by the Accretion-Induced Collapse of White Dwarfs: Lightcurves and Spectra

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    The accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of a white dwarf to form a neutron star can leave behind a rotationally supported disk with mass of up to ~ 0.1 M_sun. The disk is initially composed of free nucleons but as it accretes and spreads to larger radii, the free nucleons recombine to form helium, releasing sufficient energy to unbind the remaining disk. Most of the ejected mass fuses to form Ni56 and other iron group elements. We present spherically symmetric radiative transfer calculations of the transient powered by the radioactive heating of this ejecta. For an ejecta mass of 1e-2 M_sun (3e-3 M_sun), the lightcurve peaks after <~ 1 day with a peak bolometric luminosity ~ 2e41 erg/s (~ 5e40 erg/s), i.e., a "kilonova"; the decay time is ~ 4 (2) days. Overall, the spectra redden with time reaching U-V ~ 4 after ~ 1 day; the optical colors (B-V) are, however, somewhat blue. Near the peak in the lightcurve, the spectra are dominated by Doppler broadened Nickel features, with no distinct spectral lines present. At ~ 3-5 days, strong Calcium lines are present in the infrared, although the Calcium mass fraction is only ~ 1e-4.5. If rotationally supported disks are a common byproduct of AIC, current and upcoming transient surveys such as the Palomar Transient Factory should detect a few AIC per year for an AIC rate of ~ 1e-2 of the Type Ia rate. We discuss ways of distinguishing AIC from other rapid, faint transients, including .Ia's and the ejecta from binary neutron star mergers.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, now accepted to MNRA

    The SBF Survey of Galaxy Distances. IV. SBF Magnitudes, Colors, and Distances

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    We report data for II band Surface Brightness Fluctuation (SBF) magnitudes, V-I colors, and distance moduli for 300 galaxies. The Survey contains E, S0 and early-type spiral galaxies in the proportions of 49:42:9, and is essentially complete for E galaxies to Hubble velocities of 2000 km/s, with a substantial sampling of E galaxies out to 4000 km/s. The median error in distance modulus is 0.22 mag. We also present two new results from the Survey. (1) We compare the mean peculiar flow velocity (bulk flow) implied by our distances with predictions of typical cold dark matter transfer functions as a function of scale, and find very good agreement with cold, dark matter cosmologies if the transfer function scale parameter Γ\Gamma, and the power spectrum normalization σ8\sigma_8 are related by σ8Γ−0.5≈2±0.5\sigma_8 \Gamma^{-0.5} \approx 2\pm0.5. Derived directly from velocities, this result is independent of the distribution of galaxies or models for biasing. The modest bulk flow contradicts reports of large-scale, large-amplitude flows in the ∼200\sim200 Mpc diameter volume surrounding our Survey volume. (2) We present a distance-independent measure of absolute galaxy luminosity, \Nbar, and show how it correlates with galaxy properties such as color and velocity dispersion, demonstrating its utility for measuring galaxy distances through large and unknown extinction.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (10 January 2001); 23 page
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