158 research outputs found

    Research Notes : United States : Is the ms4 male-sterile nrutant partially fertile?

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    The ms male-sterile mutant is inherited as a recessive allele. Plants homozygous 1or ms4 are male-sterile; heterozygotes are completely male-fertile. Male-sterility in the ms4 system results from the absence of cytokinesis fol-lowing telophase II of microsporogenesis (Delannay and Palmer; 1982)

    Estimating percentages of fusarium-damaged kernels in hard wheat by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) is among the most common fungal diseases affecting wheat, resulting in decreased yield, low-density kernels, and production of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol, a compound toxic to humans and livestock. Human visual analysis of representative wheat samples has been the traditional method for FHB assessment in both official inspection and plant breeding operations. While not requiring specialized equipment, visual analysis is dependent on a trained and consistent workforce, such that in the absence of these aspects, biases may arise among inspectors and evaluation dates. This research was intended to avoid such pitfalls by using longer wavelength radiation than the visible using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) on individual kernels. Linear discriminant analysis models to differentiate between sound and scab-damaged kernels were developed based on mean of reflectance values of the interior pixels of each kernel at four wavelengths (1100, 1197, 1308, and 1394 nm). Other input variables were examined, including kernel morphological properties and histogram features from the pixel responses of selected wavelengths of each kernel. The results indicate the strong potential of HSI in estimating fusarium damage. However, improvement in aligning this procedure to visual analysis is hampered by the inherent level of subjectivity in visual analysis

    Near infrared hyperspectral imaging of blends of conventional and waxy hard wheats

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    Recent development of hard winter waxy (amylose-free) wheat adapted to the North American climate has prompted the quest to find a rapid method that will determine mixture levels of conventional wheat in lots of identity preserved waxy wheat. Previous work documented the use of conventional near infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy to determine the mixture level of conventional wheat in waxy wheat, with an examined range, through binary sample mixture preparation, of 0–100% (weight conventional / weight total). The current study examines the ability of NIR hyperspectral imaging of intact kernels to determine mixture levels. Twenty-nine mixtures (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, …, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100%) were formed from known genotypes of waxy and conventional wheat. Two-class partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) and statistical pattern recognition classifier models were developed for identifying each kernel in the images as conventional or waxy. Along with these approaches, conventional PLS1 regression modelling was performed on means of kernel spectra within each mixture test sample. Results indicated close agreement between all three approaches, with standard errors of prediction for the better preprocess transformations (PLSDA models) or better classifiers (pattern recognition models) of approximately 9 percentage units. Although such error rates were slightly greater than ones previously published using non-imaging NIR analysis of bulk whole kernel wheat and wheat meal, the HSI technique offers an advantage of its potential use in sorting operations

    Correction to: Genetic characterization and expression analysis of wheat (\u3ci\u3eTriticum aestivum\u3c/i\u3e) line 07OR1074 exhibiting very low polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity

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    The above mentioned article was published in 2015 with an error in the naming of one of the allele sequences for the PPO gene on the D genome. The PPO-D1f allele was incorrectly named as it is identical to the PPO-D1c allele previously published in GenBank by the authors on March 11th, 2014. An alignment between the previously published PPOD1c allele and a resequencing of the parental line 07OR1074 shows that the PPO-D1f allele is identical to the PPO-D1c allele. The allele in the paper referred to as PPO-D1f should be treated as PPO-D1c and can be accessed at NCBI with the following GenBank ID

    Near infrared hyperspectral imaging of blends of conventional and waxy hard wheats

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    Recent development of hard winter waxy (amylose-free) wheat adapted to the North American climate has prompted the quest to find a rapid method that will determine mixture levels of conventional wheat in lots of identity preserved waxy wheat. Previous work documented the use of conventional near infrared (NIR) reflectance spectroscopy to determine the mixture level of conventional wheat in waxy wheat, with an examined range, through binary sample mixture preparation, of 0–100% (weight conventional / weight total). The current study examines the ability of NIR hyperspectral imaging of intact kernels to determine mixture levels. Twenty-nine mixtures (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, …, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100%) were formed from known genotypes of waxy and conventional wheat. Two-class partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLSDA) and statistical pattern recognition classifier models were developed for identifying each kernel in the images as conventional or waxy. Along with these approaches, conventional PLS1 regression modelling was performed on means of kernel spectra within each mixture test sample. Results indicated close agreement between all three approaches, with standard errors of prediction for the better preprocess transformations (PLSDA models) or better classifiers (pattern recognition models) of approximately 9 percentage units. Although such error rates were slightly greater than ones previously published using non-imaging NIR analysis of bulk whole kernel wheat and wheat meal, the HSI technique offers an advantage of its potential use in sorting operations

    Functionality of chemically modified wild-type, partial waxy and waxy starches from tetraploid wheats

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    Partial waxy (reduced-amylose) and fully waxy (amylose-free) tetraploid durum wheats (Triticum turgidum L. var durum) were developed by introgression of null alleles at the Wx-A1 and Wx-B1 loci from common hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Purified starches were obtained from each genotype, and chemically modified by: 1) cross-linking with phosphorus oxychloride, 2) substitution with propylene oxide, and 3) sequential cross-linking with phosphorus oxychloride followed by substitution with propylene oxide. Functional properties were compared to blends of waxy and wild-type durum starches of known amylose contents. Significant differences in functionality were observed amongst the genotypes and blends after each modification. Waxy (0% amylose) and wild-type (30% amylose) typically were at the extremes of the observed ranges of functional properties. In general, the functional properties of the chemically modified starches were dependent upon amylose content. Starches from Wx-B1 null lines (24% amylose), were an exception. After substitution, such starches had the significantly highest value for RVA final viscosity, and generally performed in a manner similar to starch blends of 12-18% amylose

    Yield and Agronomic Traits of Waxy Proso in the Central Great Plains

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    Proso (Panicum miliaceum L.) is a summer annual grass capable of producing seed in 60 to 90 d. This characteristic, and its efficient use of water, makes it well suited to the short, and often hot and dry, growing season in the high plains of the central Great Plains. The introduction of novel end-use characteristics such as waxy starch can stimulate an increased market for proso. We evaluated 18 experimental F5 waxy lines derived from a cross of ‘Huntsman’ and PI436626 across seven locations. Genotype × environment variation in waxy proso was mostly a matter of changes in magnitude and not crossover interaction. When crossover interaction was implicated, it was generally slight and occurred at lower environmental means—at locations with low mean response to any given variable. Waxy progeny mean yield was lower than Huntsman but significantly higher than PI436626. Except for test weight, waxy progeny mean response for most traits was similar to check cultivars. Mean yield of one experimental line did not differ significantly from Huntsman, and 14 did not differ significantly from ‘Horizon’, the second highest yielding cultivar. In addition, regression analysis suggests that top-yielding waxy lines responded well to high-yield environments. Seed sizes for all waxy lines were smaller than the check lines, but most were significantly larger than PI436626. Waxy lines generally headed at a similar time to Huntsman and the other non-waxy checks, and most were significantly earlier than PI436626. Late maturity of PI436626 was the main factor limiting its culture in the High Plains region

    Introgression of chromosome segments from multiple alien species in wheat breeding lines with wheat streak mosaic virus resistance

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    Pyramiding of alien-derived Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) resistance and resistance enhancing genes in wheat is a costeffective and environmentally safe strategy for disease control. PCR-based markers and cytogenetic analysis with genomic in situ hybridisation were applied to identify alien chromatin in four genetically diverse populations of wheat (Triticum aestivum) lines incorporating chromosome segments from Thinopyrum intermedium and Secale cereale (rye). Out of 20 experimental lines, 10 carried Th. intermedium chromatin as T4DL*4Ai#2S translocations, while, unexpectedly, 7 lines were positive for alien chromatin (Th. intermedium or rye) on chromosome 1B. The newly described rye 1RS chromatin, transmitted from early in the pedigree, was associated with enhanced WSMV resistance. Under field conditions, the 1RS chromatin alone showed some resistance, while together with the Th. intermedium 4Ai#2S offered superior resistance to that demonstrated by the known resistant cultivar Mace. Most alien wheat lines carry whole chromosome arms, and it is notable that these lines showed intra-arm recombination within the 1BS arm. The translocation breakpoints between 1BS and alien chromatin fell in three categories: (i) at or near to the centromere, (ii) intercalary between markers UL-Thin5 and Xgwm1130 and (iii) towards the telomere between Xgwm0911 and Xbarc194. Labelled genomic Th. intermedium DNA hybridised to the rye 1RS chromatin under high stringency conditions, indicating the presence of shared tandem repeats among the cereals. The novel small alien fragments may explain the difficulty in developing well-adapted lines carrying Wsm1 despite improved tolerance to the virus. The results will facilitate directed chromosome engineering producing agronomically desirable WSMV-resistant germplasm

    Factors Governing Pasting Properties of Waxy Wheat Flours

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    Citation: Purna, S. K. G., Shi, Y. C., Guan, L., Wilson, J. D., & Graybosch, R. A. (2015). Factors Governing Pasting Properties of Waxy Wheat Flours. Cereal Chemistry, 92(5), 529-535. doi:10.1094/cchem-10-14-0209-rWaxy wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) contains endosperm starch lacking in amylose. To realize the full potential of waxy wheat, the pasting properties of hard waxy wheat flours as well as factors governing the pasting properties were investigated and compared with normal and partial waxy wheat flours. Starches isolated from six hard waxy wheat flours had similar pasting properties, yet their corresponding flours had very different pasting properties. The differences in pasting properties were narrowed after endogenous alpha-amylase activity in waxy wheat flours was inhibited by silver nitrate. Upon treatment with protease, the extent of protein digestibility influenced the viscosity profile in waxy wheat flours. Waxy wheat starch granules swelled extensively when heated in water and exhibited a high peak viscosity, but they fragmented at high temperatures, resulting in more rapid breakdown in viscosity. The extensively swelled and fragmented waxy wheat starch granules were more susceptible to a-amylase degradation than normal wheat starch. A combination of endogenous a-amylase activity and protein matrix contributed to a large variation in pasting properties of waxy wheat flours
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