489 research outputs found

    Long-range Ni/Mn structural order in epitaxial double perovskite La2NiMnO6 thin films

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    We report and compare the structural, magnetic, and optical properties of ordered La2NiMnO6 thin films and its disordered LaNi0.5Mn0.5O3 counterpart. An x-ray diffraction study reveals that the B-site Ni/Mn ordering induces additional XRD reflections as the crystal symmetry is transformed from a pseudocubic perovskite unit cell in the disordered phase to a monoclinic form with larger lattice parameters for the ordered phase. Polarized Raman spectroscopy studies reveal that the ordered samples are characterized by additional phonon excitations that are absent in the disordered phase. The appearance of these additional phonon excitations is interpreted as the clearest signature of Brillouin zone folding as a result of the long-range Ni/Mn ordering in La2NiMnO6. Both ordered and disordered materials display a single ferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic transition. The ordered films display also a saturation magnetization close to 4.8 mB/f.u. and a transition temperature (FM-TC) around 270 K, while the disordered ones have only a 3.7 mB/f.u. saturation magnetization and a FM-TC around 138 K. The differences in their magnetic behaviours are understood based on the distinct local electronic configurations of their Ni/Mn cations.Comment: 15 pages, 5 fig

    Phase formation, phonon behavior, and magnetic properties of novel ferromagnetic La3BAlMnO9 (B = Co or Ni) triple perovskites

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    In the quest for novel magnetoelectric materials, we have grown, stabilized and explored the properties of La3BAlMnO9 (B = Co or Mn) thin films. In this paper, we report the influence of the growth parameters that promote B/Al/Mn ordering in the pseudo-cubic unit cell and their likely influence on the magnetic and multiferroic properties. The temperature dependence of the magnetization shows that La3CoAlMnO9 is ferromagnetic up to 190 K while La3NiAlMnO9 shows a TC of 130 K. The behavior of these films are compared and contrasted with related La2BMnO6 double perovskites. It is observed that the insertion of AlO6 octahedra between CoO6 and MnO6 suppresses significantly the strength of the superexchange interaction, spin-phonon and spin-polar coupling.Comment: 13 pages, 3 fig

    Ferromagnetism and magneto-dielectric effect in insulating LaBiMn4/3Co2/3O6 thin films

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    High quality epitaxial thin films of LaBiMn4/3Co2/3O6 perovskite were fabricated on (001)-oriented SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 substrates by the pulsed laser deposition technique. Magnetization measurements reveal a strong magnetic anisotropy and a ferromagnetic behavior that is in agreement with a super-exchange interaction between Mn4+ and Co2+ ions, which are randomly distributed in the B-site. A distinct anomaly is observed in the dielectric measurements at 130K corresponding to the onset of the magnetic ordering, suggesting a coupling. Above this temperature, the extrinsic Maxwell-Wagner effect is dominating. Theses results are explained using the Raman spectroscopic studies indicating a weak spin-lattice interaction around this magnetic transition.Comment: Submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett. (2008

    Investigation of phonon behavior in Pr2NiMnO6 by micro-Raman spectroscopy

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    The temperature dependence of phonon excitations and the presence of spin phonon coupling in polycrystalline Pr2NiMnO6 samples were studied using micro-Raman spectroscopy and magnetometry. Magnetic properties show a single ferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic transition at 228 K and a saturation magnetization close to 4.95 \muB/f.u.. Three distinct Raman modes at 657, 642, and 511 cm-1 are observed. The phonon excitations show a clear hardening due to anharmonicity from 300 K down to 10 K. Further, temperature dependence of the 657 cm-1 mode shows only a small softening. This reflects the presence of a relatively weak spin-phonon coupling in Pr2NiMnO6 contrary to other double perovskites previously studied.Comment: 10 pages, 4 fig

    Multiferroic double perovskites: Opportunities, Issues and Challenges

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    Despite the great technological and scientific importance, a well-controlled coupled behavior in magnetoelectric multiferroic materials at room temperature remains challenging. We demonstrate that the self-ordered A2BBO6 (e.g., A = La, B = Mn, and B = Ni) double perovskites provide a unique alternative opportunity to control and/or to induce such behavior in oxides. In this paper, we outline and discuss the various challenges and bottleneck issues related to this class of materials using La2NiMnO6 as a prototype. Details of the synthesis strategies, using pulsed laser deposition as a central tool, to obtain a meticulous control over cation ordering is illustrated. The possible impact of Ni/Mn cation ordering on the magnetic ground states, ferromagnetic transition temperature, phonon behavior, and spin-phonon coupling are presented. Our results are also compared with the current literature on related compounds.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Infrared optical properties of Pr2CuO4

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    The ab-plane reflectance of a Pr2CuO4 single crystal has been measured over a wide frequency range at a variety of temperatures, and the optical properties determined from a Kramers-Kronig analysis. Above ~ 250 K, the low frequency conductivity increases quickly with temperature; the resistivity follows the form e^(E_a/k_BT), where E_a ~ 0.17 eV is much less than the inferred optical gap of ~ 1.2 eV. Transport measurements show that at low temperature the resistivity deviates from activated behavior and follows the form e^[(T_0/T)^1/4], indicating that the dc transport in this material is due to variable-range hopping between localized states in the gap. The four infrared-active Eu modes dominate the infrared optical properties. Below ~ 200 K, a striking new feature appears near the low-frequency Eu mode, and there is additional new fine structure at high frequency. A normal coordinate analysis has been performed and the detailed nature of the zone-center vibrations determined. Only the low-frequency Eu mode has a significant Pr-Cu interaction. Several possible mechanisms related to the antiferromagnetism in this material are proposed to explain the sudden appearance of this and other new spectral features at low temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 7 embedded EPS figures, REVTeX

    Stabilization and functional properties of La3NiAlMnO9 and La3CoAlMnO9 magnetoelectric triple perovskites

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    Ferromagnetic La3NiAlMnO9 (LNAMO) and La3CoAlMnO9 (LCAMO) triple-perovskite thin films are stabilized in the 750-860 oC temperature range in 100 to 900 mTorr O2 pressure range using pulsed-laser deposition. The LCAMO and LNAMO films exhibit ferromagnetism up to 190 K and 130 K respectively. The structural, optical and magnetic properties of these films demonstrate that the B-site 3d-cations, Al, Mn and Co or Ni ions, are structurally short-range ordered. The strong spin-lattice-polarization coupling in LCAMO is evidenced by the temperature dependence of the dielectric constant and the softening of the phonon frequencies starting in the vicinity of the ferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic phase transition mimicking the behaviours of La2CoMnO6 double perovskite.Comment: 11 pages, 4 fig

    Characterization of fecal nitrogen forms produced by a sheep fed with 15N labeled ryegrass

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    Little is known about nitrogen (N) forms in ruminant feces, although this information is important to understand N dynamics in agro-ecosystems. We fed 15N labeled ryegrass hay to a sheep and collected 15N labeled feces. Nitrogen forms in the feces were characterized by chemical extractions, solid-state cross polarization 15N nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (SS CP/MAS 15N NMR) and Curie-point pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Cp Py-GC/MS). A 4months incubation experiment was conducted to assess N release from the feces. Half of the fecal N could be ascribed to bacterial and endogenous debris and a third to undigested dietary N. About a tenth of the fecal N was mineralized during the incubation experiment. The 15N abundance of nitrate released during the incubation remained constant and close to the 15N abundance of the total feces N. The NMR analysis of the feces showed that most of the N was present in proteins, while some was present as heterocyclic N, amino acids and ammonium. The Cp Py-GC/MS analysis confirmed the presence of proteins, amino acids and heterocyclic N in the feces. Comparing these results to those obtained from the 15N labeled hay suggests that some N compounds present in the plant were not digested by the animal, and that the animal excreted de novo synthesized N compounds. The low content in ammonium and amino acids, the low rate of N release from these feces during the incubation and the relatively high fecal protein content, particularly the hard to mineralize undigested and microbially bound forms, can explain the low transfer of N from these feces to crops observed in a previous wor
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