419 research outputs found

    Konsep Edukatif dan Teknologi : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Teknik Komputer di Situbonodo

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    Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Teknik Komputer merupakan sekolah tinggi yang lembaga pendidikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di bidang pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan teknologi informasi dan komputer. . Konsep disain edukatif dan teknologi merupakan pendekatan rancangan yang mengembangkan kecanggihan teknologi dengan aplikasi disain menggunakan elemen-elemen struktural yang sangat dominan dengan penggunaan bahan-bahan pabrikasi pada elemen interior, ekterior maupun struktur dan utilitasnya serta pemilihan warna-warna yang menunjukan material teknologi. Kaca Kunci: Sekolah Tinggi, Edukatif dan Teknolog

    Penggunaan Media Gambar Berseri Untuk Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA Tema Lingkungan Kelas II Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi siswa masih pasif dalam proses kegiatan mengajar, belum adanya media yang digunakan untuk membantu siswa dalam memahami materi, pembelajaran yang dilakukan belum mengarah pada pembelajaran tematik. Solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan menggunakan media gambar berseri dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menyerap pelajaran yang disampaikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada tema lingkungan dengan menggunakan media gambar berseri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subyek penelitian siswa kelas II SDN Jajartunggal III Surabaya yang terdiri dari 35 siswa. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua siklus yang masing-masing dilaksanakan satu kali pertemuan dengan setiap siklusnya terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengamatan, refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan metode observasi dan test. Instrumen yang digunakan meliputi lembar observasi aktivitas guru, soal-soal evaluasi dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas guru, hasil belajar mengalami peningkatan di setiap siklusnya dan memenuhi indikator keberhasilan

    Effect of Service Quality on Hospital Image at Baiturrahmah Dental and Oral Hospital

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    Hospitals as one of the services in the marketing world face a very tight competition dynamics, this requires the hospital management to improve itself and make efficiency, so the hospital is required to provide optimum quality for the performance given to the patient because the patient will provide subjective assessment or forming a direct perception of the image of the company or service provider concerned. Therefore, the study aims to determine the effect of service quality on the image of Dental and mouth Hospital Baiturrahmah. This study used analytic design with cross sectional approach. The sample was 96 respondents, which were chosen using consecutive sampling technique that was adjusted with inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results showed that the characteristics of respondents were aged between 21-40 years old (42.7%) with educational background of majority respondents with high school education (62.5%). The work of respondents is housewife (IRT) amount (41,7%). Of five service quality dimensions consisted of tangibility, reliablity, responsiveness assurance, and empathy, only responsiveness which has significant effect on RSGM image t-count value 3,915. Based on the r-square value of service quality is only capable of affecting image of 51%, while 49% more image is influenced by other variables. It can be concluded that there is influence responsiveness to RSGM Baiturrahmah image, but not with tangibility, reliablity, assurance, empaty

    Treatment of trigeminal neuralgia: role of radiofrequency ablation

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    Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a neuropathic pain condition affecting the face. It has a significant impact on the quality of life and physical function of patients. Evidence suggests that the likely etiology is vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve leading to focal demyelination and aberrant neural discharge. Secondary causes such as multiple sclerosis or brain tumors can also produce symptomatic TN. Treatment must be individualized to each patient. Carbamazepine remains the drug of choice in the first-line treatment of TN. Minimally invasive interventional pain therapies and surgery are possible options when drug therapy fails. Younger patients may benefit from microvascular decompression. Elderly patients with poor surgical risk may be more suitable for percutaneous trigeminal nerve rhizolysis. The technique of radiofrequency rhizolysis of the trigeminal nerve is described in detail in this review

    Mengatasi Masalah Distorsi Kognitif pada Klien Usia Remaja dengan Metode Cognitive Restructring Form

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    Remaja merupakan suatu masa transisi dari anak-anak menuju dewasa. Mereka cenderung ingin mencari jati dirinya sendiri. Dalam proses tersebut seringkali mereka bertindak tanpa memikirkan dampak dari yang dilakukannya. Subyek penelitian adalah salah satu siswa kelas X SMAN Jatinangor yang memiliki masalah distorsi kognitif. Masalah tersebut berawal dari suasana rumah yang tidak membuatnya nyaman. Sehingga seringkali menimbulkan masalah-masalah baru dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Distorsi kognitif sendiri merupakan suatu cara berpikir seseorang yang berlebihan dan tidak rasional terhadap suatu hal atau masalah. Melihat masalah distorsi kognitif tersebut maka diperlukan pendampingan individual ini untuk membantu klien mengatasi permasalahan distorsi kognitifnya. Metode yang akan diberikan adalah dengan menggunakan Cognitif Restructuring Form (CRF). Tujuan pendampingan ini yaitu untuk mengatasi dari masalah distorsi kognitif. Metode tersebut diterapkan selama satu minggu dan hasilnya terlihat adanya Perubahan yang baik


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    The purpose of this research is to identify the general characteristics of Micro and Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) based on internal and external conditions and determine the development strategy used by MSMEs. This research uses descriptive qualitative-quantitative. The data is taken by survey, interview and questionnaire. The sampling in this research uses purposive sampling technique with 50 samples, then analyzed by regression test and SWOT analysis. Figures Adjusted R square of 0.613 shows that 61,3 percent of the variation can be explained by the seven independent variables in the equation regression. While the other 38,7 percent is explained by other variables outside of the seven variables used in this study. External and internal analysis seen from the aspects of human resources, finance, production, marketing, government, related and support industries, and business environment. Based on the SWOT analysis diagram, it is known that MSMEs are in quadrant I, where the situation is very profitable. In this quadrant, SMEs have the opportunity and power so that they can take advantage of opportunities. The strategy to be implemented under these conditions is to support an aggressive growth policy (Growth Oriented Strategy)

    Pengaruh Kecukupan Modal dan Kompetisi terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah di Indonesia

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    This study is conducted to analyze the influence of capital adequacy and competition against sharia banks' profitability. This study applied census method , where study's population was all sharia bank enlisted in Bank of Indonesia within 2013 until 2015 period. Data used in this study were secondary data.Results of this study show that capital adequacy and competition together influenced sharia banks' profitability. Partially, capital adequacy had negative influence against banks' profitability while competition had positive influence against sharia banks' profitability. Keywords— Capital Adequacy Ratio, Competition, Profitability (ROA)

    Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Production Support System Berbasis Web pada PT Adicipta Inovasi Teknologi

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    PT Adicipta Inovasi Teknologi or AdIns is an IT Solution Company which has product called CONFINS (Consumer Finance and Leasing Solution). Production CONFINS department is in charge of maintenance CONFINS system and gives services to client. Outstanding ticket and aging ticket are the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of Production department. There are outstanding ticket target for every team and mandays target for employee in every month. Production Support System have some features to meet the needs of Production Department in monitoring the target. These features include recording outstanding ticket target and mandays employee, recording daily activity that is more standard, get outstanding ticket and mandays data from JIRA system, provide information and achievement report of outstanding ticket target for every team and mandays target for every employee, daily activity report, and monthly report for management. With these features, every member in Production department can monitor the whole target and report can be provided effectively and doesn't need manual processing, as well as employee performance can be monitored through daily activity report

    Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah Menuju Transparansi Dan Akuntabilitas Di Kantor Dppkad Kabupaten Pati

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    Their decentralization gives local authorities to set their own financial management in a transparent and accountable according to the principles of good governance. This study was conducted to analyze the transparency and accountability of financial management, analyze the factors driving and inhibiting transparency and accountability of financial management in Pati regency DPPKAD with descriptive qualitative method. Data collected through interviews with informants and observations. This study uses the theory Djalil transparency of the legal framework, public access, inspection by the audit institution, early warning systems and community involvement. Warsito accountability theory of the political aspects, financial aspects, community satisfaction, consistency of office, the satisfaction of the apparatus, according to the rules of service. Theory factors driving and inhibiting transparency of Wiharto as well as driving and inhibiting accountability of Warsito. The results showed symptoms such as transparency of the legal framework, institutions examination, early warning systems have been met, the obstacles that the unavailability of public access through the internet, lack of public enthusiasm. There are symptoms of accountability obstacles that delayed absorption. The driving factor of transparency that is the function accuracy, clarity of rules, competition healthy environment, factors driving patterns of leadership accountability, freedom of the press, the role of stakeholders. Factors that still hamper the transparency that is overlapping rules, while inhibiting factor accountability does not impede financial management DPPKAD Pati regency. There are some suggestions that can be done such as training web management to support public access, dissemination to the public to attract enthusiasm, sanctions to SKPD that is behind schedule in sequestration budget, conduct competency-based training, provide rewards in particular, review the task function Bapermasdes and Governance to address regulatory overlap
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