278 research outputs found

    Intersecting D-Branes on Shift Z2 x Z2 Orientifolds

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    We investigate Z2 x Z2 orientifolds with group actions involving shifts. A complete classification of possible geometries is presented where also previous work by other authors is included in a unified framework from an intersecting D-brane perspective. In particular, we show that the additional shifts not only determine the topology of the orbifold but also independently the presence of orientifold planes. In the second part, we work out in detail a basis of homological three cycles on shift Z2 x Z2 orientifolds and construct all possible fractional D-branes including rigid ones. A Pati-Salam type model with no open-string moduli in the visible sector is presented.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures, refs. adde

    Diversity in the Tail of the Intersecting Brane Landscape

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    Techniques are developed for exploring the complete space of intersecting brane models on an orientifold. The classification of all solutions for the widely-studied T^6/Z_2 x Z_2 orientifold is made possible by computing all combinations of branes with negative tadpole contributions. This provides the necessary information to systematically and efficiently identify all models in this class with specific characteristics. In particular, all ways in which a desired group G can be realized by a system of intersecting branes can be enumerated in polynomial time. We identify all distinct brane realizations of the gauge groups SU(3) x SU(2) and SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) which can be embedded in any model which is compatible with the tadpole and SUSY constraints. We compute the distribution of the number of generations of "quarks" and find that 3 is neither suppressed nor particularly enhanced compared to other odd generation numbers. The overall distribution of models is found to have a long tail. Despite disproportionate suppression of models in the tail by K-theory constraints, the tail in the distribution contains much of the diversity of low-energy physics structure.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figure

    Yukawa hierarchies at the point of E8E_8 in F-theory

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    We analyse the structure of Yukawa couplings in local SU(5) F-theory models with E8E_8 enhancement. In this setting the E8E_8 symmetry is broken down to SU(5) by a 7-brane configuration described by T-branes, all the Yukawa couplings are generated in the vicinity of a point and only one family of quarks and leptons is massive at tree-level. The other two families obtain their masses when non-perturbative effects are taken into account, being hierarchically lighter than the third family. However, and contrary to previous results, we find that this hierarchy of fermion masses is not always appropriate to reproduce measured data. We find instead that different T-brane configurations breaking E8E_8 to SU(5) give rise to distinct hierarchical patterns for the holomorphic Yukawa couplings. Only some of these patterns allow to fit the observed fermion masses with reasonable local model parameter values, adding further constraints to the construction of F-theory GUTs. We consider an E8E_8 model where such appropriate hierarchy is realised and compute its physical Yukawas, showing that realistic charged fermions masses can indeed be obtained in this case.Comment: 46 pages + appendices, 5 figures. v2, added references and typos corrected, version accepted on JHEP. v3, typos correcte

    Flux and Instanton Effects in Local F-theory Models and Hierarchical Fermion Masses

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    We study the deformation induced by fluxes and instanton effects on Yukawa couplings involving 7-brane intersections in local F-theory constructions. In the absence of non-perturbative effects, holomorphic Yukawa couplings do not depend on open string fluxes. On the other hand instanton effects (or gaugino condensation on distant 7-branes) do induce corrections to the Yukawas. The leading order effect may also be captured by the presence of closed string (1,2) IASD fluxes, which give rise to a non-commutative structure. We check that even in the presence of these non-perturbative effects the holomorphic Yukawas remain independent of magnetic fluxes. Although fermion mass hierarchies may be obtained from these non-perturbative effects, they would give identical Yukawa couplings for D-quark and Lepton masses in SU(5) F-theory GUT's, in contradiction with experiment. We point out that this problem may be solved by appropriately normalizing the wavefunctions. We show in a simple toy model how the presence of hypercharge flux may then be responsible for the difference between D-quarks and Lepton masses in local SU(5) GUT's.Comment: 84 pages, 1 figure. v2: minor corrections and references adde

    Coisotropic D8-branes and Model-building

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    Up to now chiral type IIA vacua have been mostly based on intersecting D6-branes wrapping special Lagrangian 3-cycles on a CY three-fold. We argue that there are additional BPS D-branes which have so far been neglected, and which seem to have interesting model-building features. They are coisotropic D8-branes, in the sense of Kapustin and Orlov. The D8-branes wrap 5-dimensional submanifolds of the CY which are trivial in homology, but contain a worldvolume flux that induces D6-brane charge on them. This induced D6-brane charge not only renders the D8-brane BPS, but also creates D=4 chirality when two D8-branes intersect. We discuss in detail the case of a type IIA Z2 x Z2 orientifold, where we provide explicit examples of coisotropic D8-branes. We study the chiral spectrum, SUSY conditions, and effective field theory of different systems of D8-branes in this orientifold, and show how the magnetic fluxes generate a superpotential for untwisted Kahler moduli. Finally, using both D6-branes and coisotropic D8-branes we construct new examples of MSSM-like type IIA vacua.Comment: 63 pages, 11 figures. Typos corrected and comments adde

    Non-Abelian discrete gauge symmetries in 4d string models

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    We study the realization of non-Abelian discrete gauge symmetries in 4d field theory and string theory compactifications. The underlying structure generalizes the Abelian case, and follows from the interplay between gaugings of non-Abelian isometries of the scalar manifold and field identifications making axion-like fields periodic. We present several classes of string constructions realizing non-Abelian discrete gauge symmetries. In particular, compactifications with torsion homology classes, where non-Abelianity arises microscopically from the Hanany-Witten effect, or compactifications with non-Abelian discrete isometry groups, like twisted tori. We finally focus on the more interesting case of magnetized branes in toroidal compactifications and quotients thereof (and their heterotic and intersecting duals), in which the non-Abelian discrete gauge symmetries imply powerful selection rules for Yukawa couplings of charged matter fields. In particular, in MSSM-like models they correspond to discrete flavour symmetries constraining the quark and lepton mass matrices, as we show in specific examples.Comment: 58 pages; minor typos corrected and references adde

    Intersecting Brane World from Type I Compactification

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    We elaborate that general intersecting brane models on orbifolds are obtained from type I string compactifications and their T-duals. Symmetry breaking and restoration occur via recombination and parallel separation of branes, preserving supersymmetry. The Ramond-Ramond tadpole cancelation and the toron quantization constrain the spectrum as a branching of the adjoints of SO(32), up to orbifold projections. Since the recombination changes the gauge coupling, the single gauge coupling of type I could give rise to different coupling below the unification scale. This is due to the nonlocal properties of the Dirac-Born-Infeld action. The weak mixing angle sin^2 theta_W = 3/8 is naturally explained by embedding the quantum numbers to those of SO(10).Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    Maximal Temperature in Flux Compactifications

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    Thermal corrections have an important effect on moduli stabilization leading to the existence of a maximal temperature, beyond which the compact dimensions decompactify. In this note, we discuss generality of our earlier analysis and apply it to the case of flux compactifications. The maximal temperature is again found to be controlled by the supersymmetry breaking scale, T_{crit} \sim \sqrt{m_{3/2} M_P}.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. v2:comment and references adde

    Gauge Thresholds and Kaehler Metrics for Rigid Intersecting D-brane Models

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    The gauge threshold corrections for globally consistent Z2 x Z2' orientifolds with rigid intersecting D6-branes are computed. The one-loop corrections to the holomorphic gauge kinetic function are extracted and the Kaehler metrics for the charged chiral multiplets are determined up to two constants.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure; v2: minor modifications, version to appear in JHE
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