1,507 research outputs found

    Spectral properties of coupled cavity arrays in one dimension

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    Spectral properties of coupled cavity arrays in one dimension are investigated by means of the variational cluster approach. Coupled cavity arrays consist of two distinct "particles," namely, photons and atomiclike excitations. Spectral functions are evaluated and discussed for both particle types. In addition, densities of states, momentum distributions and spatial correlation functions are presented. Based on this information, polariton "quasiparticles" are introduced as appropriate, wave vector and filling dependent linear combinations of photon and atomiclike particles. Spectral functions and densities of states are evaluated for the polariton quasiparticles, and the weights of their components are analyzed.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, version as publishe

    Homologous recombination is required for AAV-mediated gene targeting

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    High frequencies of gene targeting can be achieved by infection of mammalian cells with recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors [D. W. Russell and R. K. Hirata (1998) Nature Genet., 18, 325–330; D. W. Russell and R. K. Hirata (2000) J. Virol., 74, 4612–4620; R. Hirata et al. (2002) Nat. Biotechnol., 20, 735–738], but the mechanism of targeting is unclear and random integration often occurs in parallel. We assessed the role of specific DNA repair and recombination pathways in rAAV gene targeting by measuring correction of a mutated enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene in cells where homologous recombination (HR) or non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) had been suppressed by RNAi. EGFP-negative cells were transduced with rAAV vectors carrying a different inactivating deletion in the EGFP, and in parallel with rAAV vectors carrying red fluorescent protein (RFP). Expression of RFP accounted for viral transduction efficiency and long-term random integration. Approximately 0.02% of the infected GFP-negative cells were stably converted to GFP positive cells. Silencing of the essential NHEJ component DNA-PK had no significant effect on the frequency of targeting at any time point examined. Silencing of the SNF2/SWI2 family members RAD54L or RAD54B, which are important for HR, reduced the rate of stable rAAV gene targeting ∼5-fold. Further, partial silencing of the Rad51 paralogue XRCC3 completely abolished stable long-term EGFP expression. These results show that rAAV gene targeting requires the Rad51/Rad54 pathway of HR

    Generation and Exploitation of Aggregation Abstractions for Scheduling and Resource Allocation

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    Our research is investigating abstraction of computational theories for scheduling and resource allocation. These theories are represented in a variant of first order predicate calculus, parameterized multisorted logic, that facilitates specification of large problems. A particular problem is conceptually stated as a set of ground sentences that are consistent with a quantified theory. We are mainly investigating the automated generation of aggregation abstractions and approximations in which detailed resource allocation constraints are replaced by constraints between aggregate demand and capacity. We are also investigating the interaction of aggregation abstractions with the more thoroughly investigated abstractions of weakening operator preconditions. The purpose of the theories for aggregated demand/capacity is threefold: first, to answer queries about aggregate properties, such as gross feasibility; second, to reduce computational costs by using the solution of aggregate problems to guide the solution of detailed problems; and third, to facilitate reformulating theories to approximate problems for which there are efficient problem solving methods. We also describe novel methods for exploiting aggregation abstractions

    Reactions of thiocarbamate, triazine and urea herbicides, RDX and benzenes on EPA Contaminant Candidate List with ozone and with hydroxyl radicals

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    Second-order rate constants of the direct ozone reactions (kO3,M) and the indirect OH radical reactions (kOH,M) for nine chemicals on the US EPA’s Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) were studied during the ozonation and ozone/hydrogen peroxide advanced oxidation process (O3/H2O2 AOP) using batch reactors. Except for the thiocarbamate herbicides (molinate and EPTC), all other CCL chemicals (linuron, diuron, prometon, RDX, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, 2,6-dinitrotoluene and nitrobenzene) show low reactivity toward ozone. The general magnitude of ozone reactivity of the CCL chemicals can be explained by their structures and the electrophilic nature of ozone reactions. The CCL chemicals (except RDX) are highly reactive toward OH radicals as demonstrated by their high kOH,M values. Ozonation at low pH, which involves mainly the direct ozone reaction, is only efficient for the removal of the thiocarbamates. Ozonation at high pH and O3/H2O2 AOP will be highly efficient for the treatment of all chemicals in this study except RDX, which shows the lowest OH radical reactivity. Removal of a contaminant does not mean complete mineralization and reaction byproducts may be a problem if they are recalcitrant and are likely to cause health concerns

    Reactions of thiocarbamate, triazine and urea herbicides, RDX and benzenes on EPA Contaminant Candidate List with ozone and with hydroxyl radicals

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    Second-order rate constants of the direct ozone reactions (kO3,M) and the indirect OH radical reactions (kOH,M) for nine chemicals on the US EPA’s Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) were studied during the ozonation and ozone/hydrogen peroxide advanced oxidation process (O3/H2O2 AOP) using batch reactors. Except for the thiocarbamate herbicides (molinate and EPTC), all other CCL chemicals (linuron, diuron, prometon, RDX, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, 2,6-dinitrotoluene and nitrobenzene) show low reactivity toward ozone. The general magnitude of ozone reactivity of the CCL chemicals can be explained by their structures and the electrophilic nature of ozone reactions. The CCL chemicals (except RDX) are highly reactive toward OH radicals as demonstrated by their high kOH,M values. Ozonation at low pH, which involves mainly the direct ozone reaction, is only efficient for the removal of the thiocarbamates. Ozonation at high pH and O3/H2O2 AOP will be highly efficient for the treatment of all chemicals in this study except RDX, which shows the lowest OH radical reactivity. Removal of a contaminant does not mean complete mineralization and reaction byproducts may be a problem if they are recalcitrant and are likely to cause health concerns

    Comparación de citología mediante aspirado de aguja fina e histología en el diagnóstico de lipidosis hepática en bovinos de matadero

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar resultados de citología e histología en la detección de acúmulo de lípido hepatocelular en bovinos. La lipidosis hepática en ganado lechero es una enfermedad de gran importancia clínica y económica. La citología de aspirado de aguja fina (AAF) ha sido descrita como una técnica capaz de identificar lipidosis hepática en bovinos, sin embargo se carece de estudios que evalúen la exactitud del método. Este estudio corresponde a un primer paso para probar nuestra hipótesis de que la citología de AAF es un método de una exactitud razonable, económico y practicable para diagnosticar lipidosis hepática en bovinos. Se obtuvo 73 muestras a partir de hígados de matadero inmediatamente post mortem. Utilizando una escala de 1 a 4 se determinó la severidad de la lesión tanto para el porcentaje de células afectadas como para el promedio de citoplasma afectado. Se utilizaron muestras pareadas que representaron un espectro de las lesiones. La correlación entre el grado de afección de hepatocitos y citoplasma entre citología e histología fue altamente significativa. El puntaje dado para porcentaje de hepatocitos afectados fue diferente en ≤1 punto entre citología e histología en el 73% de los casos. Para el caso de porcentaje de citoplasma afectado esta diferencia de ≤1 punto entre ambas técnicas se presentó en el 95% de los casos. La prueba de concordancia de Kappa entre citología e histología fue adecuada. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la citología de aspirado de aguja fina puede ser un método aceptable para diagnosticar hígado graso en ganado bovino. Se requieren más estudios en animales vivos con sospecha clínica de lipidosis hepática

    Universal quantum computation and simulation using any entangling Hamiltonian and local unitaries

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    What interactions are sufficient to simulate arbitrary quantum dynamics in a composite quantum system? We provide an efficient algorithm to simulate any desired two-body Hamiltonian evolution using any fixed two-body entangling n-qubit Hamiltonian and local unitaries. It follows that universal quantum computation can be performed using any entangling interaction and local unitary operations.Comment: Added references to NMR refocusing and to earlier work by Leung et al and Jones and Knil

    Metformin does not reduce inflammation in diabetics with abdominal aortic aneurysm or at high risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm formation

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    Introduction The protective effect of diabetes mellitus on abdominal aortic aneurysm formation and growth has been repeatedly observed in population studies but continues to be poorly understood. However, recent investigations have suggested that metformin, a staple antihyperglycemic medication, may be independently protective against abdominal aortic aneurysm formation and growth. Therefore, we describe the effect of metformin in abdominal aortic aneurysm and at-risk patients on markers of inflammation, the driver of early abdominal aortic aneurysm formation and growth. Methods Peripheral blood was collected from patients previously diagnosed with abdominal aortic aneurysm or presenting for their U.S. Preventive Task Force-recommended abdominal aortic aneurysm screening. Plasma and circulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells were isolated using Ficoll density centrifugation. Circulating plasma inflammatory and regulatory cytokines were assessed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. CD4+ cell phenotyping was performed using flow cytometric analysis and expressed as a proportion of total CD4+ cells. To determine the circulating antibody to self-antigen response, a modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed against antibodies to collagen type V and elastin fragments. Results Peripheral blood was isolated from 266 patients without diabetes mellitus (n=182), with diabetes mellitus not treated with metformin (n=34), and with diabetes mellitus actively taking metformin (n=50) from 2015 to 2017. We found no differences in the expression of Tr1, Th17, and Treg CD4+ fractions within diabetics ± metformin. When comparing inflammatory cytokines, we detected no differences in IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17, IL-23, IFN-γ, and TNF-α. Conversely, no differences were observed pertaining to the expression to regulatory cytokines IL-4, IL-10, IL-13, TSG-6, or TGF-β. Lastly, no differences in expression of collagen type V and elastin fragment antigen and/or antibodies were detected with metformin use in diabetics. Conclusion Metformin in diabetics at-risk for abdominal aortic aneurysm or diagnosed with abdominal aortic aneurysm does not seem to alter the peripheral inflammatory environment

    Cognitive deficits in childhood, adolescence and adulthood in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and association with psychopathology

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    22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS) is associated with high risk of psychiatric disorders and cognitive impairment. It remains unclear to what extent key cognitive skills are associated with psychopathology, and whether cognition is stable over time in 22q11.2DS. 236 children, adolescents and adults with 22q11.2DS and 106 typically developing controls were recruited from three sites across Europe. Measures of IQ, processing speed, sustained attention, spatial working memory and psychiatric assessments were completed. Cognitive performance in individuals was calculated relative to controls in different age groups (children (6–9 years), adolescents (10–17 years), adults (18+ years)). Individuals with 22q11.2DS exhibited cognitive impairment and higher rates of psychiatric disorders compared to typically developing controls. Presence of Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms was associated with greater deficits in processing speed, sustained attention and working memory in adolescents but not children. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents and psychotic disorder in adulthood was associated with sustained attention impairment. Processing speed and working memory were more impaired in children and adults with 22q11.2DS respectively, whereas the deficit in sustained attention was present from childhood and remained static over developmental stages. Psychopathology was associated with cognitive profile of individuals with 22q11.2DS in an age-specific and domain-specific manner. Furthermore, magnitude of cognitive impairment differed by developmental stage in 22q11.2DS and the pattern differed by domain


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    Contains reports on seven research projects.National Institutes of Health (Grant 5 RO1 EY01149-02)Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. (Grant)National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 TO1 EY00090-01
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