2,120 research outputs found
Master agreement task order 2 - Analyses and limited evaluations of payload and landing system structures for the survivable soft landing of instrument payloads
Computer programs for analysis and evaluation of payload and landing system structures for soft landing of instrument package
Illusions of gunk
The possibility of gunk has been used to argue against mereological nihilism. This paper explores two responses on the part of the microphysical mereological nihilist: (1) the contingency defence, which maintains that nihilism is true of the actual world; but that at other worlds, composition occurs; (2) the impossibility defence, which maintains that nihilism is necessary true, and so gunk worlds are impossible. The former is argued to be ultimately unstable; the latter faces the explanatorily burden of explaining the illusion that gunk is possible. It is argued that we can discharge this burden by focussing on the contingency of the microphysicalist aspect of microphysical mereological nihilism. The upshot is that gunk-based arguments against microphysical mereological nihilism can be resisted
A 'p-n' diode with hole and electron-doped lanthanum manganite
The hole-doped manganite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and the electron-doped manganite
La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 undergo an insulator to metal transition at around 250 K, above
which both behave as a polaronic semiconductor. We have successfully fabricated
an epitaxial trilayer (La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/SrTiO3/La0.7Ce0.3MnO3), where SrTiO3 is
an insulator. At room temperature, i.e. in the semiconducting regime, it
exhibits asymmetric current-voltage (I-V) characteristics akin to a p-n diode.
The observed asymmetry in the I-V characteristics disappears at low
temperatures where both the manganite layers are metallic. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first report of such a p-n diode, using the polaronic
semiconducting regime of doped manganites.Comment: PostScript text and 2 figures, to be published in Appl. Phys. Lett
High-order Discretization of a Gyrokinetic Vlasov Model in Edge Plasma Geometry
We present a high-order spatial discretization of a continuum gyrokinetic
Vlasov model in axisymmetric tokamak edge plasma geometries. Such models
describe the phase space advection of plasma species distribution functions in
the absence of collisions. The gyrokinetic model is posed in a four-dimensional
phase space, upon which a grid is imposed when discretized. To mitigate the
computational cost associated with high-dimensional grids, we employ a
high-order discretization to reduce the grid size needed to achieve a given
level of accuracy relative to lower-order methods. Strong anisotropy induced by
the magnetic field motivates the use of mapped coordinate grids aligned with
magnetic flux surfaces. The natural partitioning of the edge geometry by the
separatrix between the closed and open field line regions leads to the
consideration of multiple mapped blocks, in what is known as a mapped
multiblock (MMB) approach. We describe the specialization of a more general
formalism that we have developed for the construction of high-order,
finite-volume discretizations on MMB grids, yielding the accurate evaluation of
the gyrokinetic Vlasov operator, the metric factors resulting from the MMB
coordinate mappings, and the interaction of blocks at adjacent boundaries. Our
conservative formulation of the gyrokinetic Vlasov model incorporates the fact
that the phase space velocity has zero divergence, which must be preserved
discretely to avoid truncation error accumulation. We describe an approach for
the discrete evaluation of the gyrokinetic phase space velocity that preserves
the divergence-free property to machine precision
Space Use and Movements of Southeastern Breeding Double-Crested Cormorants (\u3ci\u3eNannopterum auritum\u3c/i\u3e) in the United States
Abstract: Seasonal movements of Double-crested Cormorants (Nannopterum auritum) have been studied at breeding and wintering sites in the southeastern United States, but little information exists on the movements of these birds within and from their southern breeding sites in lacustrine systems. Since 2001, cormorants have established nesting colonies on islands in Guntersville Reservoir in Alabama, USA. Following the movements of tagged cormorants using satellite telemetry, we found that the mean home range during the 2017 breeding season (May–August) was 41.76 km2, with a core use area of 6.36 km2. The mean home range used by these birds was largest during the period coinciding with incubation: 9–30 May: (98.86 ± 80.64 km2) compared with the chick-rearing 31 May–4 July: 18.30 ± 22.56 km2), and the post-fledge periods (5 July–15 August: 42.04 ± 30.95 km2). There was no significant difference in the metrics of movement and space use between male and female cormorants assessed in this study. Differences in space used by cormorants breeding in Alabama relative to their northern breeding grounds may be explained by landscape characteristics and availability of prey
Impacts of colonial waterbirds on vegetation and potential restoration of island habitats
Colonial waterbirds have impacted forested island ecosystems throughout their breeding range, changing vegetation, and soil characteristics and bird communities. Our objectives were to (1) determine effects of three levels of colonial waterbird exclusion on overall vegetation diversity and growth, and survival of a candidate restoration species (black elderberry; Sambucus nigra canadensis); (2) investigate effects of different planting techniques on survival and growth of black elderberry; and (3) determine effects of waterbird colonization on soil chemistry. In 2012, we investigated effects of three levels of waterbird exclusion (none control plots [CON]; partial, which excluded waterbirds larger than gulls [PEX]; and full which excluded all waterbirds [FEX]) on bird use, existing vegetation growth and diversity, and survival of planted black elderberry on three islands in Door County, WI, Lake Michigan. In 2013, we evaluated survival of black elderberry established with four planting treatments within three waterbird exclusion treatments on two islands in 2013.We also compared soil chemistry characteristics between islands with and without nesting waterbirds for 2 years. Overall plant growth was greater in exclosures, but elderberry survival was similar among treatments. Soil replacement and weed suppression planting treatments did not affect survival, but generally increased overall elderberry biomass. Soil from nesting islands was more acidic and had greater nutrient concentrations than reference islands. Exclusion or removal of colonial nesting waterbirds from islands may improve overall vegetation growth, but successful restoration of woody vegetation may require significant soil manipulation and planting
Food habits of wintering double-crested cormorants in the Mississippi Delta
Given its ubiquity, it is not surprising that agriculture, including fin fish aquaculture, contributes to food webs worldwide and is used by numerous wildlife for foraging and meeting other needs. Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) impact United States commercial aquaculture and are considered the primary avian predator in catfish (Ictalurus spp.) aquaculture facilities in the Mississippi Delta. Recent changes in aquaculture practices, regulatory policies, and decreased overall hectares in production prompted this study that assessed cormorant consumption of catfish in relation to their night roosts through surveys and diet analysis. Cormorants were collected from night roosts from October through April 2016–2018 (n=69 collections). On average, catfish constituted 33% of a cormorant\u27s overall diet, which is less than reported in previous studies. There was no statistical difference between consumption of channel (I. punctatus) and hybrid catfish (I. punctatus x I. furcatus) based on biomass estimates, and the greatest consumption of catfish occurred in the months of February and March. The best fit model for predicting catfish consumption was the cubic polynomial function of the area of catfish aquaculture within a 30.6 km forage buffer of a night roost. Our findings will inform wildlife managers about relationships between cormorant night roost locations and consumption of catfish and aid decision making with respect to cormorant management. Despite cormorants having shifted consumption to naturally occurring fish species associated with changes to aquaculture, aquaculture remains an important part of regional food webs
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