122 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Spectral Geometry of the Kerr-Newman Event Horizon

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    We uniquely and explicitly reconstruct the instantaneous intrinsic metric of the Kerr-Newman Event Horizon from the spectrum of its Laplacian. In the process we find that the angular momentum parameter, radius, area; and in the uncharged case, mass, can be written in terms of these eigenvalues. In the uncharged case this immediately leads to the unique and explicit determination of the Kerr metric in terms of the spectrum of the event horizon. Robinson's ``no hair" theorem now yields the corollary: One can ``hear the shape" of noncharged stationary axially symmetric black hole space-times by listening to the vibrational frequencies of its event horizon only.Comment: Final version with improved abstract, updated references, corrected typos, and additional discussio

    The Degenerate Parametric Oscillator and Ince's Equation

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    We construct Green's function for the quantum degenerate parametric oscillator in terms of standard solutions of Ince's equation in a framework of a general approach to harmonic oscillators. Exact time-dependent wave functions and their connections with dynamical invariants and SU(1,1) group are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Biosociological ethodiversity in the social system

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    A comprehensive understanding of human sociality needs to embrace the coevolution of genes and culture. Recent advances in biological research about niche construction by organisms, and the development of the concepts of social niche and ethodiversity, can be integrated into a common approach to understand this coevolution, which implies the interaction between sociology and ecology in an integrative framework of knowledge. In this paper the authors propose such inclusive biosociological and heuristic framework to improve the understanding of the evolution of social niche construction. In addition, it allows a better understanding of the concept of sociotype in non-human organisms and explains some aspects of the social or presocial behavior through the concept of ethodiversity.ACR (who is 1% Inuit according to his genes) was funded by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, including ERD funds (CGL-2018-096656-B-100). Funding for open access charge: Universidade de Vigo/CISUG.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hydrodynamic theory for granular gases

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    A granular gas subjected to a permanent injection of energy is described by means of hydrodynamic equations derived from a moment expansion method. The method uses as reference function not a Maxwellian distribution fMf_{\sf M} but a distribution f0=ΦfMf_0 = \Phi f_{\sf M}, such that Φ\Phi adds a fourth cumulant κ\kappa to the velocity distribution. The formalism is applied to a stationary conductive case showing that the theory fits extraordinarily well the results coming from our molecular dynamic simulations once we determine κ\kappa as a function of the inelasticity of the particle-particle collisions. The shape of κ\kappa is independent of the size NN of the system.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, more about our research in http://www.cec.uchile.cl/cinetica

    Verificación de un distanciómetro electroóptico que mide por el método de diferencia de fase

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido la implementación y análisis de un procedimiento de campo para la verificación de un distanciómetro electroóptico, cuyo principio de medición es el método de diferencia de fase. Para la ejecución del trabajo, y por cuestiones prácticas, se utilizaron dos estaciones totales de distintas generaciones (Topcon ET1 Y SOKKIA 10K) que están disponibles en el Departamento de Agrimensura. Para la verificación se utilizó el procedimiento simplificado de la Norma ISO 17123-4:2001 (Óptica e instrumentos ópticosProcedimientos de campo para pruebas de instrumentos topográficos y geodésicos – Parte 4: Distanciómetros electroópticos).Facultad de Ingenierí

    Verification of a distance meter of a total station

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    Una estación total es un instrumento electro-óptico, utilizado en topografía, que consiste en la incorporación de un distanciómetro y un teodolito electrónico. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido la implementación y análisis de un procedimiento de campo para la verificación de un distanciómetro de una estación total, cuyo principio de medición de distancias es el método de diferencia de fase. Para la ejecución del trabajo, y por cuestiones prácticas, se utilizaron dos equipos de distintas generaciones (TOPCON ET1 y SOKKIA 10K). Para la verificación se utilizó el procedimiento simplificado de la Norma ISO 17123-4:2001 (Óptica e instrumentos ópticos-Procedimientos de campo para pruebas de instrumentos topográficos y geodésicos – Parte 4: Distanciómetros electroópticos). Si bien el procedimiento implementado en el presente trabajo se basa en un número limitado de medidas y, por lo tanto, no se ha logrado obtener una desviación estándar significativa, se trata de un método de campo relativamente simple de implementar que permite realizar una verificación rápida de la precisión de un instrumento electroóptico.A total station is an electro-optical instrument, used in topography that consists on the incorporation of an electronic distance meter and an electronic theodolite. The objective of the present work has been the implementation and analysis of a field procedure for the verification of the distance meter of a total station, whose principle of measurement of distances is the phase difference method. To accomplish this work, and for practical questions, two equipment of different generations were used (TOPCON ET1 and SOKKIA 10K). For the verification, a simplified procedure of the ISO standard 17123-4:2001 was used (Optics and optical instruments -- Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments - Part 4: Electro-optical distance meters (EDM instruments) Although the procedure implemented in this work is based on a limited number of measures and, therefore, it has not been possible to obtain a significant standard deviation, it is a field method relatively simple that allows carrying out a quick verification of the precision of an electro-optical instrument.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Verification of a distance meter of a total station

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    Una estación total es un instrumento electro-óptico, utilizado en topografía, que consiste en la incorporación de un distanciómetro y un teodolito electrónico. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido la implementación y análisis de un procedimiento de campo para la verificación de un distanciómetro de una estación total, cuyo principio de medición de distancias es el método de diferencia de fase. Para la ejecución del trabajo, y por cuestiones prácticas, se utilizaron dos equipos de distintas generaciones (TOPCON ET1 y SOKKIA 10K). Para la verificación se utilizó el procedimiento simplificado de la Norma ISO 17123-4:2001 (Óptica e instrumentos ópticos-Procedimientos de campo para pruebas de instrumentos topográficos y geodésicos – Parte 4: Distanciómetros electroópticos). Si bien el procedimiento implementado en el presente trabajo se basa en un número limitado de medidas y, por lo tanto, no se ha logrado obtener una desviación estándar significativa, se trata de un método de campo relativamente simple de implementar que permite realizar una verificación rápida de la precisión de un instrumento electroóptico.A total station is an electro-optical instrument, used in topography that consists on the incorporation of an electronic distance meter and an electronic theodolite. The objective of the present work has been the implementation and analysis of a field procedure for the verification of the distance meter of a total station, whose principle of measurement of distances is the phase difference method. To accomplish this work, and for practical questions, two equipment of different generations were used (TOPCON ET1 and SOKKIA 10K). For the verification, a simplified procedure of the ISO standard 17123-4:2001 was used (Optics and optical instruments -- Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments - Part 4: Electro-optical distance meters (EDM instruments) Although the procedure implemented in this work is based on a limited number of measures and, therefore, it has not been possible to obtain a significant standard deviation, it is a field method relatively simple that allows carrying out a quick verification of the precision of an electro-optical instrument.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Verification of a distance meter of a total station

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    Una estación total es un instrumento electro-óptico, utilizado en topografía, que consiste en la incorporación de un distanciómetro y un teodolito electrónico. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido la implementación y análisis de un procedimiento de campo para la verificación de un distanciómetro de una estación total, cuyo principio de medición de distancias es el método de diferencia de fase. Para la ejecución del trabajo, y por cuestiones prácticas, se utilizaron dos equipos de distintas generaciones (TOPCON ET1 y SOKKIA 10K). Para la verificación se utilizó el procedimiento simplificado de la Norma ISO 17123-4:2001 (Óptica e instrumentos ópticos-Procedimientos de campo para pruebas de instrumentos topográficos y geodésicos – Parte 4: Distanciómetros electroópticos). Si bien el procedimiento implementado en el presente trabajo se basa en un número limitado de medidas y, por lo tanto, no se ha logrado obtener una desviación estándar significativa, se trata de un método de campo relativamente simple de implementar que permite realizar una verificación rápida de la precisión de un instrumento electroóptico.A total station is an electro-optical instrument, used in topography that consists on the incorporation of an electronic distance meter and an electronic theodolite. The objective of the present work has been the implementation and analysis of a field procedure for the verification of the distance meter of a total station, whose principle of measurement of distances is the phase difference method. To accomplish this work, and for practical questions, two equipment of different generations were used (TOPCON ET1 and SOKKIA 10K). For the verification, a simplified procedure of the ISO standard 17123-4:2001 was used (Optics and optical instruments -- Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments - Part 4: Electro-optical distance meters (EDM instruments) Although the procedure implemented in this work is based on a limited number of measures and, therefore, it has not been possible to obtain a significant standard deviation, it is a field method relatively simple that allows carrying out a quick verification of the precision of an electro-optical instrument.Facultad de Ingenierí

    A novel combined scientific and artistic approach for the advanced characterization of interactomes: The akirin/subolesin model

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    The main objective of this study was to propose a novel methodology to approach challenges in molecular biology. Akirin/Subolesin (AKR/SUB) are vaccine protective antigens and are a model for the study of the interactome due to its conserved function in the regulation of different biological processes such as immunity and development throughout the metazoan. Herein, three visual artists and a music professor collaborated with scientists for the functional characterization of the AKR2 interactome in the regulation of the NF-¿B pathway in human placenta cells. The results served as a methodological proof-of-concept to advance this research area. The results showed new perspectives on unexplored characteristics of AKR2 with functional implications. These results included protein dimerization, the physical interactions with different proteins simultaneously to regulate various biological processes defined by cell type-specific AKR– protein interactions, and how these interactions positively or negatively regulate the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-¿B) signaling pathway in a biological context-dependent manner. These results suggested that AKR2-interacting proteins might constitute suitable secondary transcription factors for cell-and stimulus-specific regulation of NF-¿B. Musical perspective supported AKR/SUB evolutionary conservation in different species and provided new mechanistic insights into the AKR2 interactome. The combined scientific and artistic perspectives resulted in a multidisciplinary approach, advancing our knowledge on AKR/SUB interactome, and provided new insights into the function of AKR2–protein interactions in the regulation of the NF-¿B pathway. Additionally, herein we proposed an algorithm for quantum vaccinomics by focusing on the model proteins AKR/SUB. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Relativistic Kramers-Pasternack Recurrence Relations

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    Recently we have evaluated the matrix elements ,where where O ={1,\beta, i\mathbf{\alpha n}\beta} arethestandardDiracmatrixoperatorsandtheangularbracketsdenotethequantum−mechanicalaveragefortherelativisticCoulombproblem,intermsofgeneralizedhypergeometricfunctions are the standard Dirac matrix operators and the angular brackets denote the quantum-mechanical average for the relativistic Coulomb problem, in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions _{3}F_{2}(1) $ for all suitable powers and established two sets of Pasternack-type matrix identities for these integrals. The corresponding Kramers--Pasternack three-term vector recurrence relations are derived here.Comment: 12 pages, no figures Will appear as it is in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Special Issue on Hight Presicion Atomic Physic
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