2,345 research outputs found

    IUE observations of Fe 2 galaxies

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    Repeated observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxies I Zw 1 and II Zw 136, which have very strong Fe II emission lines in the optical region, were made at low resolution with the IUE Satellite. The ultraviolet spectra are very similar: both are variable and show broad emission features of Fe II (especially the UV multiplets 1, 33, 60, 62, and 63) as well as the emission lines usually strong in Seyferts and quasars. The data strongly support the hypothesis that the optical Fe II emission lines are primarily due to collisional excitation and that resonance fluorescence makes only a minor contribution to the excitation of these lines

    Gravitational waves from rapidly rotating neutron stars

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    Rapidly rotating neutron stars in Low Mass X-ray Binaries have been proposed as an interesting source of gravitational waves. In this chapter we present estimates of the gravitational wave emission for various scenarios, given the (electromagnetically) observed characteristics of these systems. First of all we focus on the r-mode instability and show that a 'minimal' neutron star model (which does not incorporate exotica in the core, dynamically important magnetic fields or superfluid degrees of freedom), is not consistent with observations. We then present estimates of both thermally induced and magnetically sustained mountains in the crust. In general magnetic mountains are likely to be detectable only if the buried magnetic field of the star is of the order of B1012B\approx 10^{12} G. In the thermal mountain case we find that gravitational wave emission from persistent systems may be detected by ground based interferometers. Finally we re-asses the idea that gravitational wave emission may be balancing the accretion torque in these systems, and show that in most cases the disc/magnetosphere interaction can account for the observed spin periods.Comment: To appear in 'Gravitational Waves Astrophysics: 3rd Session of the Sant Cugat Forum on Astrophysics, 2014', Editor: Carlos F. Sopuert

    Application of inelastic epithermal neutron scattering to the vibrational spectroscopy of adsorbed molecules: Butane physisorbed on graphite (0001) surfaces

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    doi:10.1063/1.448924Inelastic epithermal neutron scattering (IENS) has been used to investigate the intramolecular vibrations of butane [CH3(CH2)2CH3] physisorbed on the (0001) surfaces of a graphite powder. The purpose of these studies was to assess IENS as a vibrational spectroscopy for adsorbed species by using a relatively well‐characterized substrate (Carbopack B). The experiments were performed on the IN1 spectrometer located on a beam from the ''hot'' source at the Institut Laue‐Langevin reactor in Grenoble. Film coverages of 1.0 and 3.6 layers were investigated at a temperature of 78 K. The IENS spectra are rich in structure, containing eight vibrational bands in the energy‐transfer range from 280-3470 cm−1 (35-430 meV). The similarity in the spectra at the two coverages investigated indicates that in this energy‐transfer range the butane intramolecular modes are not strongly perturbed by physisorption on graphite. A detailed comparison is made between the monolayer IENS spectrum and those calculated from models of a free and adsorbed molecule. Both models employ a previously derived intramolecular force field in the normal mode calculation. A third calculation assumes the displacement eigenvectors of the free molecule but replaces the mode eigenfrequencies by their measured Raman and IR values. It reproduces the observed IENS spectra very well. The large number of vibrational bands observed and the close agreement with the calculated spectra suggest butane as a desirable adsorbate for similar experiments on catalytic substrates.This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grants DMR-1905958, INT- 8012228, and DMR-8304366 and by a grant of the Petroleum Research fund, administered by the American Chemical Society

    Biosystems engineering research Quarterly progress report

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    Biosystems engineering research on equations of motion for postural control, lens focusing and cornea models, and optical processing of biological photomicrograph

    Portable, High-Bandwidth Frequency-Domain Photon Migration Instrument for Tissue Spectroscopy

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    We describe a novel frequency-domain photon migration instrument employing direct diode laser modulation and avalanche photodiode detection, which is capable of noninvasively determinating the optical properties of biological tissues in near real time. An infinite medium diffusion model was used to extract absorption and transport scattering coefficients from 300-kHz to 800-MHz photon-density wave phase data. Optical properties measured in tissue-simulating solutions at 670 nm agreed to within 10% of those expected

    A High-Bandwidth Frequency-Domain Photon Migration Instrument for Clinical Use

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    We have developed a high-bandwidth frequency-domain photon migration (FDPM) instrument which is capable of noninvasively determining the optical properties of biological tissues in near-real-time. This portable, inexpensive, diode-based instrument is unique in the sense that we employ direct diode laser modulation and avalanche photodiode detection. Diffusion models were used to extract the optical properties (absorption and transport scattering coefficients)of tissue-simulating solutions.from the 300 kHz to I GHz photon density wave data