428 research outputs found

    Collective Intelligence for Control of Distributed Dynamical Systems

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    We consider the El Farol bar problem, also known as the minority game (W. B. Arthur, ``The American Economic Review'', 84(2): 406--411 (1994), D. Challet and Y.C. Zhang, ``Physica A'', 256:514 (1998)). We view it as an instance of the general problem of how to configure the nodal elements of a distributed dynamical system so that they do not ``work at cross purposes'', in that their collective dynamics avoids frustration and thereby achieves a provided global goal. We summarize a mathematical theory for such configuration applicable when (as in the bar problem) the global goal can be expressed as minimizing a global energy function and the nodes can be expressed as minimizers of local free energy functions. We show that a system designed with that theory performs nearly optimally for the bar problem.Comment: 8 page

    Form of Supplemental Selenium Affects the Expression of mRNA Transcripts Encoding Selenoproteins, and Proteins Regulating Cholesterol Uptake, in the Corpus Luteum of Grazing Beef Cows

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    Selenium (Se)-deficient soils necessitate supplementation of this mineral to the diet of forage-grazing cattle. Functionally, Se is incorporated into selenoproteins, some of which function as important antioxidants. We have previously shown that the source of supplemental Se; inorganic (sodium selenite or sodium selenate; ISe), organic (selenomethionine or selenocysteine; OSe) or 1:1 mix of ISe and OSe (MIX), provided to Angus-cross cows affects concentrations of progesterone (P4) during the early luteal phase of the estrous cycle. In this study, we sought to investigate (1) the effect of form of Se on the expression of mRNA encoding selenoproteins in the corpus luteum (CL), and (2) whether this previously reported MIX-induced increase in P4 is the result of increased luteal expression of key steroidogenic transcripts. Following a Se depletion and repletion regimen, 3-year-old, non-lactating, Angus-cross cows were supplemented with either ISe as the industry standard, or MIX for at least 90 days, with the CL then retrieved on Day 7 post-estrus. Half of each CL was used for analysis of targeted mRNA transcripts and the remainder was dissociated for culture with select agonists. The expression of three selenoprotein transcripts and one selenoprotein P receptor was increased (p \u3c 0.05), with an additional five transcripts tending to be increased (p \u3c 0.10), in cows supplemented with MIX versus ISe. In cultures of luteal cells, hCG-induced increases in P4 (p \u3c 0.05) were observed in CL obtained from ISe-supplemented cows. The abundance of steroidogenic transcripts in the CL was not affected by the form of Se, however, the abundance of mRNA encoding 2 key transcripts regulating cholesterol availability (Ldlr and Hsl) was increased (p \u3c 0.05) in MIX-supplemented cows. Overall, the form of Se provided to cows is reported to affect the expression of mRNA encoding several selenoproteins in the CL, and that the form of Se-induced effects on luteal production of P4 appears to be the result of changes in cholesterol availability rather than a direct effect on the expression of steroidogenic enzymes within the CL

    The Robinson Gravitational Wave Background Telescope (BICEP): a bolometric large angular scale CMB polarimeter

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    The Robinson Telescope (BICEP) is a ground-based millimeter-wave bolometric array designed to study the polarization of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) and galactic foreground emission. Such measurements probe the energy scale of the inflationary epoch, tighten constraints on cosmological parameters, and verify our current understanding of CMB physics. Robinson consists of a 250-mm aperture refractive telescope that provides an instantaneous field-of-view of 17 degrees with angular resolution of 55 and 37 arcminutes at 100 GHz and 150 GHz, respectively. Forty-nine pair of polarization-sensitive bolometers are cooled to 250 mK using a 4He/3He/3He sorption fridge system, and coupled to incoming radiation via corrugated feed horns. The all-refractive optics is cooled to 4 K to minimize polarization systematics and instrument loading. The fully steerable 3-axis mount is capable of continuous boresight rotation or azimuth scanning at speeds up to 5 deg/s. Robinson has begun its first season of observation at the South Pole. Given the measured performance of the instrument along with the excellent observing environment, Robinson will measure the E-mode polarization with high sensitivity, and probe for the B-modes to unprecedented depths. In this paper we discuss aspects of the instrument design and their scientific motivations, scanning and operational strategies, and the results of initial testing and observations.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III, Proceedings of SPIE, 6275, 200

    Embodied imitation-enhanced reinforcement learning in multi-agent systems

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    Imitation is an example of social learning in which an individual observes and copies another's actions. This paper presents a new method for using imitation as a way of enhancing the learning speed of individual agents that employ a well-known reinforcement learning algorithm, namely Q-learning. Compared with other research that uses imitation with reinforcement learning, our method uses imitation of purely observed behaviours to enhance learning, with no internal state access or sharing of experiences between agents. The paper evaluates our imitation-enhanced reinforcement learning approach in both simulation and with real robots in continuous space. Both simulation and real robot experimental results show that the learning speed of the group is improved. © The Author(s) 2013

    The 10 Meter South Pole Telescope

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    The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10 m diameter, wide-field, offset Gregorian telescope with a 966-pixel, multi-color, millimeter-wave, bolometer camera. It is located at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole station in Antarctica. The design of the SPT emphasizes careful control of spillover and scattering, to minimize noise and false signals due to ground pickup. The key initial project is a large-area survey at wavelengths of 3, 2 and 1.3 mm, to detect clusters of galaxies via the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and to measure the small-scale angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The data will be used to characterize the primordial matter power spectrum and to place constraints on the equation of state of dark energy. A second-generation camera will measure the polarization of the CMB, potentially leading to constraints on the neutrino mass and the energy scale of inflation.Comment: 47 pages, 14 figures, updated to match version to be published in PASP 123 903 (May, 2011

    Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Cluster Profiles Measured with the South Pole Telescope

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    We present Sunyaev-Zel'dovich measurements of 15 massive X-ray selected galaxy clusters obtained with the South Pole Telescope. The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) cluster signals are measured at 150 GHz, and concurrent 220 GHz data are used to reduce astrophysical contamination. Radial profiles are computed using a technique that takes into account the effects of the beams and filtering. In several clusters, significant SZ decrements are detected out to a substantial fraction of the virial radius. The profiles are fit to the beta model and to a generalized NFW pressure profile, and are scaled and stacked to probe their average behavior. We find model parameters that are consistent with previous studies: beta=0.86 and r_core/r_500 = 0.20 for the beta model, and (alpha, beta, gamma, c_500)=(1.0,5.5,0.5,1.0) for the generalized NFW model. Both models fit the SPT data comparably well, and both are consistent with the average SZ profile out to the virial radius. The integrated Compton-y parameter Y_SZ is computed for each cluster using both model-dependent and model-independent techniques, and the results are compared to X-ray estimates of cluster parameters. We find that Y_SZ scales with Y_X and gas mass with low scatter. Since these observables have been found to scale with total mass, our results point to a tight mass-observable relation for the SPT cluster survey.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures, updated to published versio

    Mass Calibration and Cosmological Analysis of the SPT-SZ Galaxy Cluster Sample Using Velocity Dispersion σv\sigma_v and X-ray YXY_\textrm{X} Measurements

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    We present a velocity dispersion-based mass calibration of the South Pole Telescope Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect survey (SPT-SZ) galaxy cluster sample. Using a homogeneously selected sample of 100 cluster candidates from 720 deg2 of the survey along with 63 velocity dispersion (σv\sigma_v) and 16 X-ray Yx measurements of sample clusters, we simultaneously calibrate the mass-observable relation and constrain cosmological parameters. The calibrations using σv\sigma_v and Yx are consistent at the 0.6σ0.6\sigma level, with the σv\sigma_v calibration preferring ~16% higher masses. We use the full cluster dataset to measure σ8(Ωm/0.27)0.3=0.809±0.036\sigma_8(\Omega_ m/0.27)^{0.3}=0.809\pm0.036. The SPT cluster abundance is lower than preferred by either the WMAP9 or Planck+WMAP9 polarization (WP) data, but assuming the sum of the neutrino masses is mν=0.06\sum m_\nu=0.06 eV, we find the datasets to be consistent at the 1.0σ\sigma level for WMAP9 and 1.5σ\sigma for Planck+WP. Allowing for larger mν\sum m_\nu further reconciles the results. When we combine the cluster and Planck+WP datasets with BAO and SNIa, the preferred cluster masses are 1.9σ1.9\sigma higher than the Yx calibration and 0.8σ0.8\sigma higher than the σv\sigma_v calibration. Given the scale of these shifts (~44% and ~23% in mass, respectively), we execute a goodness of fit test; it reveals no tension, indicating that the best-fit model provides an adequate description of the data. Using the multi-probe dataset, we measure Ωm=0.299±0.009\Omega_ m=0.299\pm0.009 and σ8=0.829±0.011\sigma_8=0.829\pm0.011. Within a ν\nuCDM model we find mν=0.148±0.081\sum m_\nu = 0.148\pm0.081 eV. We present a consistency test of the cosmic growth rate. Allowing both the growth index γ\gamma and the dark energy equation of state parameter ww to vary, we find γ=0.73±0.28\gamma=0.73\pm0.28 and w=1.007±0.065w=-1.007\pm0.065, demonstrating that the expansion and the growth histories are consistent with a LCDM model (γ=0.55;w=1\gamma=0.55; \,w=-1).Comment: Accepted by ApJ (v2 is accepted version); 17 pages, 6 figure

    South Pole Telescope Detections of the Previously Unconfirmed Planck Early SZ Clusters in the Southern Hemisphere

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    We present South Pole Telescope (SPT) observations of the five galaxy cluster candidates in the southern hemisphere which were reported as unconfirmed in the Planck Early Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (ESZ) sample. One cluster candidate, PLCKESZ G255.62-46.16, is located in the 2500-square-degree SPT SZ survey region and was reported previously as SPT-CL J0411-4819. For the remaining four candidates, which are located outside of the SPT SZ survey region, we performed short, dedicated SPT observations. Each of these four candidates was strongly detected in maps made from these observations, with signal-to-noise ratios ranging from 6.3 to 13.8. We have observed these four candidates on the Magellan-Baade telescope and used these data to estimate cluster redshifts from the red sequence. Resulting redshifts range from 0.24 to 0.46. We report measurements of Y_0.75', the integrated Comptonization within a 0.75' radius, for all five candidates. We also report X-ray luminosities calculated from ROSAT All-Sky Survey catalog counts, as well as optical and improved SZ coordinates for each candidate. The combination of SPT SZ measurements, optical red-sequence measurements, and X-ray luminosity estimates demonstrates that these five Planck ESZ cluster candidates do indeed correspond to real galaxy clusters with redshifts and observable properties consistent with the rest of the ESZ sample.Comment: 7 emulateapj pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Revised to match published versio

    Analysis of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Mass-Observable Relations using South Pole Telescope Observations of an X-ray Selected Sample of Low Mass Galaxy Clusters and Groups

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    (Abridged) We use 95, 150, and 220GHz observations from the SPT to examine the SZE signatures of a sample of 46 X-ray selected groups and clusters drawn from ~6 deg^2 of the XMM-BCS. These systems extend to redshift z=1.02, have characteristic masses ~3x lower than clusters detected directly in the SPT data and probe the SZE signal to the lowest X-ray luminosities (>10^42 erg s^-1) yet. We develop an analysis tool that combines the SZE information for the full ensemble of X-ray-selected clusters. Using X-ray luminosity as a mass proxy, we extract selection-bias corrected constraints on the SZE significance- and Y_500-mass relations. The SZE significance- mass relation is in good agreement with an extrapolation of the relation obtained from high mass clusters. However, the fit to the Y_500-mass relation at low masses, while in good agreement with the extrapolation from high mass SPT clusters, is in tension at 2.8 sigma with the constraints from the Planck sample. We examine the tension with the Planck relation, discussing sample differences and biases that could contribute. We also present an analysis of the radio galaxy point source population in this ensemble of X-ray selected systems. We find 18 of our systems have 843 MHz SUMSS sources within 2 arcmin of the X-ray centre, and three of these are also detected at significance >4 by SPT. Of these three, two are associated with the group brightest cluster galaxies, and the third is likely an unassociated quasar candidate. We examine the impact of these point sources on our SZE scaling relation analyses and find no evidence of biases. We also examine the impact of dusty galaxies using constraints from the 220 GHz data. The stacked sample provides 2.8σ\sigma significant evidence of dusty galaxy flux, which would correspond to an average underestimate of the SPT Y_500 signal that is (17+-9) per cent in this sample of low mass systems.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure