970 research outputs found

    Cost of production estimates for wheat, milk and pigs in selected EU member states

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    Summary: This study summarizes cost estimates based on the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network using the General Cost of Production Model, developed, applied and tested within the FACEPA project. Results are provided for wheat, pigs and milk for the main producer countries of the EU for the period 1999 to 2007. Estimated input-output coefficients are generally based on monetary figures, expressing cost shares referring to total output. Effects of scale, specialization and location can be derived by estimates based on respective sub-samples. Costs per unit are derived based on input-output coefficients and output values, providing costs per hectare or ton for wheat and per ton of milk. There is a considerable variation between Member States not only of production costs, but also of output, and output plus subsidies (due to the national implementations of full or partially decoupling schemes), especially for wheat and milk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie werden SchĂ€tzungen von Produktionskosten basierend auf EU-Testbetriebsdaten unter Verwendung eines in dem EU-Forschungsprojekt FACEPA entwickelten Modells durchgefĂŒhrt. Ergebnisse werden bereitgestellt fĂŒr Weizen, Milch sowie fĂŒr Schweine fĂŒr die HauptproduktionslĂ€nder der EU und fĂŒr den Zeitraum 1999 bis 2007. Die geschĂ€tzten Input-Output Koeffizienten drĂŒcken die durchschnittlichen Kostenteile zum monetĂ€ren Output des zugrundeliegenden Samples dar. Einflussfaktoren auf die Kosten wie BetriebsgrĂ¶ĂŸe, Standort und Spezialisierung können mittels SchĂ€tzung auf Basis entsprechend geschichteter Samples analysiert werden. Die Kosten je Einheit werden basierend auf den SchĂ€tzkoeffizienten und Outputs abgeleitet, und zwar je Hektar (fĂŒr Weizen) sowie je Tonne fĂŒr Weizen und Milch. Zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten bestehen erhebliche Unterschiede sowohl bei den Produktionskosten, dem monetĂ€ren Output als auch den gekoppelten Direktzahlungen vor allem fĂŒr Weizen und Milch.econometric analysis, production costs, ökonometrische Analyse, Produktionskosten, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Production Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, C39, Q12,

    Sub-mesoscale observations of convective cold pools with a dense station network in Hamburg, Germany

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    From June to August 2020, an observational network of 103 meteorological ground-based stations covered the greater area (50 km × 35 km) of Hamburg (Germany) as part of the Field Experiment on Sub-mesoscale Spatio-Temporal variability at Hanseatic city of Hamburg (FESST@HH). The purpose of the experiment was to shed light on the sub-mesoscale (O(100) m–O(10) km) structure of convective cold pools that typically remain under-resolved in operational networks. During the experiment, 82 custom-built, low-cost APOLLO (Autonomous cold POoL LOgger) stations sampled air temperature and pressure with fast-response sensors at 1 s resolution to adequately capture the strong and rapid perturbations associated with propagating cold pool fronts. A secondary network of 21 weather stations with commercial sensors provided additional information on relative humidity, wind speed, and precipitation at 10 s resolution. The realization of the experiment during the COVID-19 pandemic was facilitated by a large number of volunteers who provided measurement sites on their premises and supported station maintenance. This article introduces the novel type of autonomously operating instruments, their measurement characteristics, and the FESST@HH data set (https://doi.org/10.25592/UHHFDM.10172; Kirsch et al., 2021b). A case study demonstrates that the network is capable of mapping the horizontal structure of the temperature signal inside a cold pool, and quantifying a cold pool's size and propagation velocity throughout its life cycle. Beyond its primary purpose, the data set offers new insights into the spatial and temporal characteristics of the nocturnal urban heat island and variations of turbulent temperature fluctuations associated with different urban and natural environments

    Model Order Reduction for Rotating Electrical Machines

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    The simulation of electric rotating machines is both computationally expensive and memory intensive. To overcome these costs, model order reduction techniques can be applied. The focus of this contribution is especially on machines that contain non-symmetric components. These are usually introduced during the mass production process and are modeled by small perturbations in the geometry (e.g., eccentricity) or the material parameters. While model order reduction for symmetric machines is clear and does not need special treatment, the non-symmetric setting adds additional challenges. An adaptive strategy based on proper orthogonal decomposition is developed to overcome these difficulties. Equipped with an a posteriori error estimator the obtained solution is certified. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Structural Biology of Peanut Allergens

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    Peanuts are a cause of one of the most common food allergies. Allergy to peanuts not only affects a significant fraction of the population, but it is relatively often associated with strong reactions in sensitized individuals. Peanut and tree nut allergies, which start in childhood are often persistent and continue through life, as opposed to other food allergies that resolve with age. Cherefore, peanut allergens are one of the most intensively studied food allergens. In this review we focus on the structural studies of peanut allergens. Despite the fact that these allergens are attracting a lot of interest and several of them have had their structures experimentally determined, still some molecular properties of peanut allergens are not well understood. Peanut allergens like other allergens belong to just a few protein families. Allergens from the cupin superfamily (Ara h 1 and Ara h 3), 2S albumins (Arah 2 and Ara h 6), Ara h 8 (pathogenesis related class-10 protein) and Ara h 5 (profilin) are relatively well characterized in terms of their 3D structures. However some peanut allergens like Ara h 7 (2S albumin), Ara h 9 (nonspecific lipid-transfer protein), and especially oleosins (Ara h 10 and Ara h 11) and defensins (Ara h 12 and Ara h 13), still are waiting for such characterization

    Use of CRISTA mesopause region temperatures for the intercalibration of gound-based instruments

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    Most available ground-based (GB) techniques for measuring temperatures in the upper mesosphere to lower thermosphere (or mesopause region) have systematic errors that are comparable to those of orbiting instruments. Determining these unknown biasses would normally require colocated observations that are only seldom feasible. Satellite measurements can be used as a ‘‘transfer standard’’ between GB observations that are not colocated. In this context, even with a reproducible or known bias in the satellite data, the comparison is still meaningful. Since Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere (CRISTA) temperatures cover the mesopause region with very good accuracy (statistical errors do not exceed 1.5 K and systematic uncertainties range from about 3–7.5 K), they are quite suitable for this purpose. Because of the nearly constant precision over the height range of interest, also rotational temperatures of airglow emissions from different altitudes like the OH and O2 bands (or the OI 558 nm line) can be successfully compared with each other. In spite of the limited number of overpasses during the relatively short CRISTA missions, the feasibility of such an intercalibration is demonstrated for widely separated GB sites. Here, the results obtained for GB measurements at eight different sites, using CRISTA-1 and CRISTA-2 data, are presented. For OH temperatures, the standard deviation between the different instruments is only 5.4 K, confirming previous estimates.Fil: Scheer, Jurgen. Consejo Nacional de InvestigaciĂłnes CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de AstronomĂ­a y FĂ­sica del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de AstronomĂ­a y FĂ­sica del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Reisin, Esteban Rodolfo. Consejo Nacional de InvestigaciĂłnes CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de AstronomĂ­a y FĂ­sica del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de AstronomĂ­a y FĂ­sica del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Gusev, O. A.. University of Wuppertal; AlemaniaFil: French, W. J. R.. Australian Antarctic Division; AustraliaFil: Hernandez, G.. University of Washington; Estados UnidosFil: Huppi, R.. State University Of Utah; Estados UnidosFil: Ammosov, P.. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy; RusiaFil: Gavrilyeva, G. A.. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy; RusiaFil: Offermann, D.. University of Wuppertal; Alemani

    Indications for the Nonexistence of Three-Neutron Resonances near the Physical Region

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    The pending question of the existence of three-neutron resonances near the physical energy region is reconsidered. Finite rank neutron-neutron forces are used in Faddeev equations, which are analytically continued into the unphysical energy sheet below the positive real energy axis. The trajectories of the three-neutron S-matrix poles in the states of total angular momenta and parity J^\pi=1/2 +- and J^\pi= 3/2 +- are traced out as a function of artificial enhancement factors of the neutron-neutron forces. The final positions of the S-matrix poles removing the artificial factors are found in all cases to be far away from the positive real energy axis, which provides a strong indication for the nonexistence of nearby three-neutron resonances. The pole trajectories close to the threshold E=0 are also predicted out of auxiliary generated three-neutron bound state energies using the Pad\'e method and agree very well with the directly calculated ones.Comment: 20 pages, 7 Postscript figures, fig.1 is corrected, uses relax.st

    The f_LT Response Function of D(e,e'p)n at Q^2=0.33(GeV/c)^2

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    The interference response function f_LT (R_LT) of the D(e,e'p)n reaction has been determined at squared four-momentum transfer Q^2 = 0.33 (GeV/c)^2 and for missing momenta up to p_miss= 0.29 (GeV/c). The results have been compared to calculations that reproduce f_LT quite well but overestimate the cross sections by 10 - 20% for missing momenta between 0.1 (GeV/c) and 0.2 (GeV/c) .Comment: 12 Pages, 10 figure

    Spin-EPR-pair separation by conveyor-mode single electron shuttling in Si/SiGe

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    Long-ranged coherent qubit coupling is a missing function block for scaling up spin qubit based quantum computing solutions. Spin-coherent conveyor-mode electron-shuttling could enable spin quantum-chips with scalable and sparse qubit-architecture. Its key feature is the operation by only few easily tuneable input terminals and compatibility with industrial gate-fabrication. Single electron shuttling in conveyor-mode in a 420 nm long quantum bus has been demonstrated previously. Here we investigate the spin coherence during conveyor-mode shuttling by separation and rejoining an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) spin-pair. Compared to previous work we boost the shuttle velocity by a factor of 10000. We observe a rising spin-qubit dephasing time with the longer shuttle distances due to motional narrowing and estimate the spin-shuttle infidelity due to dephasing to be 0.7 % for a total shuttle distance of nominal 560 nm. Shuttling several loops up to an accumulated distance of 3.36 Ό\mum, spin-entanglement of the EPR pair is still detectable, giving good perspective for our approach of a shuttle-based scalable quantum computing architecture in silicon

    Consistent alpha-cluster description of the 12C (0^+_2) resonance

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    The near-threshold 12C (0^+_2) resonance provides unique possibility for fast helium burning in stars, as predicted by Hoyle to explain the observed abundance of elements in the Universe. Properties of this resonance are calculated within the framework of the alpha-cluster model whose two-body and three-body effective potentials are tuned to describe the alpha - alpha scattering data, the energies of the 0^+_1 and 0^+_2 states, and the 0^+_1-state root-mean-square radius. The extremely small width of the 0^+_2 state, the 0_2^+ to 0_1^+ monopole transition matrix element, and transition radius are found in remarkable agreement with the experimental data. The 0^+_2-state structure is described as a system of three alpha-particles oscillating between the ground-state-like configuration and the elongated chain configuration whose probability exceeds 0.9
