4,976 research outputs found

    Precision voltage regulator

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    Balanced positive and negative voltage output circuit, in which error voltage for control is developed from difference in absolute value of positive and negative voltages referenced to a common point, regulates voltage for use with inertial reference unit. Fast-acting, temperature-compensated, high-gain operational amplifier circuits maintain common point

    New genus of primitive wombat (Vombatidae, Marsupialia) from Miocene deposits in the Riversleigh World Heritage Area (Queensland, Australia)

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    Copyright Palaeontological Association, March 2015. This is an open access article, available to all readers online, published under a creative commons licensing (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Electronic integrator for gyro rate output voltages

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    Circuit which integrates spacecraft gyro output voltages to provide analog position signals has been developed. Accurate integration is provided by all solid state system which uses no choppers and takes advantage of commercially available flight qualified components

    Buying Fertility: The Constitutionality of Welfare Bonuses for Welfare Mothers Who Submit to Norplant Insertion

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    In 1990, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories introduced Norplant, a five- year contraceptive consisting of six capsules that release contraceptive hormones when inserted in a woman\u27s arm. Soon after the introduction of Norplant, a Philadelphia Inquirer editorial column stirred tremendous controversy when the author suggested that Norplant could solve the welfare problem if states would offer welfare mothers incentives to use the device.\u27 Tremendous outrage and cries of racism, fascism and genocide prompted the Inquirer\u27s Editor, Maxwell King, to apologize publicly and retract the editorial.\u27 Despite the fury, some states have introduced welfare reform bills that would do exactly what the Inquirer editorial so boldly suggested.\u27 In a nutshell, the typical law would offer female welfare recipients a cash incentive of 500iftheyallowthestatetoinsertNorplantatitsownexpense.Ifpassed,suchalawwouldnotonlygenerateawaveofcriticismbutalsowouldpresentamostperplexingconstitutionalantimony.Essentially,alawofferingcashforNorplantinsertionwouldbringtwounresolvedandarguablyunsolvableconstitutionaldoctrines−thedoctrineofunconstitutionalconditionsandthedoctrineofcertainprivacyrightsasfundamentalconstitutionalrights−tobearonthesameissue.Theunconstitutionalconditionsdoctrinestatesthatthegovernmentcannotbribepeoplewithbenefitsandprivilegestoforegorightswithwhichthegovernmentcouldnotinterferedirectly.Forexample,thegovernmentcouldnotpaypeople500 if they allow the state to insert Norplant at its own expense. If passed, such a law would not only generate a wave of criticism but also would present a most perplexing constitutional antimony. Essentially, a law offering cash for Norplant insertion would bring two unresolved and arguably unsolvable constitutional doctrines-the doctrine of unconstitutional conditions and the doctrine of certain privacy rights as fundamental constitutional rights-to bear on the same issue. The unconstitutional conditions doctrine states that the government cannot bribe people with benefits and privileges to forego rights with which the government could not interfere directly. For example, the government could not pay people 100 a week not to go to church or pay them to worship one religion but not another. The counterargument, based on the premise that the government has no duty to give benefits, suggests that the right not to give a benefit includes the lesser right to offer it conditionally. In addition to this inquiry, the next challenge is to define the right with which the government is interfering and to determine whether that right is fundamental

    The Deception of Student Athlete Protection: The Failures of the Miller-Ayala Athlete Agents Act in the Age of NIL

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    The Barometer

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    The Barometer

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