2,054 research outputs found

    The Asymmetric Thick Disk: A Star Count and Kinematic Analysis. II The Kinematics

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    We report a kinematic signature associated with the observed asymmetry in the distribution of thick disk/inner halo stars interior to the Solar circle described in Paper I. In that paper we found a statistically significant excess (20% to 25 %) of stars in quadrant I (l ~ 20 deg to 55 deg) both above and below the plane (b ~ +/- 25 deg to +/- 45 deg) compared to the complementary region in quadrant IV. We have measured Doppler velocities for 741 stars, selected according to the same magnitude and color criteria, in the direction of the asymmetry and in the corresponding fields in quadrant IV. We have also determined spectral types and metallicities measured from the same spectra. We not only find an asymmetric distribution in the V_LSR velocities for the stars in the two regions, but the angular rate of rotation, w, for the stars in quadrant I reveals a slower effective rotation rate compared to the corresponding quadrant IV stars. We use our [Fe/H] measurements to separate the stars into the three primary population groups, halo, thick disk, and disk, and conclude that it is primarily the thick disk stars that show the slower rotation in quadrant I. A solution for the radial, tangential and vertical components of the V_LSR velocities, reveals a significant lag of ~ 80 to 90 km/s in the direction of Galactic rotation for the thick disk stars in quadrant I, while in quadrant IV, the same population has only a ~ 20 km/s lag. The results reported here support a rotational lag among the thick disk stars due to a gravitational interaction with the bar as the most likely explanation for the asymmetry in both the star counts and the kinematics. The affected thick disk stars, however, may be associated with the recently discovered Canis Major debris stream or a similar merger event (abridged).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Lead abundance in the uranium star CS 31082-001

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    In a previous paper we were able to measure the abundance of uranium and thorium in the very-metal poor halo giant BPS CS 31082-001, but only obtained an upper limit for the abundance of lead (Pb). We have got from ESO 17 hours of additional exposure on this star in order to secure a detection of the minimum amount of lead expected to be present in CS 31082-001, the amount arising from the decay of the original content of Th and U in the star. We report here this successful detection. We find an LTE abundance log(Pb/H)+12=-0.55 \pm 0.15 dex, one dex below the upper limits given by other authors for the similar stars CS 22892-052 and BD +17d3248, also enhanced in r-process elements. From the observed present abundances of Th and U in the star, the expected amount of Pb produced by the decay of 232Th, and 238U alone, over 12-15 Gyr is -0.73\pm 0.17 dex. The decay of 235U is more difficult to estimate, but is probably slightly below the contribution of 238U, making the contribution of the 3 actinides only slightly below, or even equal to, the measured abundance. The contribution from the decay of 234U has was not included, for lack of published data. In this sense our determination is a lower limit to the contribution of actinides to lead production. We comment this result, and we note that if a NLTE analysis, not yet possible, doubles our observed abundance, the decay of the 3 actinides will still represent 50 per cent of the total lead, a proportion higher than the values considered so far in the literature.Comment: 4 pages, LateX, A&A Letters Accepte

    Extremely Metal-Poor Stars. VII. The Most Metal-Poor Dwarf, CS 22876-032

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    We report high-resolution, high-signal-to-noise, observations of the extremely metal-poor double-lined spectroscopic binary CS 22876-032. The system has a long period : P = 424.7 ±\pm 0.6 days. It comprises two main sequence stars having effective temperatures 6300 K and 5600 K, with a ratio of secondary to primary mass of 0.89 ±\pm 0.04. The metallicity of the system is [Fe/H] = -3.71 ±\pm 0.11 ±\pm 0.12 (random and systematic errors) -- somewhat higher than previous estimates. We find [Mg/Fe] = 0.50, typical of values of less extreme halo material. [Si/Fe], [Ca/Fe], and [Ti/Fe], however, all have significantly lower values, ~ 0.0-0.1, suggesting that the heavier elements might have been underproduced relative to Mg in the material from which this object formed. In the context of the hypothesis that the abundance patterns of extremely metal-poor stars are driven by individual enrichment events and the models of Woosley and Weaver (1995), the data for CS 22876-032 are consistent with its having been enriched by a zero-metallicity supernova of mass 30 M⊙_{\odot}. As the most metal-poor near-main-sequence-turnoff star currently known, the primary of the system has the potential to strongly constrain the primordial lithium abundance. We find A(Li) (= log(N(Li)/N(H)) + 12.00) = 2.03 ±\pm 0.07, which is consistent with the finding of Ryan et al. (1999) that for stars of extremely low metallicity A(Li) is a function of [Fe/H].Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, Sept. 1, 2000 issu

    First stars XVI. STIS/HST abundances of heavy-elements in the uranium-rich star CS 31082-001

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    Detailed abundances of the elements produced by r-process nucleosynthesis in various circumstances are our best observational clues to their origin, since the site(s) of r-element production is(are) still not known with certainty. A small fraction of extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars exhibit excesses of heavy neutron-capture elements produced in the r-process, and CS 31082-001 is among the 4 well-known r-process-enhanced EMP stars. Observations with HST/STIS provide abundances for elements observable only from the UV region. Here we aim to supplement the optical data with abundances from near-UV spectroscopy of the first and second peak of the r-elements, which are crucial to giving insight into the nucleosynthesis of the elements beyond iron. The UVES spectrum provided additional measurements, thereby improving the previous results. The spectra were analyzed with the OSMARCS LTE model atmosphere and with a consistent approach based on the spectrum synthesis code Turbospectrum to derive abundances of heavy elements in CS 31082-001, using updated oscillator strengths from the recent literature. We computed synthetic spectra for all lines of the elements of interest, checking for proper intensities and possible blends. We combined the abundances of heavy elements derived in previous works with the derivation of abundances from all reliable new list of lines, for the first and second peaks of r-elements. We were able to derive new abundances for 23 n-elements, 6 of them - Ge, Mo, Lu, Ta, W, and Re - were not available in previous works, making this star the most complete r-II object studied, with a total of 37 detections of n-capture elements. We also present the first NLTE+3D lead abundance in this star. The results provide improved constraints on the nature of the r-process.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Extinction Maps Toward The Milky Way Bulge: Two-Dimensional And Three-Dimensional Tests With APOGEE

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    Galactic interstellar extinction maps are powerful and necessary tools for Milky Way structure and stellar population analyses, particularly toward the heavily reddened bulge and in the midplane. However, due to the difficulty of obtaining reliable extinction measures and distances for a large number of stars that are independent of these maps, tests of their accuracy and systematics have been limited. Our goal is to assess a variety of photometric stellar extinction estimates, including both two-dimensional and three-dimensional extinction maps, using independent extinction measures based on a large spectroscopic sample of stars toward the Milky Way bulge. We employ stellar atmospheric parameters derived from high-resolution H-band Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) spectra, combined with theoretical stellar isochrones, to calculate line-of-sight extinction and distances for a sample of more than 2400 giants toward the Milky Way bulge. We compare these extinction values to those predicted by individual near-IR and near+mid-IR stellar colors, two-dimensional bulge extinction maps, and three-dimensional extinction maps. The long baseline, near+mid-IR stellar colors are, on average, the most accurate predictors of the APOGEE extinction estimates, and the two-dimensional and three-dimensional extinction maps derived from different stellar populations along different sightlines show varying degrees of reliability. We present the results of all of the comparisons and discuss reasons for the observed discrepancies. We also demonstrate how the particular stellar atmospheric models adopted can have a strong impact on this type of analysis, and discuss related caveats.NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowship AST-1203017Physics Frontier Center/Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) PHY 08-22648U.S. National Science FoundationAlfred P. Sloan FoundationParticipating InstitutionsU.S. Department of Energy Office of Science ANR-12-BS05-0015-01Astronom

    Distances to Galactic high-velocity clouds. Complex C

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    We report the first determination of a distance bracket for the high-velocity cloud (HVC) complex C. Combined with previous measurements showing that this cloud has a metallicity of 0.15 times solar, these results provide ample evidence that complex C traces the continuing accretion of intergalactic gas falling onto the Milky Way. Accounting for both neutral and ionized hydrogen as well as He, the distance bracket implies a mass of 3-14x10^6 M_sun, and the complex represents a mass inflow of 0.1-0.25 M_sun/yr. We base our distance bracket on the detection of CaII absorption in the spectrum of the blue horizontal branch star SDSS J120404.78+623345.6, in combination with a significant non-detection toward the BHB star BS 16034-0114. These results set a strong distance bracket of 3.7-11.2 kpc on the distance to complex C. A more weakly supported lower limit of 6.7 kpc may be derived from the spectrum of the BHB star BS 16079-0017.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    A Search for Nitrogen-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars

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    Theoretical models of very metal-poor intermediate-mass Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars predict a large overabundance of primary nitrogen. The very metal-poor, carbon-enhanced, s-process-rich stars, which are thought to be the polluted companions of now-extinct AGB stars, provide direct tests of the predictions of these models. Recent studies of the carbon and nitrogen abundances in metal-poor stars have focused on the most carbon-rich stars, leading to a potential selection bias against stars that have been polluted by AGB stars that produced large amounts of nitrogen, and hence have small [C/N] ratios. We call these stars Nitrogen-Enhanced Metal-Poor (NEMP) stars, and define them as having [N/Fe] > +0.5 and [C/N] < -0.5. In this paper, we report on the [C/N] abundances of a sample of 21 carbon-enhanced stars, all but three of which have [C/Fe] < +2.0. If NEMP stars were made as easily as Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP) stars, then we expected to find between two and seven NEMP stars. Instead, we found no NEMP stars in our sample. Therefore, this observational bias is not an important contributor to the apparent dearth of N-rich stars. Our [C/N] values are in the same range as values reported previously in the literature (-0.5 to +2.0), and all stars are in disagreement with the predicted [C/N] ratios for both low-mass and high-mass AGB stars. We suggest that the decrease in [C/N] from the low-mass AGB models is due to enhanced extra-mixing, while the lack of NEMP stars may be caused by unfavorable mass ratios in binaries or the difficulty of mass transfer in binary systems with large mass ratios.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Ap

    Nucleosynthesis in the Early Galaxy

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    Recent observations of r-process-enriched metal-poor star abundances reveal a non-uniform abundance pattern for elements Z≀47Z\leq47. Based on non-correlation trends between elemental abundances as a function of Eu-richness in a large sample of metal-poor stars, it is shown that the mixing of a consistent and robust light element primary process (LEPP) and the r-process pattern found in r-II metal-poor stars explains such apparent non-uniformity. Furthermore, we derive the abundance pattern of the LEPP from observation and show that it is consistent with a missing component in the solar abundances when using a recent s-process model. As the astrophysical site of the LEPP is not known, we explore the possibility of a neutron capture process within a site-independent approach. It is suggested that scenarios with neutron densities nn≀1013n_{n}\leq10^{13} cm−3cm^{-3} or in the range nn≄1024n_{n}\geq10^{24} cm−3cm^{-3} best explain the observations.Comment: 28 pages, 7 Postscript figures. To be published in The Astrophysical Journa
