173 research outputs found

    Search for Non-Triggered Gamma Ray Bursts in the BATSE Continuous Records: Preliminary Results

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    We present preliminary results of an off-line search for non-triggered gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) in the BATSE daily records for about 5.7 years of observations. We found more GRB-like events than the yield of the similar search of Kommers et al. (1998) and extended the Log N - log P distribution down to \sim 0.1 ph cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}. The indication of a turnover of the log N - log P at a small P is not confirmed: the distribution is straight at 1.5 decades with the power law index -.6 and cannot be fitted with a standard candle cosmological model.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, to appear in Proceedings "Gamma Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era", Rome, November 1998, A&AS, 199

    A New Window on Primordial non-Gaussianity

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    We know very little about primordial curvature perturbations on scales smaller than about a Mpc. Measurements of the mu-type distortion of the CMB spectrum provide the unique opportunity to probe these scales over the unexplored range from 50 to 10^4 Mpc^-1. This is a very clean probe, in that it relies only on well-understood linear evolution. We point out that correlations between mu-distortion and temperature anisotropies can be used to test Gaussianity at these very small scales. In particular the mu-T cross correlation is proportional to the very squeezed limit of the primordial bispectrum and hence measures fNL^loc, while mu-mu is proportional to the primordial trispectrum and measures tauNL. We present a Fisher matrix forecast of the observational constraints.Comment: 5 pages, one figure. v2: added clarifying comments and references, fixed typo

    Modifications to the Cosmic 21-cm Background Frequency Spectrum by Scattering via electrons in Galaxy Clusters

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    The cosmic 21-cm background frequency spectrum related to the spin-flip transition of neutral Hydrogen present during and before the era of reionization is rich in features associated with physical processes that govern transitions between the two spin states. The intervening electrons in foreground galaxy clusters inversely Compton scatter the 21-cm background spectrum and modify it just as the cosmic microwave background (CMB) spectrum is modified by inverse-Compton scattering. Towards typical galaxy clusters at low redshifts, the resulting modification is a few tenths milli-Kelvin correction to the few tens milli-Kelvin temperature of 21-cm signal relative to that of the cosmic microwave background black body spectrum. The modifications are mostly associated with sharp changes in the cosmic 21-cm background spectrum such as due to the onset of a Lyman-α\alpha radiation field or heating of neutral gas. Though low frequency radio interferometers that are now planned for 21-cm anisotropy measurements are insensitive to the mean 21-cm spectrum, differential observations of galaxy clusters with these interferometers can be utilized to indirectly establish global features in the 21-cm frequency spectrum. We discuss the feasibility to detect the spectrum modified by clusters and find that for upcoming interferometers, while a detection towards an individual cluster is challenging, one can average signals over a number of clusters, selected based on the strength of the Sunyave-Zel'dovich effect at high radio frequencies involving CMB scattering alone, to establish the mean 21-cm spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, PRD in press; expanded and title changed from v1. Final version in pres

    Evolution of low-frequency features in the CMB spectrum due to stimulated Compton scattering and Doppler-broadening

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    We discuss a new solution of the Kompaneets-equation for physical situations in which low frequency photons, forming relatively narrow spectral details, are Compton scattered in an isotropic, infinite medium with an intense ambient blackbody field that is very close to full thermodynamic equilibrium with the free electrons. In this situation the background-induced stimulated Compton scattering slows down the motion of photons toward higher frequencies by a factor of 3 in comparison with the solution that only takes into account Doppler-broadening and boosting. This new solution is important for detailed computations of cosmic microwave background spectral distortions arising due to uncompensated atomic transitions of hydrogen and helium in the early Universe. In addition we derive another analytic solution that only includes the background-induced stimulated Compton scattering and is valid for power-law ambient radiation fields. This solution might have interesting applications for radio lines arising inside of bright extra-galactic radio source, where according to our estimates line shifts because of background-induced stimulated scattering could be amplified and even exceed the line broadening due to the Doppler-effect.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to A&

    A Compton Up-scattering Model for Soft Lags in the Lower Kilohertz QPO in 4U1608-52

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    An empirical Compton up-scattering model is described which reproduces both the fractional amplitude (RMS) vs. energy and the soft time lags in the 830 Hz QPO observed in 4U1608-52 on Mar. 3, 1996. A combination of two coherent variations in the coronal and soft photon temperatures (with their relative contributions determined by enforcing energy conservation) gives rise to the QPO's energy dependent characteristics. All input parameters to the model, save a characteristic plasma size and the fraction of Comptonized photons impinging on the soft photon source, are derived from the time-averaged photon energy spectrum of the same observation. Fits to the fractional RMS and phase lag data for this kilohertz QPO imply that the spatial extent of the plasma is in the range from 4 to 15 km.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Unusual physics of quantum plasmas

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    We discuss some of the peculiarities of collective phenomena in a quantum plasma. In particular, we consider “elementary” collective phenomena such as charge shielding, volume and surface oscillations in a degenerate quantum plasma, and discuss how they change compared to those in a classical plasma.Обсуждаются некоторые особенности коллективных эффектов в квантовой плазме. В частности, рассматриваются такие “элементарные” коллективные явления, как экранирование заряда, объемные и поверхностные колебания в вырожденной квантовой плазме, и обсуждаются их отличия от аналогичных явлений в классической плазме.Обговорюються деякi особливостi колективних ефектiв у квантовiй плазмi. Зокрема, розглядаються такi “елементарнi” колективнi явища, як екранування заряду, об’ємнi та поверхневi коливання в виродженiй квантовій плазмi, та обговорюються їх вiдмiнностi вiд аналогiчних явищ у класичнiй плазм

    Primordial magnetic field and spectral distortion of cosmic background radiation

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    The role played by a primordial magnetic field during the pre-recombination epoch is analysed through the cyclotron radiation (due to the free electrons) it might produce in the primordial plasma. We discuss the constraint implied by the measurement or lack thereof COBE on this primordial field.Comment: to appear in International Journal of Mod. Phy

    Analytical Study on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect for Clusters of Galaxies. II. comparison of covariant formalisms

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    We study a covariant formalism for the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effects developed in the previous papers by the present authors, and derive analytic expressions for the redistribution functions in the Thomson approximation. We also explore another covariant formalism recently developed by Poutanen and Vurm. We show that the two formalisms are mathematically equivalent in the Thomson approximation which is fully valid for the cosmic microwave background photon energies. The present finding will establish a theoretical foundation for the analysis of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effects for the clusters of galaxies.Comment: Accepted version, 7 pages, 1 figure, accepted by Physical Review D for publicatio

    Dispersion and damping of potential surface waves in a degenerate plasma

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    Potential (electrostatic) surface waves in plasma half-space with degenerate electrons are studied using the quasi-classical mean-field kinetic model. The wave spectrum and the collisionless damping rate are obtained numerically for a wide range of wavelengths. In the limit of long wavelengths, the wave frequency ω\omega approaches the cold-plasma limit ω=ωp/2\omega=\omega_p/\sqrt{2} with ωp\omega_p being the plasma frequency, while at short wavelengths, the wave spectrum asymptotically approaches the spectrum of zero-sound mode propagating along the boundary. It is shown that the surface waves in this system remain weakly damped at all wavelengths (in contrast to strongly damped surface waves in Maxwellian electron plasmas), and the damping rate nonmonotonically depends on the wavelength, with the maximum (yet small) damping occuring for surface waves with wavelength of 5πλF\approx5\pi\lambda_{F}, where λF\lambda_{F} is the Thomas-Fermi length.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure