34,119 research outputs found

    Turbulence and turbulent mixing in natural fluids

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    Turbulence and turbulent mixing in natural fluids begins with big bang turbulence powered by spinning combustible combinations of Planck particles and Planck antiparticles. Particle prograde accretions on a spinning pair releases 42% of the particle rest mass energy to produce more fuel for turbulent combustion. Negative viscous stresses and negative turbulence stresses work against gravity, extracting mass-energy and space-time from the vacuum. Turbulence mixes cooling temperatures until strong-force viscous stresses freeze out turbulent mixing patterns as the first fossil turbulence. Cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies show big bang turbulence fossils along with fossils of weak plasma turbulence triggered as plasma photon-viscous forces permit gravitational fragmentation on supercluster to galaxy mass scales. Turbulent morphologies and viscous-turbulent lengths appear as linear gas-proto-galaxy-clusters in the Hubble ultra-deep-field at z~7. Proto-galaxies fragment into Jeans-mass-clumps of primordial-gas-planets at decoupling: the dark matter of galaxies. Shortly after the plasma to gas transition, planet-mergers produce stars that explode on overfeeding to fertilize and distribute the first life.Comment: 23 pages 12 figures, Turbulent Mixing and Beyond 2009 International Center for Theoretical Physics conference, Trieste, Italy. Revision according to Referee comments. Accepted for Physica Scripta Topical Issue to be published in 201

    Microbial Load Monitor

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    The Microbial Load Monitor (MLM) is an automated and computerized system for detection and identification of microorganisms. Additionally, the system is designed to enumerate and provide antimicrobic susceptibility profiles for medically significant bacteria. The system is designed to accomplish these tasks in a time of 13 hours or less versus the traditional time of 24 hours for negatives and 72 hours or more for positives usually required for standard microbiological analysis. The MLM concept differs from other methods of microbial detection in that the system is designed to accept raw untreated clinical samples and to selectively identify each group or species that may be present in a polymicrobic sample

    X-ray diffraction to probe the kinetics of ice recrystallization inhibition

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    Understanding the nucleation and growth of ice is crucial in fields ranging from infrastructure maintenance, to the environment, and to preserving biologics in the cold chain. Ice binding and antifreeze proteins are potent ice recrystallization inhibitors (IRI), and synthetic materials that mimic this function have emerged, which may find use in biotechnology. To evaluate IRI activity, optical microscopy tools are typically used to monitor ice grain size either by end-point measurements or as a function of time. However, these methods provide 2-dimensional information and image analysis is required to extract the data. Here we explore using wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS/X-ray powder diffraction (XRD)) to interrogate 100's of ice crystals in 3-dimensions as a function of time. Due to the random organization of the ice crystals in the frozen sample, the number of orientations measured by XRD is proportional to the number of ice crystals, which can be measured as a function of time. This method was used to evaluate the activity for a panel of known IRI active compounds, and shows strong agreement with results obtained from cryo-microscopy, as well as being advantageous in that time-dependent ice growth is easily extracted. Diffraction analysis also confirmed, by comparing the obtained diffraction patterns of both ice binding and non-binding additives, that the observed hexagonal ice diffraction patterns obtained cannot be used to determine which crystal faces are being bound. This method may help in the discovery of new IRI active materials as well as enabling kinetic analysis of ice growth

    Advanced Gas Turbine (AGT) power-train system development

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    Technical work on the design and component testing of a 74.5 kW (100 hp) advanced automotive gas turbine is described. Selected component ceramic component design, and procurement were tested. Compressor tests of a modified rotor showed high speed performance improvement over previous rotor designs; efficiency improved by 2.5%, corrected flow by 4.6%, and pressure ratio by 11.6% at 100% speed. The aerodynamic design is completed for both the gasifier and power turbines. Ceramic (silicon carbide) gasifier rotors were spin tested to failure. Improving strengths is indicated by burst speeds and the group of five rotors failed at speeds between 104% and 116% of engine rated speed. The emission results from combustor testing showed NOx levels to be nearly one order of magnitude lower than with previous designs. A one piece ceramic exhaust duct/regenerator seal platform is designed with acceptable low stress levels

    When is an error not a prediction error? An electrophysiological investigation

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    A recent theory holds that the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) uses reinforcement learning signals conveyed by the midbrain dopamine system to facilitate flexible action selection. According to this position, the impact of reward prediction error signals on ACC modulates the amplitude of a component of the event-related brain potential called the error-related negativity (ERN). The theory predicts that ERN amplitude is monotonically related to the expectedness of the event: It is larger for unexpected outcomes than for expected outcomes. However, a recent failure to confirm this prediction has called the theory into question. In the present article, we investigated this discrepancy in three trial-and-error learning experiments. All three experiments provided support for the theory, but the effect sizes were largest when an optimal response strategy could actually be learned. This observation suggests that ACC utilizes dopamine reward prediction error signals for adaptive decision making when the optimal behavior is, in fact, learnable

    Advanced Gas Turbine (AGT): Power-train system development

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    Technical work on the design and effort leading to the testing of a 74.5 kW (100 hp) automotive gas turbine is described. The general effort was concentrated on building an engine for test starting in July. The buildup progressed with only routine problems and the engine was delivered to the test stand 9 July. In addition to the engine build effort, work continued in selected component areas. Ceramic turbine parts were built and tested. Burst tests of ceramic rotors show strengths are approaching that achieved in test bars; proof testing is required for acceptable strength ceramic vanes. Over 25 hours was accumulated on the combustor rig in three test modes: pilot nozzle only, start nozzle, and main nozzle operation. Satisfactory ignition was achieved for a wide range of starting speeds and the lean blowout limit was as low as 0.06 kg/b (0.14 lb/hr). Lean blowout was more a function of nozzle atomization than fuel/air ratio. A variety of cycle points were tested. Transition from start nozzle flow to main nozzle flow was done manually without difficulty. Regenerator parts were qualification tested without incident and the parts were assembled on schedule. Rig based performance matched first build requirements. Repeated failures in the harmonic drive gearbox during rig testing resulted in that concept being abandoned for an alternate scheme

    Carbon and oxygen isotope composition of carbonates from an L6 chondrite: Evidence for terrestrial weathering from the Holbrook meteorite

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    Terrestrial weathering in meteorites is an important process which alters pristine elemental and isotopic abundances. The Holbrook L6 chondrite fell in 1912. Material was recovered at the time of the fall, in 1931, and 1968. The weathering processes operating on the freshly fallen meteorite in a semi-arid region of northeastern Arizona have been studied after a ground residence of 19 and 56 years. It has been shown that a large portion of the carbonate material in 7 Antarctic ordinary chondrites either underwent extensive isotopic exchange with atmospheric CO2, or formed recently in the Antarctic environment. In fact it has been demonstrated that hydrated Mg-carbonates, nesquehonite and hydromagnesite, formed in less than 40 years on LEW 85320. In order to help further constrain the effects of terrestrial weathering in meteorites, the carbon and oxygen isotopes extracted from carbonates of three different samples of Holbrook L6: a fresh sample at the time of the fall in 1912, a specimen collected in 1931, and a third specimen collected at the same site in 1968

    Techniques development for whale migration tracking

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    Effort leading to the completion of development and fabrication of expansible whale harnesses and whale-carried instrument pods is described, along with details of the gear. Early preparative effort for a January-February 1974 field expedition is reported

    An evaluation: The potential of discarded tires as a source of fuel

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    The destructive distillation of rubber tire samples was studied by thermogravimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, combustion calorimetry, and mass spectroscopy. The decomposition reaction was found to be exothermic and produced a mass loss of 65 percent. The gas evolution curves that were obtained indicate that a variety of organic materials are evolved simultaneously during the decomposition of the rubber polymer
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