805 research outputs found

    Possible involvement of a calmodulin regulated Ca2+-ATPase in exocytosis performance in Paramecium tetraurelia cells

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    AbstractSurface membrane fractions from Paramecium tetraurelia cells contain a calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+-ATPase responding to low levels of free Ca2+ and with features characteristic of a membrane-bound ATPase responding to low levels of free Ca2+ and with features characteristics of a membrane-bound ATPase. Among the different strains analyzed this enzyme was practically absent selectively from the ‘non-discharge” mutant nd9—28°C (from J. Beisson); if cultured at a permissive temperature (18°C), this strain showed identical values of calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+-ATPase activity as wild-type cells (7S) or strains with mutations which do not affect exocytosis performance. We conclude that this calmodulin-stimulated Ca2+-activated ATPase might be a prerequisite for membrane fusion in the course of exocytosis performance

    Three-dimensional geoelectric modelling with optimal work/accuracy rate using an adaptive wavelet algorithm

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    Despite the ever-increasing power of modern computers, realistic modelling of complex 3-D earth models is still a challenging task and requires substantial computing resources. The overwhelming majority of current geophysical modelling approaches includes either finite difference or non-adaptive finite element algorithms and variants thereof. These numerical methods usually require the subsurface to be discretized with a fine mesh to accurately capture the behaviour of the physical fields. However, this may result in excessive memory consumption and computing times. A common feature of most of these algorithms is that the modelled data discretizations are independent of the model complexity, which may be wasteful when there are only minor to moderate spatial variations in the subsurface parameters. Recent developments in the theory of adaptive numerical solvers have the potential to overcome this problem. Here, we consider an adaptive wavelet-based approach that is applicable to a large range of problems, also including nonlinear problems. In comparison with earlier applications of adaptive solvers to geophysical problems we employ here a new adaptive scheme whose core ingredients arose from a rigorous analysis of the overall asymptotically optimal computational complexity, including in particular, an optimal work/accuracy rate. Our adaptive wavelet algorithm offers several attractive features: (i) for a given subsurface model, it allows the forward modelling domain to be discretized with a quasi minimal number of degrees of freedom, (ii) sparsity of the associated system matrices is guaranteed, which makes the algorithm memory efficient and (iii) the modelling accuracy scales linearly with computing time. We have implemented the adaptive wavelet algorithm for solving 3-D geoelectric problems. To test its performance, numerical experiments were conducted with a series of conductivity models exhibiting varying degrees of structural complexity. Results were compared with a non-adaptive finite element algorithm, which incorporates an unstructured mesh to best-fitting subsurface boundaries. Such algorithms represent the current state-of-the-art in geoelectric modelling. An analysis of the numerical accuracy as a function of the number of degrees of freedom revealed that the adaptive wavelet algorithm outperforms the finite element solver for simple and moderately complex models, whereas the results become comparable for models with high spatial variability of electrical conductivities. The linear dependence of the modelling error and the computing time proved to be model-independent. This feature will allow very efficient computations using large-scale models as soon as our experimental code is optimized in terms of its implementatio

    3-D electrical resistivity tomography using adaptive wavelet parameter grids

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    We present a novel adaptive model parametrization strategy for the 3-D electrical resistivity tomography problem and demonstrate its capabilities with a series of numerical examples. In contrast to traditional parametrization schemes, which are based on fixed disjoint blocks, we discretize the subsurface in terms of Haar wavelets and adaptively adjust the parametrization as the iterative inversion proceeds. This results in a favourable balance of cell sizes and parameter reliability, that is, in regions where the data constrain the subsurface properties well, our parametrization strategy leads to a fine grid, whereas poorly resolved areas are represented only by a few large blocks. This is documented with eigenvalue analyses and by computing model resolution matrices. During the initial iteration steps, only a few model parameters are involved, which reduces the risk that the regularization dominates the inversion. The algorithm also automatically accounts for non-linear effects caused by pronounced conductivity contrasts. Inside conductive features a finer grid is generated than inside more resistive structures. The automated parameter adaptation is computationally efficient, because the coarsening and refinement subroutines have a nearly linear numerical complexity with respect to the number of model parameters. Because our approach is not tightly coupled to electrical resistivity tomography, it should be straightforward to adapt it to other data type

    FUM1—A Gene Required for Fumonisin Biosynthesis But Not for Maize Ear Rot and Ear Infection by Gibberella moniliformis in Field Tests

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    We have analyzed the role of fumonisins in infection of maize (Zea mays) by Gibberella moniliformis (anamorph Fusarium verticillioides) in field tests in Illinois and Iowa, United States. Fumonisin-nonproducing mutants were obtained by disrupting FUM1 (previouslyFUM5), the gene encoding a polyketide synthase required for fumonisin biosynthesis. Maize ear rot, ear infection, and fumonisin contamination were assessed by silk-channel injection in 1999 and 2000 and also by spray application onto maize silks, injection into maize stalks, and application with maize seeds at planting in 1999. Ear rot was evaluated by visual assessment of whole ears and by calculating percentage of symptomatic kernels by weight. Fumonisin levels in kernels were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The presence of applied strains in kernels was determined by analysis of recovered isolates for genetic markers and fumonisin production. Two independent fumonisin-nonproducing (fum1-3 and fum1-4) mutants were similar to their respective fumonisin-producing (FUM1-1) progenitor strains in ability to cause ear rot following silk-channel injection and also were similar in ability to infect maize ears following application by all four methods tested. This evidence confirms that fumonisins are not required for G. moniliformis to cause maize ear rot and ear infection

    Making SPIFFI SPIFFIER: Upgrade of the SPIFFI instrument for use in ERIS and performance analysis from re-commissioning

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    SPIFFI is an AO-fed integral field spectrograph operating as part of SINFONI on the VLT, which will be upgraded and reused as SPIFFIER in the new VLT instrument ERIS. In January 2016, we used new technology developments to perform an early upgrade to optical subsystems in the SPIFFI instrument so ongoing scientific programs can make use of enhanced performance before ERIS arrives in 2020. We report on the upgraded components and the performance of SPIFFI after the upgrade, including gains in throughput and spatial and spectral resolution. We show results from re-commissioning, highlighting the potential for scientific programs to use the capabilities of the upgraded SPIFFI. Finally, we discuss the additional upgrades for SPIFFIER which will be implemented before it is integrated into ERIS.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Proceedings from SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 201

    Photochemistry of Furyl- and Thienyldiazomethanes: Spectroscopic Characterization of Triplet 3-Thienylcarbene

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    Photolysis (λ \u3e 543 nm) of 3-thienyldiazomethane (1), matrix isolated in Ar or N2 at 10 K, yields triplet 3-thienylcarbene (13) and α-thial-methylenecyclopropene (9). Carbene 13 was characterized by IR, UV/vis, and EPR spectroscopy. The conformational isomers of 3-thienylcarbene (s-E and s-Z) exhibit an unusually large difference in zero-field splitting parameters in the triplet EPR spectrum (|D/hc| = 0.508 cm–1, |E/hc| = 0.0554 cm–1; |D/hc| = 0.579 cm–1, |E/hc| = 0.0315 cm–1). Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) calculations reveal substantially differing spin densities in the 3-thienyl ring at the positions adjacent to the carbene center, which is one factor contributing to the large difference in D values. NBO calculations also reveal a stabilizing interaction between the sp orbital of the carbene carbon in the s-Z rotamer of 13 and the antibonding σ orbital between sulfur and the neighboring carbon—an interaction that is not observed in the s-E rotamer of 13. In contrast to the EPR spectra, the electronic absorption spectra of the rotamers of triplet 3-thienylcarbene (13) are indistinguishable under our experimental conditions. The carbene exhibits a weak electronic absorption in the visible spectrum (λmax = 467 nm) that is characteristic of triplet arylcarbenes. Although studies of 2-thienyldiazomethane (2), 3-furyldiazomethane (3), or 2-furyldiazomethane (4) provided further insight into the photochemical interconversions among C5H4S or C5H4O isomers, these studies did not lead to the spectroscopic detection of the corresponding triplet carbenes (2-thienylcarbene (11), 3-furylcarbene (23), or 2-furylcarbene (22), respectively)

    Scalable transactions in the cloud: partitioning revisited

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    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6427Cloud computing is becoming one of the most used paradigms to deploy highly available and scalable systems. These systems usually demand the management of huge amounts of data, which cannot be solved with traditional nor replicated database systems as we know them. Recent solutions store data in special key-value structures, in an approach that commonly lacks the consistency provided by transactional guarantees, as it is traded for high scalability and availability. In order to ensure consistent access to the information, the use of transactions is required. However, it is well-known that traditional replication protocols do not scale well for a cloud environment. Here we take a look at current proposals to deploy transactional systems in the cloud and we propose a new system aiming at being a step forward in achieving this goal. We proceed to focus on data partitioning and describe the key role it plays in achieving high scalability.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Government under grant TIN2009-14460-C03-02 and by the Spanish MEC under grant BES-2007-17362 and by project ReD Resilient Database Clusters (PDTC/EIA-EIA/109044/2008)

    Phosphorylation of SOS1 on tyrosine 1196 promotes its RAC GEF activity and contributes to BCR-ABL leukemogenesis

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    Son of Sevenless 1 (SOS1) is a dual guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that activates the small GTPases RAC and RAS. Although the molecular mechanisms of RAS GEF catalysis have been unveiled, how SOS1 acquires RAC GEF activity and what is the physio-pathological relevance of this activity is much less understood. Here we show that SOS1 is tyrosine phosphorylated on Y1196 by ABL. Phosphorylation of Y1196 controls SOS1 inter-molecular interaction, is required to promote the exchange of nucleotides on RAC in vitro and for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) activation of RAC- and RAC-dependent actin remodeling and cell migration. SOS1 is also phosphorylated on Y1196 by BCR-ABL in chronic myelogenous leukemic cells. Importantly, in these cells, SOS1 is required for BCR-ABL-mediated activation of RAC, cell proliferation and transformation in vitro and in a xenograft mouse model. Finally, genetic removal of Sos1 in the bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) from Sos1fl/flmice and infected with BCR-ABL causes a significant delay in the onset of leukemogenesis once BMDCs are injected into recipient, lethally irradiated mice. Thus, SOS1 is required for full transformation and critically contribute to the leukemogenic potential of BCR-ABL

    Ancient coins: cluster analysis applied to find a correlation between corrosion process and burial soil characteristics

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    Although it is well known that any material degrades faster when exposed to an aggressive environment as well as that "aggressive" cannot be univocally defined as depending also on the chemical-physical characteristics of material, few researches on the identification of the most significant parameters influencing the corrosion of metallic object are available
