239 research outputs found

    Analisis Pelayanan Publik Pada Pembuatan Surat Izin Mengemudi Kendaraan Roda Empat (Sim a) Di Satlantas Polresta Pekanbaru

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    City Post Office Pekanbaru in the postal service has not done well users of postal services increasingly in decline, as well as delivery service parcel post still tend to wait for delivery of packages simultaneously, which is known delivery postal packets that will be sent must wait for the fulfillment of the capacity of the car that would bring the package post so that it is experiencing delays in delivery as well as the lack of precision of acceptance parcel post which is known in the service time that is later than the delivery until the receipt of postal parcels. The purpose of this study was to determine the service provided Post Office Jalan Sudirman Pekanbaru in the delivery of postal parcels and determine the factors that affect the implementation of the Parcel Post services at the Post Office and for the city of Pekanbaru.The type and method of research is descriptive research, which is defined as the process of solving problems investigated by presenting or describing the state of the subject and object of research at the present time based on the facts that appear or as it is. In the data collection authors conducted in-depth interviews and searches documents and archives post office.The results showed that the delivery service Parcel Post with a set of standard operating procedures in yet sustainability post package delivery has not been seen in the achievement of optimum service, it is the post office is still slow in providing services due to the lack of the number of employees in providing services and lack of infrastructure available so that the service provided is not timely, the community in the delivery of postal parcels.The type and method of research is descriptive research, which is defined as the process of solving problems investigated by presenting or describing the state of the subject and object of research at the present time based on the facts that appear or as it is. In the data collection authors conducted in-depth interviews and searches documents and archives post office

    The Casimir Effect in Spheroidal Geometries

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    We study the zero point energy of massless scalar and vector fields subject to spheroidal boundary conditions. For massless scalar fields and small ellipticity the zero-point energy can be found using both zeta function and Green's function methods. The result agrees with the conjecture that the zero point energy for a boundary remains constant under small deformations of the boundary that preserve volume (the boundary deformation conjecture), formulated in the case of an elliptic-cylindrical boundary. In the case of massless vector fields, an exact solution is not possible. We show that a zonal approximation disagrees with the result of the boundary deformation conjecture. Applying our results to the MIT bag model, we find that the zero point energy of the bag should stabilize the bag against deformations from a spherical shape.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Regional Structural Change in the U.S. Dairy Industry: A Basebook

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    Virtual Tour Panorama 360 Derajat Kampus Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

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    Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado merupakan perguruan tinggi terbesar di Sulawesi Utara. Dan setiap tahun bertambahnya mahasiswa baru di Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado yang datang dari dalam maupun luar provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Calon mahasiswa dari berbagai daerah tentunya banyak yang mencari informasi wilayah kampus baik fakultas, jurusan, dan program studi melalui media yang ada. Melihat hal tersebut, maka dibuatlah sebuah media Virtual Tour panorama 360o kampus Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado berbasis website, saat ini sudah banyak yang menggunakan teknologi Virtual Tour tersebut dalam industri, pendidikan, jurnalisme, bisnis, dan lain sebagainya, untuk sebagai media informasi visual yang efektif dan interaktif. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan kombinasi antara gambar panorama 360o dengan video yang akan dipublikasikan ke website Unsrat dan menggunakan fasilitas Google Maps dan Google Street View sehingga pengguna dapat melihat informasi lokasi visual secara online dengan mengakses situs resmi https://maps.google.com dengan kata kunci Unsrat. Pengembangan sistem dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan Luther Hadi Sutopo, melalui tahapan concept, desaign, material collecting, assembly, testing, dan distribution. Dalam aplikasi Virtual Tour kampus ini pengguna dapat melihat lingkungan kampus secara visual dengan pandangan panorama 360o . Selain itu, pengguna juga dapat berjalan-jalan ke 29 lokasi yang ada di kampus Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado menggunakan tombol yang disediakan. Aplikasi Virtual Tour kampus ini telah melewati proses pengujian, dan berfungsi sesuai yang diharapkan

    Pseudo Goldstones at Future Colliders from the Extended Bess Model

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    We consider the production of the lightest pseudo-Goldstone bosons at future colliders through the vector resonances predicted by the extended BESS model, which consists of an effective lagrangian parametrization with dynamical symmetry breaking, describing scalar, vector and axial-vector bound states in a rather general framework. We find that the detection of pseudo-Goldstone pairs at LHC requires a careful evaluation of backgrounds. For e+e- collisions in the TeV range the backgrounds can be easily reduced and the detection of pseudo-Goldstone pairs is generally easier.Comment: 17 pages and 12 figures (included as a uuencoded tar file), LaTeX (style article), UGVA-DPT 1994/03-84

    Analisis Aspek Usability pada Website PDAM XYZ Kota XYZ dengan Metode WEBUSE

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    Website usability is very important because it can determine and know the quality related to how easily the user can use and learn and learn and whether the website runs in sync according to function and does not cause errors at the time of use. Each website has a different level of usability, the increased level of usability means that the website is easier to understand users (users can easily find what users are looking for quickly and not experience problems). This research aims to find out if the website has met the needs of users and know the difficulties experienced by users. This case study researchers chose the PDAM XYZ website of XYZ city. With the implementation of usability, it is expected that PDAM XYZ will know what is needed by users to access the PDAM XYZ website. Research on the website PDAM XYZ XYZ city is using the web usability evaluation tool (WEBUSE), WEBUSE method is a convenience evaluation method in the form of a web-based ease of use evaluation questionnaire to assess the usefulness of the website being evaluated. Researchers conducted an analysis by taking a sample of 20 users of PDAM XYZ Kota XYZ website. Based on the research that has been done obtained good and excellent results on the four variables, obtained the highest variable is the variable Content, Organization and Readability with a score of 0.89, and the lowest variable is Performance & Effectiveness which gets a score of 0.68

    Acoustic Calibration of the Exterior Effects Room at the NASA Langley Research Center

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    The Exterior Effects Room (EER) at the NASA Langley Research Center is a 39-seat auditorium built for psychoacoustic studies of aircraft community noise. The original reproduction system employed monaural playback and hence lacked sound localization capability. In an effort to more closely recreate field test conditions, a significant upgrade was undertaken to allow simulation of a three-dimensional audio and visual environment. The 3D audio system consists of 27 mid and high frequency satellite speakers and 4 subwoofers, driven by a real-time audio server running an implementation of Vector Base Amplitude Panning. The audio server is part of a larger simulation system, which controls the audio and visual presentation of recorded and synthesized aircraft flyovers. The focus of this work is on the calibration of the 3D audio system, including gains used in the amplitude panning algorithm, speaker equalization, and absolute gain control. Because the speakers are installed in an irregularly shaped room, the speaker equalization includes time delay and gain compensation due to different mounting distances from the focal point, filtering for color compensation due to different installations (half space, corner, baffled/unbaffled), and cross-over filtering


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    Pulau Ambon dan sekitarnya merupakan salah satu pusat kegiatan penangkapan ikan cakalang terutama dengan alat tangkap skipjack pole and line yang mengandalkan alat bantu rumpon dalam operasi penangkapannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktual laju tangkap skipjack pole and line yang beroperasi di rumpon dan di gerombolan ikan dan menganalisis perbedaan antara nilai aktual laju tangkap skipjack pole and line yang beroperasi di rumpon dan menemukan gerombolan ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata laju tangkap pada operasi penangkapan di rumpon adalah 0,65 individu/menit/orang, sedangkan rata-rata laju tangkap di gerombolan ikan adalah 2,67 individu/menit/orang. Hasil uji-t menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan sangat nyata antara laju tangkap pada operasi penangkapan di rumpon dan gerombolan ikan (t hit> α 0,05. df : 83).Pulau Ambon dan sekitarnya merupakan salah satu pusat kegiatan penangkapan ikan cakalang terutama dengan alat tangkap skipjack pole and line yang mengandalkan alat bantu rumpon dalam operasi penangkapannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktual laju tangkap skipjack pole and line yang beroperasi di rumpon dan di gerombolan ikan dan menganalisis perbedaan antara nilai aktual laju tangkap skipjack pole and line yang beroperasi di rumpon dan menemukan gerombolan ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata laju tangkap pada operasi penangkapan di rumpon adalah 0,65 individu/menit/orang, sedangkan rata-rata laju tangkap di gerombolan ikan adalah 2,67 individu/menit/orang. Hasil uji-t menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan sangat nyata antara laju tangkap pada operasi penangkapan di rumpon dan gerombolan ikan (t hit> α 0,05. df : 83)

    "Nonbaryonic" Dark Matter as Baryonic Color Superconductor

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    We discuss a novel cold dark matter candidate which is formed from the ordinary quarks during the QCD phase transition when the axion domain wall undergoes an unchecked collapse due to the tension in the wall. If a large number of quarks is trapped inside the bulk of a closed axion domain wall, the collapse stops due to the internal Fermi pressure. In this case the system in the bulk, may reach the critical density when it undergoes a phase transition to a color superconducting phase with the ground state being the quark condensate, similar to the Cooper pairs in BCS theory. If this happens, the new state of matter representing the diquark condensate with a large baryon number B∼1032B \sim 10^{32} becomes a stable soliton-like configuration. Consequently, it may serve as a novel cold dark matter candidate.Comment: Title changed. Two figures and Appendix added. Part on baryogenesis is removed and posted as a separate paper hep-ph/030908
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