23 research outputs found

    Iatrogenesis in Intensive Care Units: dramatization of Contemporary Bio/Ethical Problems

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    This qualitative investigation, based in Foucauldian analysis with approximations to the post-structuralism theoretical framework, explores iatrogenesis as one of the tensions in the nursing to do/to know which can be discursively articulated to bioethics and to technobiomedicine. The documentary sources and intensive interviews with nurses, permitted the activation of a reflection on the act of the nurse in a context permeated by the ever-present possibility of failure in both the procedure and in the conduct and, from this possibility, they should meet their obligation to correct this failure not so much or not only in knowledge, not so much or not only in law but in practice itself.Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, fundamentada en la perspectiva foucaultiana con aproximaciones en el referencial teórico post-estructuralista, explora las iatrogenias como una de las tensiones en el hacer/saber enfermería que pueden ser discursivamente articuladas a la bioética y a la tecnobiomedicina. Las fuentes documentales y de entrevistas con enfermeros intensivistas permitieron activar una reflexión sobre el actuar del enfermero en un contexto impregnado por la posibilidad siempre latente de fallar tanto en el procedimiento, como en la conducta y, a partir de esta posibilidad, estos profesionales encuentra que es su obligación corregir esta falla no tanto o no apenas en el conocimiento, no tanto o no apenas en la ley, pero más bien en la práctica de sí mismo.Esta é uma investigação qualitativa, balizada na analítica foucaultiana com aproximações ao referencial teórico pós-estruturalista, explora as iatrogenias como uma das tensões no fazer/saber enfermagem que podem ser discursivamente articuladas à bioética e à tecnobiomedicina. As fontes documentais e de entrevistas com enfermeiros(as) intensivistas permitiram ativar reflexão sobre o agir do(a) enfermeiro(a) em contexto permeado pela possibilidade, sempre latente, de falhar tanto no procedimento como na conduta, e, a partir dessa possibilidade, ele(a) encontra sua obrigação de corrigir essa falha não tanto ou não apenas no conhecimento, não tanto ou não apenas na lei, mas na prática de si mesmo

    Kant pre-crítico. Ética

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    Predicted subcellular localization of AtFH (At4g03240).

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    <p><sup>a</sup> TargetP 1.1 Server (<a href="http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/TargetP" target="_blank">http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/TargetP</a>)</p><p><sup>b</sup> MitoProt II–v1.101 (<a href="http://ihg.gsf.de/ihg/mitoprot.html" target="_blank">http://ihg.gsf.de/ihg/mitoprot.html</a>)</p><p><sup>c</sup> ChloroP 1.1 Server (<a href="http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/ChloroP/" target="_blank">http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/ChloroP/</a>)</p><p><sup>d</sup> GTP—Green Targeting Predictor & ATP2—Ambiguous Targeting Predictor 2 (<a href="http://www.plantco.de/gtp" target="_blank">http://www.plantco.de/gtp</a>).</p><p>Predicted subcellular localization of AtFH (At4g03240).</p

    Subcellular localization of AtFH.

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    <p>The plasmid pZP212 containing the coding sequence of AtFH-GFP was introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 plants by the floral dip method. Protoplasts were isolated from the resulting transgenic plants and analyzed by confocal microscopy. (A) Mitotracker staining showing mitochondria (excitation 543 nm/emission 576 nm); (B) GFP fluorescence (excitation 488 nm/emission 510 nm); (C) Chlorophyll autofluorescence (excitation 488 nm/emission 650 nm); (D) Overlay of A and B showing coincidence of GFP localization and Mitotracker (yellow); (E) Overlay of B and C showing the coincidence of GFP localization and chlorophyll autofluorescence (yellow); (F) Phase contrast image of the protoplast analyzed.</p

    Photosynthetic parameters in <i>as-AtFH</i> and wt leaves.

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    <p>Fv/Fm, Maximum quantum yield of PSII; ϕ PSII, Quantum yield of PSII; qP, Photochemical quenching; NPQ, Non-photochemical quenching. Values are the mean ± standard deviation of at least three leaves from 10 individual plants.</p><p>Asterisks (*) indicate statistically different results (P < 0.05).</p><p>Photosynthetic parameters in <i>as-AtFH</i> and wt leaves.</p

    Quantification of chlorophyll and iron contents.

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    <p>(A) Quantification of chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll in wt (black bars), <i>as-AtFH-1</i> (grey bars), and <i>as-AtFH-2</i> (white bars) plants. (B) Analysis of total iron content in wt and <i>as-AtFH</i> plants. Asterisks indicate a statistically different result from the control value (P < 0.05). Values are the mean ± standard deviation of at least four independent replicates.</p