498 research outputs found

    Intermittency in the relative separations of tracers and of heavy particles in turbulent flows

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    Results from Direct Numerical Simulations of particle relative dispersion in three dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence at Reynolds number Reλ300Re_\lambda \sim 300 are presented. We study point-like passive tracers and heavy particles, at Stokes number St = 0, 0.6, 1 and 5. Particles are emitted from localised sources, in bunches of thousands, periodically in time, allowing to reach an unprecedented statistical accuracy, with a total number of events for two-point observables of the order of 101110^{11}. The right tail of the probability density function for tracers develops a clear deviation from Richardson's self-similar prediction, pointing to the intermittent nature of the dispersion process. In our numerical experiment, such deviations are manifest once the probability to measure an event becomes of the order of -or rarer than- one part over one million, hence the crucial importance of a large dataset. The role of finite-Reynolds effects and the related fluctuations when pair separations cross the boundary between viscous and inertial range scales are discussed. An asymptotic prediction based on the multifractal theory for inertial range intermittency and valid for large Reynolds numbers is found to agree with the data better than the Richardson theory. The agreement is improved when considering heavy particles, whose inertia filters out viscous scale fluctuations. By using the exit-time statistics we also show that events associated to pairs experiencing unusually slow inertial range separations have a non self-similar probability distribution function.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Effects of vertical shear in modelling horizontal oceanic dispersion

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    Abstract. The effect of vertical shear on the horizontal dispersion properties of passive tracer particles on the continental shelf of the South Mediterranean is investigated by means of observation and model data. In situ current measurements reveal that vertical gradients of horizontal velocities in the upper mixing layer decorrelate quite fast ( ∼  1 day), whereas an eddy-permitting ocean model, such as the Mediterranean Forecasting System, tends to overestimate such decorrelation time because of finite resolution effects. Horizontal dispersion, simulated by the Mediterranean sea Forecasting System, is mostly affected by: (1) unresolved scale motions, and mesoscale motions that are largely smoothed out at scales close to the grid spacing; (2) poorly resolved time variability in the profiles of the horizontal velocities in the upper layer. For the case study we have analysed, we show that a suitable use of deterministic kinematic parametrizations is helpful to implement realistic statistical features of tracer dispersion in two and three dimensions. The approach here suggested provides a functional tool to control the horizontal spreading of small organisms or substance concentrations, and is thus relevant for marine biology, pollutant dispersion as well as oil spill applications

    Effects of forcing in three dimensional turbulent flows

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    We present the results of a numerical investigation of three-dimensional homogeneous and isotropic turbulence, stirred by a random forcing with a power law spectrum, Ef(k)k3yE_f(k)\sim k^{3-y}. Numerical simulations are performed at different resolutions up to 5123512^3. We show that at varying the spectrum slope yy, small-scale turbulent fluctuations change from a {\it forcing independent} to a {\it forcing dominated} statistics. We argue that the critical value separating the two behaviours, in three dimensions, is yc=4y_c=4. When the statistics is forcing dominated, for y<ycy<y_c, we find dimensional scaling, i.e. intermittency is vanishingly small. On the other hand, for y>ycy>y_c, we find the same anomalous scaling measured in flows forced only at large scales. We connect these results with the issue of {\it universality} in turbulent flows.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Statistics of pressure and of pressure-velocity correlations in isotropic turbulence

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    Some pressure and pressure-velocity correlation in a direct numerical simulations of a three-dimensional turbulent flow at moderate Reynolds numbers have been analyzed. We have identified a set of pressure-velocity correlations which posseses a good scaling behaviour. Such a class of pressure-velocity correlations are determined by looking at the energy-balance across any sub-volume of the flow. According to our analysis, pressure scaling is determined by the dimensional assumption that pressure behaves as a ``velocity squared'', unless finite-Reynolds effects are overwhelming. The SO(3) decompositions of pressure structure functions has also been applied in order to investigate anisotropic effects on the pressure scaling.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figur

    cAMP inhibits translation by inducing Ca2+/calmodulin-independent elongation factor 2 kinase activity in IPC-81 cells

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    AbstractTreatment of IPC-81 cells led to inhibition of protein synthesis, which was accompanied by an increase in the average size of polysomes and a decreased rate of elongation, indicating that it involved inhibition of peptide chain elongation. This inhibition was also associated with increased phosphorylation of elongation factor eEF2 (which inhibits its activity) and enhanced Ca2+/calmodulin-independent activity of eEF2 kinase. Previous work has shown that phosphorylation of eEF2 kinase by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPK) in vitro induces such activator-independent activity, and the present data show that such a mechanism can occur in intact cells to link physiological levels of cAPK activation with inhibition of protein synthesis

    Universality and saturation of intermittency in passive scalar turbulence

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    The statistical properties of a scalar field advected by the non-intermittent Navier-Stokes flow arising from a two-dimensional inverse energy cascade are investigated. The universality properties of the scalar field are directly probed by comparing the results obtained with two different types of injection mechanisms. Scaling properties are shown to be universal, even though anisotropies injected at large scales persist down to the smallest scales and local isotropy is not fully restored. Scalar statistics is strongly intermittent and scaling exponents saturate to a constant for sufficiently high orders. This is observed also for the advection by a velocity field rapidly changing in time, pointing to the genericity of the phenomenon. The persistence of anisotropies and the saturation are both statistical signatures of the ramp-and-cliff structures observed in the scalar field.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    VLBI-derived troposphere parameters during CONT08

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    Time-series of zenith wet and total troposphere delays as well as north and east gradients are compared, and zenith total delays (ZTD) are combined on the level of parameter estimates. Input data sets are provided by ten Analysis Centers (ACs) of the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) for the CONT08 campaign (12-26 August 2008). The inconsistent usage of meteorological data and models, such as mapping functions, causes systematics among the ACs, and differing parameterizations and constraints add noise to the troposphere parameter estimates. The empirical standard deviation of ZTD among the ACs with regard to an unweighted mean is 4.6 mm. The ratio of the analysis noise to the observation noise assessed by the operator/software impact (OSI) model is about 2.5. These and other effects have to be accounted for to improve the intra-technique combination of VLBI-derived troposphere parameters. While the largest systematics caused by inconsistent usage of meteorological data can be avoided and the application of different mapping functions can be considered by applying empirical corrections, the noise has to be modeled in the stochastic model of intra-technique combination. The application of different stochastic models shows no significant effects on the combined parameters but results in different mean formal errors: the mean formal errors of the combined ZTD are 2.3 mm (unweighted), 4.4 mm (diagonal), 8.6 mm [variance component (VC) estimation], and 8.6 mm (operator/software impact, OSI). On the one hand, the OSI model, i.e. the inclusion of off-diagonal elements in the cofactor-matrix, considers the reapplication of observations yielding a factor of about two for mean formal errors as compared to the diagonal approach. On the other hand, the combination based on VC estimation shows large differences among the VCs and exhibits a comparable scaling of formal errors. Thus, for the combination of troposphere parameters a combination of the two extensions of the stochastic model is recommended