443 research outputs found

    Power assignment problems in wireless communication

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    A fundamental class of problems in wireless communication is concerned with the assignment of suitable transmission powers to wireless devices/stations such that the resulting communication graph satisfies certain desired properties and the overall energy consumed is minimized. Many concrete communication tasks in a wireless network like broadcast, multicast, point-to-point routing, creation of a communication backbone, etc. can be regarded as such a power assignment problem. This paper considers several problems of that kind; for example one problem studied before in (Vittorio Bil{\`o} et al: Geometric Clustering to Minimize the Sum of Cluster Sizes, ESA 2005) and (Helmut Alt et al.: Minimum-cost coverage of point sets by disks, SCG 2006) aims to select and assign powers to kk of the stations such that all other stations are within reach of at least one of the selected stations. We improve the running time for obtaining a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximate solution for this problem from n((α/ϵ)O(d))n^{((\alpha/\epsilon)^{O(d)})} as reported by Bil{\`o} et al. (see Vittorio Bil{\`o} et al: Geometric Clustering to Minimize the Sum of Cluster Sizes, ESA 2005) to O(n+(k2d+1ϵd)min{  2k,    (α/ϵ)O(d)  })O\left( n+ {\left(\frac{k^{2d+1}}{\epsilon^d}\right)}^{ \min{\{\; 2k,\;\; (\alpha/\epsilon)^{O(d)} \;\}} } \right) that is, we obtain a running time that is \emph{linear} in the network size. Further results include a constant approximation algorithm for the TSP problem under squared (non-metric!) edge costs, which can be employed to implement a novel data aggregation protocol, as well as efficient schemes to perform kk-hop multicasts

    Extracellular IgC2 Constant Domains of CEACAMs Mediate PI3K Sensitivity during Uptake of Pathogens

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    Several pathogenic bacteria utilize receptors of the CEACAM family to attach to human cells. Binding to different members of this receptor family can result in uptake of the bacteria. Uptake of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a gram-negative human pathogen, via CEACAMs found on epithelial cells, such as CEACAM1, CEA or CEACAM6, differs mechanistically from phagocytosis mediated by CEACAM3, a CEACAM family member expressed selectively by human granulocytes.We find that CEACAM1- as well as CEACAM3-mediated bacterial internalization are accompanied by a rapid increase in phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5 phosphate (PI(3,4,5)P) at the site of bacterial entry. However, pharmacological inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3' kinase (PI3K) selectively affects CEACAM1-mediated uptake of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Accordingly, overexpression of the PI(3,4,5)P phosphatase SHIP diminishes and expression of a constitutive active PI3K increases CEACAM1-mediated internalization of gonococci, without influencing uptake by CEACAM3. Furthermore, bacterial uptake by GPI-linked members of the CEACAM family (CEA and CEACAM6) and CEACAM1-mediated internalization of N. meningitidis by endothelial cells require PI3K activity. Sensitivity of CEACAM1-mediated uptake toward PI3K inhibition is independent of receptor localization in cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains and does not require the cytoplasmic or the transmembrane domain of CEACAM1. However, PI3K inhibitor sensitivity requires the Ig(C2)-like domains of CEACAM1, which are also present in CEA and CEACAM6, but which are absent from CEACAM3. Accordingly, overexpression of CEACAM1 Ig(C2) domains blocks CEACAM1-mediated internalization.Our results provide novel mechanistic insight into CEACAM1-mediated endocytosis and suggest that epithelial CEACAMs associate in cis with other membrane receptor(s) via their extracellular domains to trigger bacterial uptake in a PI3K-dependent manner

    Precise and efficient parametric path analysis

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    Role of Brush Biopsy and DNA Cytometry for Prevention, Diagnosis, Therapy, and Followup Care of Oral Cancer

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    Late diagnosis resulting in late treatment and locoregional failure after surgery are the main causes of death in patients with oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). Actually, exfoliative cytology is increasingly used for early detection of oral cancer and has been the subject of intense research over the last five years. Significant advances have been made both in relation to screening and evaluation of precursor lesions. As this noninvasive procedure is well tolerated by patients, more lesions may be screened and thus more oral cancers may be found in early, curable stages. Moreover, the additional use of DNA image cytometry is a reasonable tool for the assessment of the resection margins of SCC. DNA image cytometry could help to find the appropriate treatment option for the patients. Finally, diagnostic DNA image cytometry is an accurate method and has internationally been standardized. In conclusion, DNA image cytometry has increasing impact on the prevention, diagnostic, and therapeutical considerations in head and neck SCC

    Behavior of osteoblastic cells cultured on titanium and structured zirconia surfaces

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    Background Osseointegration is crucial for the long-term success of dental implants and depends on the tissue reaction at the tissue-implant interface. Mechanical properties and biocompatibility make zirconia a suitable material for dental implants, although surface processings are still problematic. The aim of the present study was to compare osteoblast behavior on structured zirconia and titanium surfaces under standardized conditions. Methods The surface characteristics were determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In primary bovine osteoblasts attachment kinetics, proliferation rate and synthesis of bone-associated proteins were tested on different surfaces. Results The results demonstrated that the proliferation rate of cells was significantly higher on zirconia surfaces than on titanium surfaces (p < 0.05; Student's t-test). In contrast, attachment and adhesion strength of the primary cells was significant higher on titanium surfaces (p < 0.05; U test). No significant differences were found in the synthesis of bone-specific proteins. Ultrastructural analysis revealed phenotypic features of osteoblast-like cells on both zirconia and titanium surfaces. Conclusion The study demonstrates distinct effects of the surface composition on osteoblasts in culture. Zirconia improves cell proliferation significantly during the first days of culture, but it does not improve attachment and adhesion strength. Both materials do not differ with respect to protein synthesis or ultrastructural appearance of osteoblasts. Zirconium oxide may therefore be a suitable material for dental implants

    The common HAQ STING variant impairs cGAS-dependent antibacterial responses and is associated with susceptibility to Legionnaires’ disease in humans

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    Abstract The cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS)-STING pathway is central for innate immune sensing of various bacterial, viral and protozoal infections. Recent studies identified the common HAQ and R232H alleles of TMEM173/STING, but the functional consequences of these variants for primary infections are unknown. Here we demonstrate that cGAS- and STING-deficient murine macrophages as well as human cells of individuals carrying HAQ TMEM173/STING were severely impaired in producing type I IFNs and pro-inflammatory cytokines in response to Legionella pneumophila, bacterial DNA or cyclic dinucleotides (CDNs). In contrast, R232H attenuated cytokine production only following stimulation with bacterial CDN, but not in response to L. pneumophila or DNA. In a mouse model of Legionnaires’ disease, cGAS- and STING-deficient animals exhibited higher bacterial loads as compared to wild-type mice. Moreover, the haplotype frequency of HAQ TMEM173/STING, but not of R232H TMEM173/STING, was increased in two independent cohorts of human Legionnaires’ disease patients as compared to healthy controls. Our study reveals that the cGAS-STING cascade contributes to antibacterial defense against L. pneumophila in mice and men, and provides important insight into how the common HAQ TMEM173/STING variant affects antimicrobial immune responses and susceptibility to infection. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov DRKS00005274, German Clinical Trials Register Author summary Interferons (IFNs) and pro-inflammatory cytokines are key regulators of gene expression and antibacterial defense during Legionella pneumophila infection. Here we demonstrate that production of these mediators was largely or partly dependent on the cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS)-STING pathway in human and murine cells. Cells of individuals carrying the common HAQ allele of TMEM173/STING were strongly impaired in their ability to respond to L. pneumophila, bacterial DNA or cyclic dinucleotides (CDNs), whereas the R232H allele was only attenuated in sensing of exogenous CDNs. Importantly, cGAS and STING contributed to antibacterial defense in mice during L. pneumophila lung infection, and the allele frequency of HAQ TMEM173/STING, but not of R232H TMEM173/STING, was increased in two independent cohorts of human Legionnaires’ disease patients as compared to healthy controls. Hence, sensing of bacterial DNA by the cGAS/STING pathway contributes to antibacterial defense against L. pneumophila infection, and the hypomorphic variant HAQ TMEM173/STING is associated with increased susceptibility to Legionnaires’ disease in humans

    Embryonic stem cells in scaffold-free three-dimensional cell culture: osteogenic differentiation and bone generation

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    Extracorporeal formation of mineralized bone-like tissue is still an unsolved challenge in tissue engineering. Embryonic stem cells may open up new therapeutic options for the future and should be an interesting model for the analysis of fetal organogenesis. Here we describe a technique for culturing embryonic stem cells (ESCs) in the absence of artificial scaffolds which generated mineralized miromasses. Embryonic stem cells were harvested and osteogenic differentiation was stimulated by the addition of dexamethasone, ascorbic acid, and ß-glycerolphosphate (DAG). After three days of cultivation microspheres were formed. These spherical three-dimensional cell units showed a peripheral zone consisting of densely packed cell layers surrounded by minerals that were embedded in the extracellular matrix. Alizarine red staining confirmed evidence of mineralization after 10 days of DAG stimulation in the stimulated but not in the control group. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated scorching crystallites and collagenous fibrils as early indication of bone formation. These extracellular structures resembled hydroxyl apatite-like crystals as demonstrated by distinct diffraction patterns using electron diffraction analysis. The micromass culture technique is an appropriate model to form three-dimensional bone-like micro-units without the need for an underlying scaffold. Further studies will have to show whether the technique is applicable also to pluripotent stem cells of different origin

    Transcultural body spaces: re-inventing and performing headwrap practice among young Congolese women in London

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    This article examines embodied representation of race, ethnicity, and gender, questioning ideas of cultural appropriation. Using the London-based Congolese transnational fashion brand Kiyana Wraps as a case study, the article addresses how young Congolese designers re-invent their cultural heritage to conceive the label stylisation and construct meanings of Blackness/Africanness. The article also explores the brand’s social spaces, where the headwrap ritual is used by different actors to perform hybrid identities. In addition, wearing the headwrap reveals symbolic metaphors of empowerment, through which intertwined ‘feminist’ and ‘feminine’ identities are evoked. The paper examines how Congolese women are creatively taking inspiration from the environment of London to produce innovative fashion trajectories as lived socio-cultural experiences. It argues how the headwrap ritual signifies an aesthetic and material process through which specific racial and ethnic boundaries are transcended, fabricating transcultural body spaces which encompass individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds