225 research outputs found

    Efficient calculation of chiral three-nucleon forces up to N3LO for ab initio studies

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    We present a novel framework to decompose three-nucleon forces in a momentum space partial-wave basis. The new approach is computationally much more efficient than previous methods and opens the way to ab initio studies of few-nucleon scattering processes, nuclei and nuclear matter based on higher-order chiral 3N forces. We use the new framework to calculate matrix elements of chiral three-nucleon forces at N2LO and N3LO in large basis spaces and carry out benchmark calculations for neutron matter and symmetric nuclear matter. We also study the size of the individual three-nucleon force contributions for 3^3H. For nonlocal regulators, we find that the sub-leading terms, which have been neglected in most calculations so far, provide important contributions. All matrix elements are calculated and stored in a user-friendly way, such that values of low-energy constants as well as the form of regulator functions can be chosen freely.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Saturation with chiral interactions and consequences for finite nuclei

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    We explore the impact of nuclear matter saturation on the properties and systematics of finite nuclei across the nuclear chart. Using the ab initio in-medium similarity renormalization group (IM-SRG), we study ground-state energies and charge radii of closed-shell nuclei from 4^4He to 78^{78}Ni, based on a set of low-resolution two- and three-nucleon interactions that predict realistic saturation properties. We first investigate in detail the convergence properties of these Hamiltonians with respect to model-space truncations for both two- and three-body interactions. We find one particular interaction that reproduces well the ground-state energies of all closed-shell nuclei studied. As expected from their saturation points relative to this interaction, the other Hamiltonians underbind nuclei, but lead to a remarkably similar systematics of ground-state energies. Extending our calculations to complete isotopic chains in the sdsd and pfpf shells with the valence-space IM-SRG, the same interaction reproduces not only experimental ground states but two-neutron-separation energies and first excited 2+2^+ states. We also calculate radii with the valence-space IM-SRG for the first time. Since this particular interaction saturates at too high density, charge radii are still too small compared with experiment. Except for this underprediction, the radii systematics is, however, well reproduced. Our results highlight the importance of nuclear matter as a theoretical benchmark for the development of next-generation chiral interactions.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, 1 tabl

    Role of the total isospin 3/2 component in three-nucleon reactions

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    We discuss the role of the three-nucleon isospin T=3/2 amplitude in elastic neutron-deuteron scattering and in the deuteron breakup reaction. The contribution of this amplitude originates from charge-independence breaking of the nucleon-nucleon potential and is driven by the difference between neutron-neutron (proton-proton) and neutron-proton forces. We study the magnitude of that contribution to the elastic scattering and breakup observables, taking the locally regularized chiral N4LO nucleon-nucleon potential supplemented by the chiral N2LO three-nucleon force. For comparison we employ also the Av18 nucleon-nucleon potential combined with the Urbana IX three-nucleon force. We find that the isospin T=3/2 component is important for the breakup reaction and the proper treatment of charge-independence breaking in this case requires the inclusion of the 1S0 state with isospin T=3/2. For neutron-deuteron elastic scattering the T=3/2 contributions are insignificant and charge-independence breaking can be accounted for by using the effective t-matrix generated with the so-called "2/3-1/3" rule.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 3 Table

    Converged ab initio calculations of heavy nuclei

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    We propose a novel storage scheme for three-nucleon (3N) interaction matrix elements relevant for the normal-ordered two-body approximation used extensively in ab initio calculations of atomic nuclei. This scheme reduces the required memory by approximately two orders of magnitude, which allows the generation of 3N interaction matrix elements with the standard truncation of E3max=28E_{3\max}=28, well beyond the previous limit of 18. We demonstrate that this is sufficient to obtain ground-state energies in 132^{132}Sn converged to within a few MeV with respect to the E3maxE_{3\max} truncation. In addition, we study the asymptotic convergence behavior and perform extrapolations to the un-truncated limit. Finally, we investigate the impact of truncations made when evolving free-space 3N interactions with the similarity renormalization group. We find that the contribution of blocks with angular momentum Jrel>9/2J_{\rm rel}>9/2 is dominated by a basis-truncation artifact which vanishes in the large-space limit, so these computationally expensive components can be neglected. For the two sets of nuclear interactions employed in this work, the resulting binding energy of 132^{132}Sn agrees with the experimental value within theoretical uncertainties. This work enables converged ab initio calculations of heavy nuclei.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Do we understand the incompressibility of neutron-rich matter?

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    The ``breathing mode'' of neutron-rich nuclei is our window into the incompressibility of neutron-rich matter. After much confusion on the interpretation of the experimental data, consistency was finally reached between different models that predicted both the distribution of isoscalar monopole strength in finite nuclei and the compression modulus of infinite matter. However, a very recent experiment on the Tin isotopes at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics(RCNP) in Japan has again muddled the waters. Self-consistent models that were successful in reproducing the energy of the giant monopole resonance (GMR) in nuclei with various nucleon asymmetries (such as 90Zr, 144Sm, and 208Pb) overestimate the GMR energies in the Tin isotopes. As important, the discrepancy between theory and experiment appears to grow with neutron excess. This is particularly problematic as models artificially tuned to reproduce the rapid softening of the GMR in the Tin isotopes become inconsistent with the behavior of dilute neutron matter. Thus, we regard the question of ``why is Tin so soft?'' as an important open problem in nuclear structure.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, and 1 table. Submitted to the "Focus issue on Open Problems in Nuclear Structure", Journal of Physics

    Improved nuclear matter calculations from chiral low-momentum interactions

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    We present new nuclear matter calculations based on low-momentum interactions derived from chiral effective field theory potentials. The current calculations use an improved treatment of the three-nucleon force contribution that includes a corrected combinatorial factor beyond Hartree-Fock that was omitted in previous nuclear matter calculations. We find realistic saturation properties using parameters fit only to few-body data, but with larger uncertainty estimates from cutoff dependence and the 3NF parametrization than in previous calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Low-energy neutron-deuteron reactions with N3LO chiral forces

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    We solve three-nucleon Faddeev equations with nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon forces derived consistently in the framework of chiral perturbation theory at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion. In this first investigation we include only matrix elements of the three-nucleon force for partial waves with the total two-nucleon (three-nucleon) angular momenta up to 3 (5/2). Low-energy neutron-deuteron elastic scattering and deuteron breakup reaction are studied. Emphasis is put on Ay puzzle in elastic scattering and cross sections in symmetric-space-star and neutron-neutron quasi-free-scattering breakup configurations, for which large discrepancies between data and theory have been reported.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Few-nucleon systems with state-of-the-art chiral nucleon-nucleon forces

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    We apply improved nucleon-nucleon potentials up to fifth order in chiral effective field theory, along with a new analysis of the theoretical truncation errors, to study nucleon-deuteron (Nd) scattering and selected low-energy observables in 3H, 4He, and 6Li. Calculations beyond second order differ from experiment well outside the range of quantified uncertainties, providing truly unambiguous evidence for missing three-nucleon forces within the employed framework. The sizes of the required three-nucleon force contributions agree well with expectations based on Weinberg's power counting. We identify the energy range in elastic Nd scattering best suited to study three-nucleon force effects and estimate the achievable accuracy of theoretical predictions for various observables.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure