139,375 research outputs found

    Volume gradients and homology in towers of residually-free groups

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    We study the asymptotic growth of homology groups and the cellular volume of classifying spaces as one passes to normal subgroups Gn<GG_n<G of increasing finite index in a fixed finitely generated group GG, assuming nGn=1\bigcap_n G_n =1. We focus in particular on finitely presented residually free groups, calculating their 2\ell_2 betti numbers, rank gradient and asymptotic deficiency. If GG is a limit group and KK is any field, then for all j1j\ge 1 the limit of dimHj(Gn,K)/[G,Gn]\dim H_j(G_n,K)/[G,G_n] as nn\to\infty exists and is zero except for j=1j=1, where it equals χ(G)-\chi(G). We prove a homotopical version of this theorem in which the dimension of dimHj(Gn,K)\dim H_j(G_n,K) is replaced by the minimal number of jj-cells in a K(Gn,1)K(G_n,1); this includes a calculation of the rank gradient and the asymptotic deficiency of GG. Both the homological and homotopical versions are special cases of general results about the fundamental groups of graphs of {\em{slow}} groups. We prove that if a residually free group GG is of type FPm\rm{FP}_m but not of type FP\rm{FP}_{\infty}, then there exists an exhausting filtration by normal subgroups of finite index GnG_n so that limndimHj(Gn,K)/[G:Gn]=0forjm\lim_n \dim H_j (G_n, K) / [G : G_n] = 0 \hbox{for} j \leq m. If GG is of type FP\rm{FP}_{\infty}, then the limit exists in all dimensions and we calculate it.Comment: Final accepted version. To appear in Math An

    The torsion-free rank of homology in towers of soluble pro-p groups

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    We show that for every finitely presented pro-pp nilpotent-by-abelian-by-finite group GG there is an upper bound on dimQp(H1(M,Zp)ZpQp)\dim_{\mathbb{Q}_p} (H_1(M, \mathbb{Z}_p) \otimes_{\mathbb{Z}_p} \mathbb{Q}_p ), as MM runs through all pro-pp subgroups of finite index in GG.Comment: Final accepted version. To appear in the Israel Journal of Mathematic

    Weak commutativity and finiteness properties of groups

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    We consider the group X(G)\mathfrak{X}(G) obtained from GGG\ast G by forcing each element gg in the first free factor to commute with the copy of gg in the second free factor. Deceptively complicated finitely presented groups arise from this construction: X(G)\mathfrak{X}(G) is finitely presented if and only if GG is finitely presented, but if FF is a non-abelian free group of finite rank then X(F)\mathfrak{X}(F) has a subgroup of finite index whose third homology is not finitely generated.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. Final version to appear in Bulletin of the London Math So

    Quantum phase transition in capacitively coupled double quantum dots

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    We investigate two equivalent, capacitively coupled semiconducting quantum dots, each coupled to its own lead, in a regime where there are two electrons on the double dot. With increasing interdot coupling a rich range of behavior is uncovered: first a crossover from spin- to charge-Kondo physics, via an intermediate SU(4) state with entangled spin and charge degrees of freedom; followed by a quantum phase transition of Kosterlitz-Thouless type to a non-Fermi liquid `charge-ordered' phase with finite residual entropy and anomalous transport properties. Physical arguments and numerical renormalization group methods are employed to obtain a detailed understanding of the problem.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Using a cognitive prosthesis to assist foodservice managerial decision-making

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    The artificial intelligence community has been notably unsuccessful in producing intelligent agents that think for themselves. However, there is an obvious need for increased information processing power in real life situations. An example of this can be witnessed in the training of a foodservice manager, who is expected to solve a wide variety of complex problems on a daily basis. This article explores the possibility of creating an intelligence aid, rather than an intelligence agent, to assist novice foodservice managers in making decisions that are congruent with a subject matter expert\u27s decision schema

    A Design Strategy for Deadlock-Free Concurrent Systems

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    When building concurrent systems, it would be useful to have a collection of reusable processes to perform standard tasks. However, without knowing certain details of the inner workings of these components, one can never be sure that they will not cause deadlock when connected to some particular network. Here we describe a hierarchical method for designing complex networks of communicating processeswhich are deadlock-free.We use this to define a safe and simple method for specifying the communication interface to third party software components. This work is presented using the CSP model of concurrency and the occam2.1 programming language

    Spacetime structure and vacuum entanglement

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    We study the role that both vacuum fluctuations and vacuum entanglement of a scalar field play in identifying the spacetime topology, which is not prescribed from first principles---neither in general relativity or quantum gravity. We analyze how the entanglement and observable correlations acquired between two particle detectors are sensitive to the spatial topology of spacetime. We examine the detector's time evolution to all orders in perturbation theory and then study the phenomenon of vacuum entanglement harvesting in Minkowski spacetime and two flat topologically distinct spacetimes constructed from identifications of the Minkowski space. We show that, for instance, if the spatial topology induces a preferred direction, this direction may be inferred from the dependence of correlations between the two detectors on their orientation. We therefore show that vacuum fluctuations and vacuum entanglement harvesting makes it, in principle, possible to distinguish spacetimes with identical local geometry that differ only in their topology

    On quantum effects near the liquid-vapor transition in helium

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    The liquid-vapor transition in He-3 and He-4 is investigated by means of path-integral molecular dynamics and the quantum virial expansion. Both methods are applied to the critical isobar and the critical isochore. While previous path-integral simulations have mainly considered the lambda transition and superfluid regime in He-4, we focus on the vicinity of the critical point and obtain good agreement with experimental results for the molar volume and the internal energy down to subcritical temperatures. We find that an effective classical potential that properly describes the two-particle radial distribution function exhibits a strong temperature dependence near the critical temperature. This contrasts with the behavior of essentially classical systems like xenon, where the effective potential is independent of temperature. It is conjectured that, owing to this difference in behavior between classical and quantum-mechanical systems, the crossover behavior observed for helium in the vicinity of the critical point differs qualitatively from that of other simple liquids