11,489 research outputs found

    Investigation of aircraft landing in variable wind fields

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    A digital simulation study is reported of the effects of gusts and wind shear on the approach and landing of aircraft. The gusts and wind shear are primarily those associated with wind fields created by surface wind passing around bluff geometries characteristic of buildings. Also, flight through a simple model of a thunderstorm is investigated. A two-dimensional model of aircraft motion was represented by a set of nonlinear equations which accounted for both spatial and temporal variations of winds. The landings of aircraft with the characteristics of a DC-8 and a DHC-6 were digitally simulated under different wind conditions with fixed and automatic controls. The resulting deviations in touchdown points and the controls that are required to maintain the desired flight path are presented. The presence of large bluff objects, such as buildings in the flight path is shown to have considerable effect on aircraft landings

    Ultimate intrinsic-coercivity samarium-cobalt magnet: An Earth-based feasibility study for space-shuttle missions

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    Techniques for containerless melting and solidification of the samarium-cobalt alloy without excessive oxidation were developed. The rationale for extending these experiments in a weightless environment is also discussed. The effect of oxygen content from 0.15 to 0.63 weight percent and grain size in the range of 2 to 10 micrometers has been examined on arc-plasma-sprayed SmCo5 magnets. Contrary to expectations, the larger grain sizes tended to improve the coercivities. This was attributed to an increase in homogeneity resulting from higher temperature treatments used to produce larger grain size. No significant differences in coercivity were observed on the basis of oxygen content in the range examined. It is expected that more meaningful data on the relationship between oxygen content and coercivity will be seen when the oxygen content can be lowered to less than 0.1 weight percent

    The diffuse X-ray spectrum from 14-200 keV as measured on OSO-5

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    The measurement of energy spectrum of the diffuse component of cosmic X-ray flux made on the OSO-5 spacecraft is described. The contributions to the total counting rate of the actively shielded X-ray detector are considered in some detail and the techniques used to eliminate the non-cosmic components are described. Positive values for the cosmic flux are obtained in seven energy channels between 14 and 200 keV and two upper limits are obtained between 200 and 254 keV. The results can be fitted by a power law spectrum. A critical comparison is made with the OSO-3 results. Conclusions show that the reported break in the energy spectrum at 40 keV is probably produced by an erroneous correction for the radioactivity induced in the detector on each passage through the intense charged particle fluxes in the South Atlantic anomaly

    Ultimate intrinsic coercivity samarian-cobalt magnet. An Earth based feasibility study for Space Shuttle missions

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    Techniques for the electromagnetic containerless reaction of samarium with cobalt for the formation of samarium-cobalt alloys are summarized. The effort expended to reduce and instrument the oxygen partial pressure in the reaction chamber and coolant gas system are described as well as the experiments in which these improvements were shown to be partially effective. A stainless steel glove box capable of being evacuated to low 10 to the -6th torr pressure and refilled with ultra-pure argon was built and installed. Necessary accessories to perform SmCo5 powder preparation, compaction and subsequent encapsulation of the powder inside a hot isostatic pressing cannister were designed, built, and incorporated into the chamber. All accessories were tested for proper functioning inside the chamber. Using the facility, the first batch of densified SmCo5 powder was fabricated to near total density. Analysis of the densified compacts shows that oxygen contamination during fabrication was near zero

    FISHRENT; Bio-economic simulation and optimisation model

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    Key findings: The FISHRENT model is a major step forward in bio-economic model-ling, combining features that have not been fully integrated in earlier models: 1- Incorporation of any number of species (or stock) and/or fleets 2- Integration of simulation and optimisation over a period of 25 years 3- Integration of effort and TAC-driven management policies 4- Three independent relations for stock growth, production and investments. The feedbacks within the model allow for a dynamic simulation. The main application of the model is scenario analysis of policy options. Complementary findings: The model formulates a complete set of mathematical relations, but it also con-tains a number of important assumptions, which remain to be tested empirically. Therefore the model presents a challenging agenda for empirical research, which should lead to further qualitative and quantitative improvements of the in-dividual mathematical equations and parameter values. Method: This model was developed during the EU-funded project 'Remuneration of spawning stock biomass'. Its aim was to generate consistent sets of scenarios for an assessment of potential resource rents in different EU fisheries. The model comprises six modules, each focussing on a different aspect of the functioning of the fisheries system: biology (stocks), economy (costs, earnings and profits), policy (TACs, effort and access fees), behaviour (investments), prices (fish and fuel) and an interface linking the modules together. Input, calculation and output are clearly separated. The model produces a standard set of graphics, which provide a quick insight into the results of any model run. All output of the model runs can be exported to database software for further analysis. The model has been built in Excel, which makes it accessible for most us-ers. It has been used in new applications and even translated to other software. The model is continually further developed

    Temporal and spectral characteristics of solar flare hard X-ray emission

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    Solar Maximum Mission observations of three flares that impose stringent constraints on physical models of the hard X-ray production during the impulsive phase are presented. Hard X-ray imaging observations of the flares on 1980 November 5 at 22:33 UT show two patches in the 16 to 30 keV images that are separated by 70,000 km and that brighten simultaneously to within 5 s. Observations to O V from one of the footprints show simultaneity of the brightening in this transition zone line and in the total hard X-ray flux to within a second or two. These results suggest but do not require the existence of electron beams in this flare. The rapid fluctuations of the hard X-ray flux within some flares on the time scales of 1 s also provide evidence for electron beams and limits on the time scale of the energy release mechanism. Observations of a flare on 1980 June 6 at 22:34 UT show variations in the 28 keV X-ray counting rate from one 20 ms interval to the next over a period of 10 s. The hard X-ray spectral variations measured with 128 ms time resolution for one 0.5 s spike during this flare are consistent with the predictions of thick-target non-thermal beam model

    Development and demonstration of manufacturing processes for fabricating graphite/LARC 160 polyimide structural elements

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    The development and demonstration of manufacturing technologies for the structural application of Celion graphite/LARC-160 polyimide composite material is discussed. Process development and fabrication of demonstration components are discussed. Process development included establishing quality assurance of the basic composite material and processing, nondestructive inspection of fabricated components, developing processes for specific structural forms, and qualification of processes through mechanical testing. Demonstration components were fabricated. The demonstration components consisted of flat laminates, skin/stringer panels, honeycomb panels, chopped fiber compression moldings, and a technology demonstrator segment (TDS) representative of the space shuttle aft body flap
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