389 research outputs found

    New bioassays reveal susceptibility of stone-fruit rootstocks to capnodis tenebrionis larvae

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    Larvae of Capnodis tenebrionis (L.) (Coleoptera Buprestidae) feed and develop in roots of stone-fruit trees, thereby decreasing their efficiency, which can lead to plant death. The control of these larvae is critical, due to their localization in the root, and the management of this pest is focused on adults, mainly by using non-specific synthetic insecticides. Less susceptible Prunus rootstocks might be applied as a preventative management of larval infestation by this pest. The current research investigated the susceptibility to C. tenebrionis larvae of the most commonly used rootstocks by combining two bio-assays during two-year trials: development of larvae assayed on semi-artificial substrates containing rootstock bark flour; infestation by neonate larvae on rootstock twigs. The rearing assay on semi-artificial substrates made it possible to distinguish (1) a rootstock cluster (Montclar and GF677) in which larvae developed faster and heavier and produced larger adults, (2) a cluster (Adesoto, CAB6P, Colt and MaxMa60) in which larval growth was less efficient as well as adult size, and (3) a cluster (Garnem and Myrabolan 29C) with intermediate responses in larval development and adult size. The twig infestation assay by neonates showed the most infested (Colt) and least infested (Barrier, MaxMa60 and Marianna 26) rootstocks. When the results of both assays are combined, GF677 and Myrabolan 29C appear more susceptible, while Adesoto and MaxMa60 less susceptible to C. tenebrionis larvae, although Barrier and Marianna 26 require further investigation. The experimental model applied in the current trials can enable processing of a large number of tests on different rootstocks, thereby allowing the accumulation of a large quantity of data on the potential susceptibility of rootstocks. The possibility of rearing larvae on a substrate can allow comparison of additional compounds that could interact with larval growth

    Vascular endothelial growth factor and tryptase changes after chemoembolization in hepatocarcinoma patients

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    AIM: To evaluate vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tryptase in hepatocellular cancer (HCC) before and after trans-arterial chemoembolization (TACE). METHODS: VEGF and tryptase serum concentrations were assessed from 71 unresectable HCC patients before and after hepatic TACE performed by binding DC-Beads® to doxorubicin. VEGF levels were examined for each serum sample using the Quantikine Human VEGF-enzyme-linked immuno-absorbent assay (ELISA), whereas tryptase serum concentrations were assessed for each serum sample by means of fluoro-enzyme immunoassay (FEIA) using the Uni-CAP100 tool. Differences between serum VEGF and tryptase values before and after TACE were evaluated using Student t test. Person's correlation was used to assess the degree of association between the two variables. RESULTS: VEGF levels and serum tryptase in HCC patients before TACE had a mean value and standard deviation (SD) of 114.31 ± 79.58 pg/mL and 8.13 ± 3.61 μg/L, respectively. The mean levels and SD of VEGF levels and serum tryptase in HCC patients after TACE were 238.14 ± 109.41 pg/mL and 4.02 ± 3.03 μg/L. The changes between the mean values of concentration of VEGF and tryptase before treatment and after treatment was statistically significant (P < 0.000231 and P < 0.00124, by Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney respectively). A significant correlation between VEGF levels before and after TACE and between tryptase levels before and after TACE was demonstrated (r = 0.68, P = 0.003; r = 0.84, P = 0.000 respectively). CONCLUSION: Our pilot results suggest that the higher serum VEGF levels and the lower tryptase levels following TACE may be potential biomarkers changing in response to therapy

    DRD1 and DRD2 Receptor Polymorphisms: Genetic Neuromodulation of the Dopaminergic System as a Risk Factor for ASD, ADHD and ASD/ADHD Overlap

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    The dopaminergic system (DS) is one of the most important neuromodulator systems involved in complex functions that are compromised in both autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), conditions that frequently occur in overlap. This evidence suggests that both disorders might have common neurobiological pathways involving the DS. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the DRD1 and DRD2 dopamine receptor single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as potential risk factors for ASD, ADHD, and ASD/ADHD overlap. Genetic data were obtained from four groups: 75 ASD patients, 75 ADHD patients, 30 patients with ASD/ADHD overlap, and 75 healthy controls. All participants were between 2 and 17 years old. We compared the genotypic and allelic frequency of 18 SNPs among all of the study groups. Moreover, in the case of statistically significant differences, odds ratios (OR) were obtained to evaluate if the presence of SNPs might be a risk factor of developing a specific clinical phenotype. This study found that DRD1 and DRD2 receptors SNPs might be considered as potential risk factors for ASD and ADHD. However, only DRD2-12 (rs7131465) was significantly associated with a higher risk for the ASD/ADHD overlap. These data support the hypothesis of the genetic neuromodulation of the DS in the neurobiology of these conditions

    A development cooperation Erasmus Mundus partnership for capacity building in earthquake mitigation science and higher education

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    Successful practices have shown that a community’s capacity to manage and reduce its seismic risk relies on capitalization on policies, on technology and research results. An important role is played by education, than contribute to strengthening technical curricula of future practitioners and researchers through university and higher education programs. EUNICE is a European Commission funded higher education partnership for international development cooperation with the objective to build capacity of individuals who will operate at institutions located in seismic prone Asian Countries. The project involves five European Universities, eight Asian universities and four associations and NGOs active in advanced research on seismic mitigation, disaster risk management and international development. The project consists of a comprehensive mobility scheme open to nationals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, North Korea, Philippines, and Sri Lanka who plan to enroll in school or conduct research at one of five European partner universities in Italy, Greece and Portugal. During the 2010-14 time span a total number of 104 mobilities are being involved in scientific activities at the undergraduate, masters, PhD, postdoctoral and academic-staff exchange levels. Researchers, future policymakers and practitioners build up their curricula over a range of disciplines in the fields of earthquake engineering, seismology, disaster risk management and urban planning

    EU-NICE, Eurasian University Network for International Cooperation in Earthquakes

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    Despite the remarkable scientific advancements of earthquake engineering and seismology in many countries, seismic risk is still growing at a high rate in the world’s most vulnerable communities. Successful practices have shown that a community’s capacity to manage and reduce its seismic risk relies on capitalization on policies, on technology and research results. An important role is played by education, than contribute to strengthening technical curricula of future practitioners and researchers through university and higher education programmes. In recent years an increasing number of initiatives have been launched in this field at the international and global cooperation level. Cooperative international academic research and training is key to reducing the gap between advanced and more vulnerable regions. EU-NICE is a European Commission funded higher education partnership for international development cooperation with the objective to build capacity of individuals who will operate at institutions located in seismic prone Asian Countries. The project involves five European Universities, eight Asian universities and four associations and NGOs active in advanced research on seismic mitigation, disaster risk management and international development. The project consists of a comprehensive mobility scheme open to nationals from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Maldives, North Korea, Philippines, and Sri Lanka who plan to enrol in school or conduct research at one of five European partner universities in Italy, Greece and Portugal. During the 2010-14 time span a total number of 104 mobilities are being involved in scientific activities at the undergraduate, masters, PhD, postdoctoral and academic-staff exchange levels. This high number of mobilities and activities is selected and designed so as to produce an overall increase of knowledge that can result in an impact on earthquake mitigation. Researchers, future policymakers and practitioners build up their curricula over a range of disciplines in the fields of engineering, seismology, disaster risk management and urban planning. Specific educational and research activities focus on earthquake risk mitigation related topics such as: anti-seismic structural design, structural engineering, advanced computer structural collapse analysis, seismology, experimental laboratory studies, international and development issues in disaster risk management, social-economical impact studies, international relations and conflict resolution

    Long-term survival of a woman with well differentiated papillary mesothelioma of the peritoneum: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Well-differentiated papillary mesothelioma of the peritoneum (WDPMP) is a rare subtype of epitheloid mesothelioma, which is usually seen in young women. WDPMP is generally considered of low malignant potential, however the long-term nature of the tumor remains poorly defined.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We describe the long-term follow-up of a 60-year-old woman of West African descent who has survived 24 years with WDPMP after receiving extensive local and systemic adjuvant chemotherapy. Her clinical course has included three exploratory laparotomies with intraperitoneal and intravenous chemotherapy over two decades. Her course was complicated by anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy, for which she underwent an orthotopic heart transplant. Our patient is alive with stable radiological evidence of peritoneal disease, and continues to suffer from chronic abdominal pain.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>No consensus exists regarding optimal treatment strategies for WDPMP. However, given the low malignant potential of the tumor, careful consideration should be made before proceeding with aggressive interventions. Further, long-term follow-up reports are required to fully characterize this tumor.</p

    Public involvement in research: Assessing impact through a realist evaluation

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    BackgroundThis study was concerned with developing the evidence base for public involvement in research in health and social care. There now is significant support for public involvement within the National Institute for Health Research, and researchers applying for National Institute for Health Research grants are expected to involve the public. Despite this policy commitment, evidence for the benefits of public involvement in research remains limited. This study addressed this need through a realist evaluation.Aim and objectivesThe aim was to identify the contextual factors and mechanisms that are regularly associated with effective public involvement in research. The objectives included identifying a sample of eight research projects and their desired outcomes of public involvement, tracking the impact of public involvement in these case studies, and comparing the associated contextual factors and mechanisms.DesignThe research design was based on the application of realist theory of evaluation, which argues that social programmes are driven by an underlying vision of change – a ‘programme theory’ of how the intervention is supposed to work. The role of the evaluator is to compare theory and practice. Impact can be understood by identifying regularities of context, mechanism and outcome. Thus the key question for the evaluator is ‘What works for whom in what circumstances . . . and why?’ (Pawson R. The Science of Evaluation. London: Sage; 2013). We therefore planned a realist evaluation based on qualitative case studies of public involvement in research.Setting and participantsEight diverse case studies of research projects in health and social care took place over the calendar year 2012 with 88 interviews from 42 participants across the eight studies: researchers, research managers, third-sector partners and research partners (members of the public involved in research).ResultsCase study data supported the importance of some aspects of our theory of public involvement in research and led us to amend other elements. Public involvement was associated with improvements in research design and delivery, particularly recruitment strategies and materials, and data collection tools. This study identified the previously unrecognised importance of principal investigator leadership as a key contextual factor leading to the impact of public involvement; alternatively, public involvement might still be effective without principal investigator leadership where there is a wider culture of involvement. In terms of the mechanisms of involvement, allocating staff time to facilitate involvement appeared more important than formal budgeting. Another important new finding was that many research proposals significantly undercosted public involvement. Nurturing good interpersonal relationships was crucial to effective involvement. Payment for research partner time and formal training appeared more significant for some types of public involvement than others. Feedback to research partners on the value of their contribution was important in maintaining motivation and confidence.ConclusionsA revised theory of public involvement in research was developed and tested, which identifies key regularities of context, mechanism and outcome in how public involvement in research works. Implications for future research include the need to further explore how leadership on public involvement might be facilitated, methodological work on assessing impact and the development of economic analysis of involvement.Funding detailsThe National Institute for Health Research Health Service and Delivery programme

    A novel free-electron laser single-pulse Wollaston polarimeter for magneto-dynamical studies

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    Here, we report on the conceptual design, the hardware realization, and the first experimental results of a novel and compact x-ray polarimeter capable of a single-pulse linear polarization angle detection in the extreme ultraviolet photon energy range. The polarimeter is tested by performing time resolved pump-probe experiments on a Ni80Fe20 Permalloy film at the M-2,M-3 Ni edge at an externally seeded free-electron laser source. Comparison with similar experiments reported in the literature shows the advantages of our approach also in view of future experiments