841 research outputs found

    Knowledge and practice of emergency contraception among female students of public university of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, West Africa

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    Background: Female students are exposed to unsafe sex, sources of unwanted pregnancy and abortions. It is recognized that emergency contraception can effectively prevent pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and practices of Ouagadougou public university students in relation to emergency contraception in order to propose solutions to reduce the proportion of unwanted pregnancies among female students.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted between May 1st and October 31st, 2016 in the public universities of Ouagadougou. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 732 students randomly selected.Results: The average age of female students was 22.7 years old. The age group 19 to 24 was the most represented (68.03%). Of the students surveyed, 87% knew or had heard of emergency contraception. The students only used the emergency contraceptive pill. The emergency contraceptive use rate was 44.42%. Approximately, 83% of users were aware of the delay in using emergency contraception. The reasons for using emergency contraception were condom breakage (25.10%) and unprotected sex (74.9%). Female students purchased the contraceptive directly in pharmacies (93.61%).Conclusions: Emergency contraception gives women a last chance to avoid an unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex.  Awareness and free availability of emergency contraception (EC) could improve the reproductive health of female students

    Potential use of clay from Burkina Faso as filler in rubber production

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    raw clay materials deposit in Burkina Faso have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and chemical analysis to evaluate their potentialities to be used in rubber compounds production as filler. The samples are composed principally by aolinite, illite and quartz. The rubber compounds have been done in open two-roll mill at room temperature and tested for cure characteristic (ts5, tc90), ineralogical composition by XRD, microstructure by SEM and mechanical properties (Elongation at break, Tear strength, tensile strength, hardness shore A and modulus). The cure characteristics of the rubber compounds formulated with the sample are feeble than those made with commercial kaolin (control). The mechanical properties are in general, except the longation at break, for the sample lowest than those of control. However the different values obtained with the sample are not far to those obtained with commercial kaolin. The different samples can then be used as filler in rubber production after a pre-treatment to reduce the impurities.Keywords: Raw clay materials, rubber, rheology

    Uptake of Climate-Smart Agricultural Technologies and Practices: Actual and Potential Adoption Rates in the Climate-Smart Village Site of Mali

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    Understanding the level of adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and practices and its drivers is needed to spur large-scale uptake of CSA in West Africa. This paper used the Average Treatment Effect framework to derive consistent parametric estimators of the potential adoption rates of eight CSA technologies and practices in the Climate-Smart Village (CSV) site of Mali. A total of 300 household heads were randomly selected within the CSV site for data collection. Results showed significant differences in the observed and potential adoption rates of the CSA technologies and practices (drought tolerant crop varieties, micro-dosing, organic manure, intercropping, contour farming, farmer managed natural regeneration, agroforestry and climate information service). The most adopted technology was the organic manure (89%) while the least adopted was the intercropping (21%). The observed adoption rate varied from 39% to 77% according to the CSA options while the potential adoption rates of the technologies and practices ranged from 55% to 81%. This implies an adoption gap of 2% to 16% due to the incomplete diffusion (lack of awareness) of CSA technologies and practices which must be addressed by carrying out more actions to disseminate these technologies in the CSV. Results showed that education, number of workers in the household, access to subsidies, and training have a positive effect on the adoption of most of the CSA technologies and practices. The adoption of drought tolerant varieties and micro-dosing are positively correlated with access to subsidies and training. The study suggests that efforts should be focused concomitantly on the diffusion of CSA options as well as the lifting of their adoption barriers

    Scaling up climate services for agriculture in Mali Initial findings from piloted implementation of PICSA approach in Africa RISING project intervention zone, southern Mali

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    The Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) approach, designed by the University of Reading (UoR), focuses on improving farmers' livelihood and resilience against the effect of climate change. It provides farmers with accurate, locally specific climate and weather information; coupled with diverse, locally pertinent options for crops, livestock and other livelihood activities; and the use of participatory planning tools to improve and enlighten their decision making based on their individual situations. PICSA is a step by step approach, primarily designed for field extensionists to help them integrate new tools in their activities with farmers and improve the efficiency and impact of those activities on farmer's enterprises

    Using Seasonal Forecast as an Adaptation Strategy: Gender Differential Impact on Yield and Income in Senegal

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    The use of seasonal forecast has been demonstrated as a good option to reduce the effects of climate variability in sub-Saharan African countries. However, its use, benefits and interests may be different depending on gender. This paper aims at analyzing the gender differential impact of the use of seasonal forecast on the main crop yields (rice, maize, sorghum, millet and groundnut) and farm income in Senegal. We collected data from 1481 farmers (44% women) in four regions of Senegal. We applied the counterfactual outcomes framework of modern evaluation theory to estimate the local average treatment effect (LATE) of the use of the seasonal forecast on crop yield and farm income. The results showed a significant impact of the use of the seasonal forecast (SF) in the main crop yields and the agricultural income for farmers in Senegal. This impact varies according to the sex and the type of the crops. The users (men and women) of the seasonal forecast gained on average 158 kg/ha and 140 kg/ha more yield than the non-users, respectively, for millet and rice crops. The impact of the use of SF is greater for men on millet (202.7 kg/ha vs. 16.7 kg/ha) and rice (321.33 kg/ha vs

    External Validation of the “Walking Estimated Limitation Calculated by History” (WELCH) Questionnaire in Patients with Claudication

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    ObjectiveTo externally validate the recently proposed “Walking Estimated Limitation Calculated by History” (WELCH) questionnaire.MethodsA prospective study was performed on 450 new patients referred to our laboratory for treadmill testing (constant load 3.2 km/h and 10% slope for 15 minutes and then incremental increases). Results are presented as mean ± SD or median [25th–75th percentiles] or number (percentage). An ankle brachial index <0.90 defined the presence of peripheral artery disease (PAD). Typical “vascular-type claudication” is a lower-limb pain or discomfort that is absent at rest, appears at exercise, forces stopping, and disappears within 10 minutes of exercise stopping. The Spearman r coefficient of correlation between maximal walking time (MWT) on treadmill and WELCH scores was calculated for patients with (PAD+) or without (PAD−) PAD, and reporting typical vascular-type claudication (VTC+) or not (VTC−).ResultsThe WELCH score was obtained in all included patients. The number (%) of patients with a WELCH score <25 was 37 (54%), 198 (65%), 14 (44%), and 18 (38%), and the Spearman correlation coefficient between WELCH score and treadmill MWT was 0.588, 0.609, 0.581, and 0.591 in the VTC−/PAD+, VTC+/PAD+, VTC−/PAD−, and VTC+/PAD− groups respectively (all p < .001). In PAD+/VTC+ patients, the WELCH positive predictive value for the inability to walk for 5 minutes on the treadmill was 79%.ConclusionThe WELCH score correlates moderately with treadmill-walking capacity in patients with or without PAD, and with or without typical VTC. It appears to be a simple to complete and easily scored instrument to help clinicians standardise the subjective estimation of walking capacity in their patients

    Closing the Gap between Climate Information Producers and Users: Assessment of Needs and Uptake in Senegal

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    West Africa is a very vulnerable part of the world to the impacts of climate change due to a combination of exposure and low adaptive capacity. Climate change has induced an increase in rainfall variability which in turn has affected the availability of water resources, ecosystem services and agricultural production. To adapt to the increased aridity, farmers have used indigenous and modern coping strategies such as soil and water conservation techniques, the use of drought-tolerant crops and varieties, crop diversification, etc., and lately, climate information services (CIS). The latter, according to the discourses, has positively contributed to suitable decision-making in terms of farming, pastoral and fishing management systems. However, the scientific documentation of the engagement approaches, the uptake of the CIS and the ways the delivered information is being used, as well as feedback from the users, is lacking. Additionally, in most of the cases where CIS are introduced, the disconnect between the users and producers of the CIS seems to undercut large-scale uptake. The objective of this paper is to examine the approach used to involve stakeholders in the CIS uptake process in Senegal. We analyzed the experiences and lessons learnt in the country where various CIS products were introduced using participatory methods (stakeholder consultations, interviews, field demonstrations, training workshops, etc.) and innovative stressors (SMS, voice messages, radios, mobile applications, etc.) to effectively involve producers, technicians and policy-makers. Results showed that 16 relevant CIS have been produced out of 27 identified by the various users; 11 CIS diffusion channels have been developed out of 13 requested; 27 climate advisory bodies (MWGs) have been created in 27 districts out of 30 districts in the study zone; about 6800 users have been trained directly and indirectly to effectively use CIS and about 8500 people are receiving CIS via SMS, voice messaging and emails. The opportunities for CIS uptake as well as the challenges that may impede the long-term sustainability of CIS upscaling in the country are highlighted. Recommendations that will improve and sustain the governance system of CIS in Senegal and the rest of West Africa include the involvement of private sectors in the chain of production, delivery and training, and the inciting of producers to largely subscribe to the weather-based index insurance
