18 research outputs found
Utilization of Coconut Shell Liquid Smoke on Quail Performance at Grower Period
Antioxidants from coconut shell liquid smoke can overcome oxidative stress in quail. This study aims to analyze the effect of coconut shell liquid smoke (ACTK) on the performance of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) during the grower period. The research method used a completely randomized designconsisting of 5 treatment levels with 3 replications, namely P0 (control), P1 (0.25 mL/L ACTK), P2 (0.50 mL/L ACTK), P3 (0.75 mL/L ACTK) and P4 (1 mL/L ACTK). Variables measured included initial body weight, final body weight, body weight gain, feed intake, water intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR),morbidity, mortality, and income over feed quail cost (IOFQC). The results showed that giving ACTK had no significant effect (P>0.05) on feed intake, water intake, and body weight gain. The morbidity and mortality rates in this study were 0%. The best FCR value was obtained at P4 (4.28). The highest IOFQC value was at P4 (Rp 1.578,92). This study concludes that giving coconut shell liquid smoke to female quails during the grower period through drinking water had no significant effect on feed intake, water intake, and body weight gain. A dose of 1 mL/L of ACTK produced the best FCR and IOFQC values
Respon Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Pada Media Gambut Terhadap Pemberian Abu Janjang Kosong Kelapa Sawit Dan Pupuk N
This research aims to determine the interaction of oil palm bunch ashand N fertilizer and to get the best dose to the cocoa seedlings growth on peat media. This research was conducted from Desember 2016 to March 2017. This research is a 4 x 4 factorial experiment arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. The first factor is oil palm bunch ash with four levels namely 0, 2,5, 5 and 7,5 tons/ha. The second factor was the N fertilizer with four levels namely 0, 0,12, 0,16 and 0,20 tons/ha. Parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves,girth trunk, root volume, shoot roots ratio and the dry weight. The results showed that the interaction of oil palm bunch ash and N fertilizeronnumber of leaves,girth trunk, root volume, and the dry weight was significantlyaffect, the best treatment can be obtained by providing a dose of oil palm bunch ash7,5 tons/ha and N fertilizer0,20 tons/ha. Oil palm bunch ashgives the best treatment results with dose of 7,5 tons/ha significantly affect on plant height, number of leaves, girth trunk, root volume, shootroots ratioand dry weight. Provision of N fertilizer to the cocoa seedlings significantly affect on plant height, number of leaves, girth trunk, root volume, shootroots ratioand dry weight and providing ofN fertilizer0,20 tons/ha is best dose
Diabetes Melitus adalah suatu kondisi penyakit metabolik yang bersifat
kronis. Diabetes Melitus ditandai dengan kondisi kelebihan glikemi atau
hiperglikemia. Pemeriksaan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendeteksi kadar gula
darah yaitu glukosa darah puasa, glukosa darah 2 jam post prandial atau glukosa
jam ke-2 pada tes toleransi glukosa oral (TTGO). Namun pemeriksaan ini tidak
memberikan informasi mengenai kontrol glikemik dari pasien diabetes mellitus.
Pada pasien diabetes melitus pemantauan glukosa sangat penting untuk tujuan
kontrol glikemik. Pemeriksaan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai kontrol
glikemik dari pasien diabetes melitus adalah HbA1c, Glycated Albumin, dan
Rasio Glycated Albumin: HbA1c. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
gambaran hasil pemeriksaan HbA1c, Glycated Albumin dan Rasio Glycated
Albumin: HbA1c pada penderita diabetes melitus. Metode yang digunakan untuk
metode literature review dengan framework PICO (Population/Patients/Problem,
Intervention, Comparison, Outcome). Database yang digunakan yaitu Google
Scholar, PubMed dan Science Direct. Pemilihan jurnal atau artikel dilakukan
secara komperhensif dan berurutan dengan dilakukannya screening menggunakan
metode PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta
Analyses). Hasil penelitian dari pencarian 10 jurnal didapatkan bahwa kadar
HbA1c, Glycated Albumin,dan Rasio Glycated Albumin: HbA1c cenderung tinggi
pada pasien diabetes melitus karena gula darah hariannya tidak terkontrol dengan
baik. Sebaiknya pasien diabetes melitus menjaga kontrol glikemik hariannya,
sehingga dapat mempermudah untuk proses pengobatannya
Optimalisasi Minat Baca Anak Desa Medalsari di Masa Pandemi melalui Storytelling
OPTIMIZING READING INTEREST IN CHILDREN OF MEDALSARI VILLAGE DURING THE PANDEMIC THROUGH STORYTELLING. This study aims to (1) Attach the implementation reading method to storytelling students' interesting in reading at Desa Medalsari when pandemic era, (2) attach to happiness, joy and comfort in fostering reader and listener when reading the book and storytelling. The type of research used is qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive research design. This research uses interview, observation and documentation. The object of research is elementary students to leaving at Desa Medalsari. The research showed that students is very interesting and admit that grow up storytelling to help reading interest. The results showed that: (1) the goal of storytelling to make easier the students got the information from the speaker how to read a book from storytelling well. (2) Factors supporting the implementation of reading angles include: the role of the parents who do not provide reading habit, students are not fluent in reading, damaged book. (3) The advantages are the children get the experience of the interesting story. (4) The children will know books and start loving to read books
Buku ini berisi tentang algoritma dan struktur data, dengan mempelajari buku ini anda dapat memahami dan mempelajari algoritma dan struktur data dari dasar. Mulai dari pengenalan Operator dan logika pemrograman yang mana setiap babnya penulis memberikan penjelasan tantang pemrograman dengan konsep oop serta penulis juga memberikan beberapa contoh study kasus yang mudah dipelajari dan di pahami. Didalam buku ini terdiri dari 8 bab yaitu:
1. Pengantar Algoritma
- Pengertian Algoritma
- Kegunaan dan contohnya
2. Flowchart
- Flowchart aplikasi
- Flowchart Sistem
3. Pemrograman Java
- Bahasa Pemrograman Java
- Struktur Program
- Variabel
- Tipe Data
- Operator
- Contoh
- Latihan
4. Struktur Kontrol
- Logika If (Ttunggal, Majemuk dan nested)
- Contoh
- Latihan
- Switch dan Break
- Contoh
- Latihan
5. Looping (Perulangan)
- For While, Dowhile
- Break dan continue
- Nested Loop
- Contoh
- Latihan
6. Array
- Array 1 dimensi dan Operasi
- Definisi Array dan deklarasi
- Kegunaan 1 Array dimensi
- Contoh
- Latihan
- Array 2 dimensi dan manipulasi string
- Definisi String
- Ada hal yang menarik dari string
7. Procedure dan Function
- Definisi Procedure
- Procedure
- Definisi Function
- Sifat Function
- Function (Non -void)
- Parameter formal dan aktual
- Contoh
- Latihan
8. Sorting, Searching Array
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Quike Sort
- Searching sekuensial
- Contoh
- Latiha