930 research outputs found

    Procjena in vitro protoskolicidne učinkovitosti metanolnih biljnih ekstrakata na hidatidne ciste

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    The present study aimed at an evaluation of the protoscolicidal potential of methanolic extracts of three herbs; Ferula asafoetida (dried latex), Trachyspermum ammi (fruits) and Hippophae salicifolia (leaves) at three different concentrations (10, 20 and 30 mg/mL) for 20, 40 and 60 minute treatment intervals, with respect to standard allopathic drug albendazole. The in-vitro viability of the protoscolices was assessed by the Eosin exclusion method. The slope of mortality and lethal concentration for 50% (LC50) was determined from the regression graphs of the probit mortality of protoscolices plotted against log values of increasing concentrations of herbal extracts for 60 minute treatment intervals. The percentage of mortality caused by various extracts at concentrations ranging from 10-30 mg/mL varied from 29.54-97.76% with maximum mortality of 97.76, 97.30 and 81.91% recorded with methanolic extracts of F. asafoetida, T. ammi and H. salicifolia, respectively. Among all the extracts, the highest protoscolicidal activity was exhibited by F. asafoetida at 20 and 30 mg/mL concentrations in the 60 (97.16%) and 40/60 minutes (97.20% and 97.76%) treatments, respectively, and it showed a minimum LC50 value of 0.204, followed by T. ammi at 0.933. As compared to the standard allopathic drug, albendazole, the methanolic extracts of F. asafoetida and T. ammi exhibited better or comparable protoscolicidal activities.Cilj je istraživanja bila procjena protoskolicidnog potencijala metanolnih ekstrakata triju biljaka: Ferula asafoetida (sušena smola), Trachyspermum ammi (voće) i Hippophae salicifolia (lišće) u trima različitim koncentracijama (10, 20 i 30 mg/mL) u 20, 40 i 60-minutnim pokusnim intervalima u odnosu na standardni alopatski lijek albendazol. In vitro vitalnost protoskoleksa procijenjena je metodom isključivanja eozina. Krivulja pomora i smrtonosne koncentracije za 50 % (LC50) određena je iz regresijskih grafikona mortaliteta protoskoleksa u odnosu na log vrijednosti rastućih koncentracija biljnih ekstrakata tijekom 60-minutnog intervala. Pomor uzrokovan različitim ekstraktima u koncentracijama od 10 do 30 mg/mL varirao je od 29,54 do 97,76 % s najvišim postotkom od 97,76, 97,30 i 81,91 % u slučaju metanolnih ekstrakata F. asafoetida, T. ammi i H. salicifolia. Od svih primijenjenih ekstrakata najvišu protoskolicidnu aktivnost imala je F. asafoetida u koncentracijama od 20 i 30 mg/mL tijekom tretmana od 60 (97,16 %) i 40/60 minuta (97,20 i 97,76%), te je pokazala minimalnu vrijednost LC50 od 0,204, praćenu s T. ammi od 0,933. Usporedbom sa standardnim antiparazitikom albendazolom, metanolni ekstrakti biljaka F. asafoetida i T. ammi ostvarili su bolji ili slični protoskolicidni učinak

    Variablity, correlation and path analysis in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)

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    Forty eight collections of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) showed significant variability for days to flowering, plant height, branches per plant, umbels per plant, umbellets per umbel, grains per umbel, 1000 seed weight, yield per plant and yield per plot at Jobner, India. The broad sense heritability was high for 1000 seed weight, umbels per plant and grain yield per plant while genetic advance was· high for umbels per plant, yield per plant and yield per plot. Grain yield per plot was significant and positively associated with yield per plant, grains per umbel and umbels per plant. Branches per plant showed a high positive, direct effect on yield per plot followed by grains per umbel and plant height. &nbsp

    Quantum cohomology via vicious and osculating walkers

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    We relate the counting of rational curves intersecting Schubert varieties of the Grassmannian to the counting of certain non-intersecting lattice paths on the cylinder, so-called vicious and osculating walkers. These lattice paths form exactly solvable statistical mechanics models and are obtained from solutions to the Yang–Baxter equation. The eigenvectors of the transfer matrices of these models yield the idempotents of the Verlinde algebra of the gauged u^(n)k -WZNW model. The latter is known to be closely related to the small quantum cohomology ring of the Grassmannian. We establish further that the partition functions of the vicious and osculating walker model are given in terms of Postnikov’s toric Schur functions and can be interpreted as generating functions for Gromov–Witten invariants. We reveal an underlying quantum group structure in terms of Yang–Baxter algebras and use it to give a generating formula for toric Schur functions in terms of divided difference operators which appear in known representations of the nil-Hecke algebra


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    This study aims to evaluate the effect of underground coal mining subsidence on the growth of native vegetation. For this study, an underground coal mine of South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL), India was selected. Changes in vegetation indices were analyzed using three remote sensing data of the previous five years. Three period’s Landsat 8 OLI resolution image data were used to calculate Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of the years 2014, 2016 and 2018 in QGIS environment. The study showed that the local grassland and forest were affected by the mining exploitation and subsidence but those effects were not significant to have an adverse impact on the same. The short-term mining was having an impact on the vegetation growth but the effects gradually disappeared with the gradual stabilization of the subsided land and in absence of human interference, vegetation recovered well. In long-term, subsidence was not having a major impact on the vegetation growth. Thus, coal resources exploitation and subsidence of the said mine of SECL did not bring out an adverse impact on a wide range of forest and grassland ecosystems, and these ecosystems could carry the partial destruction and ultimately stabilized ecosystems by self-repair

    Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery I: Patient Selection, Evaluation, and Planning.

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    Widespread adoption of minimally invasive mitral valve repair and replacement may be fostered by practice consensus and standardization. This expert opinion, first of a 3-part series, outlines current best practices in patient evaluation and selection for minimally invasive mitral valve procedures, and discusses preoperative planning for cannulation and myocardial protection

    Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery II: Surgical Technique and Postoperative Management.

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    Techniques for minimally invasive mitral valve repair and replacement continue to evolve. This expert opinion, the second of a 3-part series, outlines current best practices for nonrobotic, minimally invasive mitral valve procedures, and for postoperative care after minimally invasive mitral valve surgery

    Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery III: Training and Robotic-Assisted Approaches.

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    Minimally invasive mitral valve operations are increasingly common in the United States, but robotic-assisted approaches have not been widely adopted for a variety of reasons. This expert opinion reviews the state of the art and defines best practices, training, and techniques for developing a successful robotics program

    Deformation effects in 56^{56}Ni nuclei produced in 28^{28}Si+28^{28}Si at 112 MeV

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    Velocity and energy spectra of the light charged particles (protons and α\alpha-particles) emitted in the 28^{28}Si(Elab_{lab} = 112 MeV) + 28^{28}Si reaction have been measured at the Strasbourg VIVITRON Tandem facility. The ICARE charged particle multidetector array was used to obtain exclusive spectra of the light particles in the angular range 15 - 150 degree and to determine the angular correlations of these particles with respect to the emission angles of the evaporation residues. The experimental data are analysed in the framework of the statistical model. The exclusive energy spectra of α\alpha-particles emitted from the 28^{28}Si + 28^{28}Si compound system are generally well reproduced by Monte Carlo calculations using spin-dependent level densities. This spin dependence approach suggests the onset of large deformations at high spin. A re-analysis of previous α\alpha-particle data from the 30^{30}Si + 30^{30}Si compound system, using the same spin-dependent parametrization, is also presented in the framework of a general discussion of the occurrence of large deformation effects in the ACN_{CN} ~ 60 mass region.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Centrality Dependence of Neutral Pion Production in 158 A GeV Pb + Pb Collisions

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    The production of neutral pions in 158AGeV Pb+Pb collisions has been studied in the WA98 experiment at the CERN SPS. Transverse momentum spectra are studied for the range 0.3 GeV/c < mT-m0 < 4.0 GeV/c. The results for central collisions are compared to various models. The centrality dependence of the neutral pion spectral shape and yield is investigated. An invariance of the spectral shape and a simple scaling of the yield with the number of participating nucleons is observed for centralities with greater than about 30 participating nucleons which is most naturally explained by assuming an equilibrated system.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, including 3 eps figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.Lett; updated pQCD comparison due to new input from the author, updated references, corrected plotting error in figure