208 research outputs found

    Matrix metalloproteinase-9 as a biomarker predicting male fertility

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    The paper discusses the study of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (ММР-9) content in ejaculate after the hernia repair surgery. The clinical research study is based upon the results of inguinal hernia repair in 68 male patients at the age from 18 to 40. The elevated concentration of ММР-9 content in ejaculate is conclusively ascertained even at early cases of disease processes after the hernia repair surgery. High content of ММР-9 in the ejaculate of patients operated for the hernia repair shows that this enzyme takes part in the after surgery disease process. Along with that it is possible to say that not only the chemical composition but the implant surface morphology as well is an important characteristic that influences the body response to the synthetic materia


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    They are considered main problems to segmenting market to premises and moving the real estate on him. It is motivated that correlation quality and cost realized object to premises must be balanced with buyer's ability of the consumers on corresponding to segment market. The offered managerial system operation, conducted on the market with real estates

    Estado como Fenômeno em Evolução: Principais Problemas e Abordagens

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    The article analyzes the fundamental issues of state evolution and typology. The authors justify that the state is an evolving phenomenon of social and legal reality. At that, it is shown that in the process of this evolution, along with the preservation of universal (essential) characteristics, conditioned by the nature and social purpose of the state, there is a modification of those properties and attributes that have a specific historical character and depend on a variety of factors that influence a state on an appropriate stage of development. The paper substantiates that the evolution of a state phenomenon must be considered in the context of general social evolution, which is, in the most general sense, the process of that intersubjective experience complication, accumulation and organization. The authors argue that any common (generic) concept of "state" is a conditional one to a certain extent, since it does not have a real ontological status, acting as the result of a series of typifications mediated by language and carried out in accordance with the relevances largely dictated by that practical life situation.El artículo analiza los problemas fundamentales de la evolución del estado y la tipología. Los autores justifican que el estado es un fenómeno en evolución de la realidad social y legal. En eso, se muestra que, en el proceso de esta evolución, junto con la preservación de características universales (esenciales), condicionadas por la naturaleza y el propósito social del estado, hay una modificación de aquellas propiedades y atributos que tienen un carácter histórico específico y dependen de una variedad de factores que influyen en el estado de una etapa apropiada de desarrollo. El artículo corrobora que la evolución de un fenómeno de estado debe considerarse en el contexto de la evolución social general, que es, en el sentido más general, el proceso de esa experiencia intersubjetiva de complicación, acumulación y organización.Los autores argumentan que cualquier concepto común (genérico) de "estado" es, en cierta medida, condicional, ya que no tiene un estado ontológico real, que actúa como resultado de una serie de tipificaciones mediadas por el lenguaje y llevadas a cabo de conformidad con las repercusiones dictadas en gran medida por esa situación de vida práctica.O artigo analisa os problemas fundamentais da evolução do estado e da tipologia. Os autores justificam que o estado é um fenômeno em evolução da realidade social e legal. Nisto, mostra-se que, no processo dessa evolução, juntamente com a preservação de características universais (essenciais), condicionadas pela natureza e finalidade social do Estado, há uma modificação daquelas propriedades e atributos que possuem um caráter específico. e eles dependem de uma variedade de fatores que influenciam um estado em um estágio apropriado de desenvolvimento. O artigo corrobora que a evolução de um fenômeno de estado deve ser considerada no contexto da evolução social geral, que é, no sentido mais geral, o processo dessa experiência intersubjetiva de complicação, acumulação e organização.Os autores argumentam que qualquer conceito comum (genérico) "status" é, de certa forma condicional, porque não tem status ontológico real, que atua como um resultado de uma série de caracterizações mediadas pela linguagem e realizadas de acordo com as repercussões ditadas em grande parte por aquela situação de vida prática

    A study of the biohydrometallurgical method for extracting gold from flotation tailings

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    This paper shows the results of the comparative study of efficiency of gold extraction methods from technogenic flotation tails by agitation cyanidation and biooxidation followed by leaching. A representative sample of flotation tails was taken at gold extraction plant of Altyntau Kokshetau LLP. Experimentally, an increase in the efficiency of leaching gold from flotation tails during preliminary bacterial oxidation was found. By biochemical leaching, 72 % was extracted, which is 7 % more than using expensive sodium peroxide and 10 % more than using the traditional method of cyanidation


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    In this article analog device capable to make portion of different functions in wide frequency band is discussed. Some recommendations for possible application examples are offered

    Research of biochemical gold recovery method using high-arsenic raw materials

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    This article contains the results of experiments to recover gold from complex mineral raw materials containing more than 15 % arsenic. Laboratory tests showed that standard cyanidation recovers only 26,4 % of gold into the solution. Additional oxidizing reagents used increase the leaching efficiency and enable to recover more than 40 % of gold during subsequent cyanidation. The efficiency has been established for replacement of cyanide with thiourea and thiosulfate solutions. 79,5 %, i.e. the maximum recovery rate, was found in the experiment with preliminary oxidation with T. Ferrooxidans, a bacterial culture, followed by leaching with a thiourea solution

    Синтетический аналог лей-энкефалина при COVID-19 (проспективное клиническое исследование)

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    One of the main problems facing intensivists when treating patients with COVID-19 is severe and critical acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with the underlying viral pneumonia. The current guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Health (Version 15 of 22.02.22) do not include drugs with a lung protective effect. This issue could be solved by administration of a synthetic analogue of leu-enkephalin.Aim. Study the efficacy of a synthetic analogue of leu-enkephalin in ARDS in patients with COVID-19.Materials and methods. The study included 35 patients divided into 2 groups. Group 1 (main) patients (n=15) in addition to standard therapy received a continuous infusion of synthetic analogue of leu-enkephalin at a rate of 5 µg/kg/hour for 5 days. Patients from group 2 (control, n=20) were treated according to the Temporary Guidelines of the Ministry of Health (V.15), but without the synthetic analogue of leu-enkephalin. The radiological data, frequency, severity and evolution of respiratory complications, changes in P/F (PaO2/FiO2) ratio, as well as changes in the scores of prognostic APACHE II, SOFA, and NEWS scales were evaluated.Results. In patients taking the studied drug, the percentage of lung damage did not change with the median (IQR) of 0 [–8; 0], while in the control group it increased by approximately 10% with the median (IQR) of +10,0 [+2; +20] (P=0.001). The proportion of patients in group 1 with positive disease evolution within 5–9 days after treatment initiation was significantly higher and reached 46.7 [24.8; 69.9]%, whereas in group 2 it was 15.0 [5.2; 36.0]% (P=0.04). Also, in group 1, starting from day 4, the median P/F ratio was significantly higher than in group 2 reaching 220 [185;245] versus 127 [111;158], respectively (P=0.014). The need for non-invasive lung ventilation in group 1 on day 7 averaged 7%, while in group 2 it was as high as 45.0%, which was significantly higher than in the main group (P=0.013).Conclusions. The use of synthetic analogue of leu-enkephalin according to the specified regimen had a significant impact on the main parameters of the viral pneumonia severity. The results serve as a rationale for the development of a novel effective treatment strategy to supplement the current standard COVID-19 management.В действующие рекомендации МЗ (№15 от 22.02.22) не включены препараты с пульмонопротекторным эффектом. Вместе с тем, одна из основных проблем, с которой сталкивается врач отделения интенсивной терапии при лечении пациентов с COVID-19 — развитие тяжелого и крайне тяжелого ОРДС на фоне вирусной пневмонии. Синтетический аналог лей-энкефалина потенциально эффективен в решении данной проблемы.Цель исследования: изучить эффективность синтетического аналога лей-энкефалина при ОРДС у пациентов с COVID-19.Материалы и методы. В проспективное исследование включили 35 пациентов, разделенных на 2 группы. Группа 1 (основная, n=15) — терапию согласно 15-м временным рекомендациям МЗ дополнили продленной инфузией синтетического аналога лей-энкефалина со скоростью 5 мкг/кг/час в течении 5 дней. Группа II (контрольная, n=20) — проводили только стандартное лечение. Оценивали данные лучевой диагностики, частоту, тяжесть и динамику респираторных осложнений, изменения показателей P/F, прогностических шкал APACHE II, SOFA и NEWS.Результаты. У пациентов, получавших исследуемый препарат, процент повреждения ткани легких не изменился: Median (IQR) 0 [–8; 0], а в контрольной группе — увеличился в среднем на 10%: Median (IQR) +10,0 [+2; +20] (p=0,001). Доля пациентов в I группе с положительной динамикой в интервале сроков с 5-го по 9-й день была значимо выше и составила 46,7% [24,8%; 69,9%], в группе II — 15,0% [5,2%; 36,0%] (p=0,04). Также в группе I, начиная с 4-х суток, медиана индекса P/F была значимо выше, чем в группе II — 220 [185; 245] против 127 [111; 158], соответственно (p=0,014). Необходимость проведения НИВЛ в группе I к 7 суткам составила в среднем 6,7%, а в группе II — 45,0%, что было значимо выше по отношению к основной группе (p=0,013).Заключение. Применение синтетического аналога лей-энкефалина оказало значимое влияние на основные показатели тяжести течения вирусной пневмонии при COVID-19, что может служить обоснованием разработки новой эффективной стратегии лечения

    Совершенствование технологии и средств механизации для борьбы с сорной растительностью

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    Weed vegetation in orchards and vineyards is one of the main reasons of low productivity. The applied technologies and weed control means provide decrease in contamination of orchards and vineyards insufficiently effectively that leads to a fruits harvest redice. Therefore it is necessary to improve the available methods and means, to develop new ones and on this basis to create scientifically-grounded complex of measures on weed control. This problem drequires further studies with the aim of developing the prospective technologies and technical means of mechanization for the weed control. Results of researches on mechanization of weed control, ways and means for realization of it are presented in the paper. Taking into account biological features of weeds the design of a flame cultivator for weed control in orchards and vineyards is developed and science-based. This cultivator will allow to reduce the prime cost, significantly increase quality and minimize the negative impact of herbicide use on crops, to improve yields, product quality and resource efficiency. Use of the offered flame cultivator will eliminate hand-weeding and help for more effective weed control in the rows of orchards and vineyards.Сорная растительность в садах и виноградниках - одна из главных причин низкой урожайности. Применяемые технологии и средства борьбы недостаточно эффективно обеспечивают снижение засоренности садов и виноградников, что приводит к недобору урожая плодов. Поэтому необходимо усовершенствовать имеющиеся приемы и средства, разработать новые и создать научно-обоснованный комплекс мероприятий по борьбе с сорняками. Данная проблема требует дальнейших исследований с целью разработки перспективных технологий и технических средств механизации борьбы с сорной растительностью. Представлены результаты исследований по механизации борьбы с сорной растительностью, способы и устройства для ее осуществления. С учетом биологических особенностей сорняков разработана и научно обоснована конструкция огневого культиватора для борьбы с сорной растительностью в садах и виноградниках. Он позволит снизить себестоимость обработки и существенно повысить ее качество, а также минимизировать негативное влияние применения гербицидов на культурные растения, повысить урожайность, улучшить качество продукции, обеспечить ресурсосбережение. Применение предлагаемого огневого культиватора исключит ручные прополки и поможет более эффективно бороться с сорняками в междурядьях садов и виноградников

    Perovskite CIGS Tandem Solar Cells From Certified 24.2 toward 30 and Beyond

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    We demonstrate a monolithic perovskite CIGS tandem solar cell with a certified power conversion efficiency PCE of 24.2 . The tandem solar cell still exhibits photocurrent mismatch between the subcells; thus optical simulations are used to determine the optimal device stack. Results reveal a high optical potential with the optimized device reaching a short circuit current density of 19.9 mA cm 2 and 32 PCE based on semiempirical material properties. To evaluate its energy yield, we first determine the CIGS temperature coefficient, which is at amp; 8722;0.38 K 1 notably higher than the one from the perovskite subcell amp; 8722;0.22 K 1 , favoring perovskite in the field operation at elevated cell temperatures. Both single junction cells, however, are significantly outperformed by the combined tandem device. The enhancement in energy output is more than 50 in the case of CIGS single junction device. The results demonstrate the high potential of perovskite CIGS tandem solar cells, for which we describe optical guidelines toward 30 PC