10 research outputs found

    Collecting data for global surgical indicators: a collaborative approach in the Pacific region

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    © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. In 2015, the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery (LCoGS) recommended six surgical metrics to enable countries to measure their surgical and anaesthesia care delivery. These indicators have subsequently been accepted by the World Bank for inclusion in the World Development Indicators. With support from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Pacific Islands Surgical Association, 14 South Pacific countries collaborated to collect the first four of six LCoGS indicators. Thirteen countries collected all four indicators over a 6-month period from October 2015 to April 2016. Australia and New Zealand exceeded the recommended LCoGS target for all four indicators. Only 5 of 13 countries (38%) achieved 2-hour access for at least 80% of their population, with a range of 20% (Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands) to over 65% (Fiji and Samoa). Five of 13 (38%) countries met the target surgical volume of 5000 procedures per 100 000 population, with six performing less than 1600. Four of 14 (29%) countries had at least 20 surgical, anaesthesia and obstetric providers in their workforce per 100 000 population, with a range of 0.9 (Timor Leste) to 18.5 (Tuvalu). Perioperative mortality rate was reported by 13 of 14 countries, and ranged from 0.11% to 1.0%. We believe it is feasible to collect global surgery indicators across the South Pacific, a diverse geographical region encompassing high-income and low-income countries. Such metrics will allow direct comparison between similar nations, but more importantly provide baseline data that providers and politicians can use in advocacy national health planning

    Weight compensated motion estimation for facial deformation analysis

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    Investigation of the motion performed by a person's face while speaking is the target of this paper. Methods and results of the studied facial motions are presented and rigid and non-rigid motion are analyzed. In order to extract only facial deformation independent from head pose, we use a new and simple approach for separating rigid and non-rigid motion called Weight Cornpensated Motion Estimation (WCME). This approach weights the data points according to their influence to the desired motion model. A synthetic test as well as real data, are used to demonstrate the performance of this approach. We also present results in the field of facial deformation analysis and used basis shapes as description form. These results can be used for recognition purposes by adding temporal changes to the overall process or adding natural deformations other than at the given database

    Forest Decline after a 15-Year “Perfect Storm” of Invasion by Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Drought, and Hurricanes

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    Invasions by introduced pests can interact with other disturbances to alter forests and their functions, particularly when a dominant tree species declines. To identify changes after invasion by the insect hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae; HWA), coinciding with severe droughts and hurricanes, this study compared tree species composition of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) forests on 11 plots before (2001) and 15 years after (2016) invasion in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. Losses of hemlock trees after HWA invasion were among the highest reported, with a 90% decline in density, 86% decline in basal area, and 100% mortality for individuals ≄ 60 cm in diameter. In contrast to predictions of theoretical models, deciduous tree density declined after HWA invasion, while basal area changed little, at least during the initial 15 years after invasion. Overall, forest density declined by 58%, basal area by 25%, and tree species richness by 8%. Factors additional to HWA likely exacerbating forest decline included: droughts before (1999–2001) and after HWA invasion (2006–2008); tree uprooting from hurricane-stimulated winds in 2004; pest-related declines of deciduous tree species otherwise likely benefitting from hemlock’s demise; death of deciduous trees when large hemlocks fell; and competition from aggressive understory plants including doghobble (Leucothoe fontanesiana), rosebay rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum), and Rubus spp. Models of forest change and ecosystem function should not assume that deciduous trees always increase during the first decades after HWA invasion