650 research outputs found

    Actin cytoskeleton in the extra-ovular embryo sac of Utricularia nelumbifolia (Lentibulariaceae)

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    The actin cytoskeleton in the mature female gametophyte of angiosperms has been examined in only a few dicot and monocot species. The main purposes of this study were to identify how the actin cytoskeleton is arranged in the mature extra-ovular embryo sac in Utricularia nelumbifolia (Lentibulariaceae). We found that the extra-ovular part of the central cell has a well-developed actin cytoskeleton: actin microfilaments formed of long strands which run longitudinally or transversally to the long axis of the embryo sac. The exerted part of the central cell, which is exposed to the environment of the ovary chamber, is highly vacuolated and in the thin peripheral cytoplasm possesses a complicated network of actin microfilaments. The epidermal cells of the placenta that are in contact with the extra-ovular part of the embryo sac are crushed. The ultrastructure data of these cells are presented. We detected the accumulation of the actin cytoskeleton between the micropylar parts of the synergids and the extra-ovular part of central cell. This actin accumulation is unusual because in typical angiosperms the micropylar parts of the synergids form the apex of the female gametophyte

    The Underestimation Of Egocentric Distance: Evidence From Frontal Matching Tasks

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    There is controversy over the existence, nature, and cause of error in egocentric distance judgments. One proposal is that the systematic biases often found in explicit judgments of egocentric distance along the ground may be related to recently observed biases in the perceived declination of gaze (Durgin & Li, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, in press), To measure perceived egocentric distance nonverbally, observers in a field were asked to position themselves so that their distance from one of two experimenters was equal to the frontal distance between the experimenters. Observers placed themselves too far away, consistent with egocentric distance underestimation. A similar experiment was conducted with vertical frontal extents. Both experiments were replicated in panoramic virtual reality. Perceived egocentric distance was quantitatively consistent with angular bias in perceived gaze declination (1.5 gain). Finally, an exocentric distance-matching task was contrasted with a variant of the egocentric matching task. The egocentric matching data approximate a constant compression of perceived egocentric distance with a power function exponent of nearly 1; exocentric matches had an exponent of about 0.67. The divergent pattern between egocentric and exocentric matches suggests that they depend on different visual cues

    Size and shape constancy in consumer virtual reality

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    With the increase in popularity of consumer virtual reality headsets, for research and other applications, it is important to understand the accuracy of 3D perception in VR. We investigated the perceptual accuracy of near-field virtual distances using a size and shape constancy task, in two commercially available devices. Participants wore either the HTC Vive or the Oculus Rift and adjusted the size of a virtual stimulus to match the geometric qualities (size and depth) of a physical stimulus they were able to refer to haptically. The judgments participants made allowed for an indirect measure of their perception of the egocentric, virtual distance to the stimuli. The data show under-constancy and are consistent with research from carefully calibrated psychophysical techniques. There was no difference in the degree of constancy found in the two headsets. We conclude that consumer virtual reality headsets provide a sufficiently high degree of accuracy in distance perception, to allow them to be used confidently in future experimental vision science, and other research applications in psychology

    BCL6 degradation caused by the interaction with the C-terminus of pro-HB-EGF induces cyclin D2 expression in gastric cancers

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    BCL6 is a transcriptional repressor that has important functions in lymphocyte differentiation and lymphomagenesis, but there have been no reports of BCL6 expression in gastric cancers. In the present study, we investigated the BCL6 function in gastric cancers. Treatment with TPA resulted in BCL6 degradation and cyclin D2 upregulation. This phenomenon was inhibited by the suppression of the nuclear translocation of HB-EGF-CTF (C-terminal fragment of pro-HB-EGF). The HB-EGF-CTF nuclear translocation leads to the interaction of BCL6 with HB-EGF-CTF and the nuclear export of BCL6, and after that BCL6 degradation was mediated by ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. Real-time RT–PCR and siRNA targeting BCL6 revealed that BCL6 suppresses cyclin D2 expression. Our data indicate that BCL6 interacts with nuclear-translocated HB-EGF-CTF and that the nuclear export and degradation of BCL6 induces cyclin D2 upregulation. We performed immunohistochemical analyses of BCL6, HB-EGF and cyclin D2 in human gastric cancers. The inverse correlation between BCL6 and cyclin D2 was also found in HB-EGF-positive human gastric cancers. BCL6 degradation caused by the HB-EGF-CTF also might induce cyclin D2 expression in human gastric cancers. Inhibition of HB-EGF-CTF nuclear translocation and maintenance of BCL6 function are important for the regulation of gastric cancer progression

    Female germ unit in Genlisea and Utricularia, with remarks about the evolution of the extra-ovular female gametophyte in members of Lentibulariaceae

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    Lentibulariaceae is the largest family among carnivorous plants which displays not only an unusual morphology and anatomy but also the special evolution of its embryological characteristics. It has previously been reported by authors that Utricularia species lack a filiform apparatus in the synergids. The main purposes of this study were to determine whether a filiform apparatus occurs in the synergids of Utricularia and its sister genus Genlisea, and to compare the female germ unit in these genera. The present studies clearly show that synergids in both genera possess a filiform apparatus; however, it seems that Utricularia quelchii synergids have a simpler structure compared to Genlisea aurea and other typical angiosperms. The synergids are located at the terminal position in the embryo sacs of Pinguicula, Genlisea and were probably also located in that position in common Utricularia ancestor. This ancestral characteristic still occurs in some species from the Bivalvaria subgenus. An embryo sac, which grows out beyond the limit of the integument and has contact with nutritive tissue, appeared independently in different Utricularia lineages and as a consequence of this, the egg apparatus changes position from apical to lateral
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