503 research outputs found

    Modeling mountain building and the seismic cycle in the Himalaya of Nepal

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    A host of information is now available regarding the geological and thermal structure as well as deformation rate across the Himalaya of central Nepal. These data are reconciled in a two-dimensional mechanical model that incorporates the rheological layering of the crust which depends on the local temperature and surface processes. Over geological timescale (5 Ma) the ∼20 mm/yr estimated shortening rate across the range is accommodated by localized thrust faulting along the Main Himalayan Thrust fault (MHT). The MHT reaches the surface along the foothills, where it is called the Main Frontal Thrust fault (MFT). The MHT flattens beneath the Lesser Himalaya and forms a midcrustal ramp at the front of the Higher Himalaya, consistent with the river incision and the anticlinal structure of the Lesser Himalaya. Farther northward the MHT roots into a subhorizontal shear zone that coincides with a midcrustal seismic reflector. Aseismic slip along this shear zone is accommodated in the interseismic period by elastic straining of the upper crust, increasing the Coulomb stress beneath the front of the Higher Himalaya, where most of the microseismic activity clusters. Negligible deformation of the hanging wall requires a low apparent friction coefficient (μ) less than ∼0.3 on the flat portion of the MHT. On the ramp, μ might be as high as 0.6. Sensitivity tests show that a rather compliant, quartz-rich rheology and a high radioactive heat production in the upper crust of ∼2.5 μW/m^3 is required. Erosion affects the thermal structure and interplays with crustal deformation. A dynamic equilibrium is obtained in which erosion balances tectonic uplift maintaining steady state thermal structure, topography, and deformation field. Using a linear diffusion model of erosion, we constrain the value of the mass diffusivity coefficient to 0.5–1.6×l0^4 m^2/yr. This study demonstrates that the data are internally consistent and compatible with current understanding of the mechanics of crustal deformation and highlight the role of viscous flow in the lower crust and of surface erosion in orogeny processes on the long term as well as during interseismic period

    Stress buildup in the Himalaya

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    The seismic cycle on a major fault involves long periods of elastic strain and stress accumulation, driven by aseismic ductile deformation at depth, ultimately released by sudden fault slip events. Coseismic slip distributions are generally heterogeneous with most of the energy being released in the rupture of asperities. Since, on the long term, the fault's walls generally do not accumulate any significant permanent deformation, interseismic deformation might be heterogeneous, revealing zones of focused stress buildup. The pattern of current deformation along the Himalayan arc, which is known to produce recurring devastating earthquakes, and where several seismic gaps have long been recognized, might accordingly show significant lateral variations, providing a possible explanation for the uneven microseismic activity along the Himalayan arc. By contrast, the geodetic measurements show a rather uniform pattern of interseismic strain, oriented consistently with long-term geological deformation, as indicated from stretching lineation. We show that the geodetic data and seismicity distribution are reconciled from a model in which microseismicity is interpreted as driven by stress buildup increase in the interseismic period. The uneven seismicity pattern is shown to reflect the impact of the topography on the stress field, indicating low deviatoric stresses (<35 MPa) and a low friction (<0.3) on the Main Himalayan Thrust. Arc-normal thrusting along the Himalayan front and east-west extension in southern Tibet are quantitatively reconciled by the model

    The effective elastic thickness of the India Plate from receiver function imaging, gravity anomalies and thermomechanical modelling

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    The range and the meaning of the effective elastic thickness (EET) in continental areas have been subject to controversy over the last two decades. Here we take advantage of the new data set from the Hi-CLIMB seismological experiment to re-estimate the EET of the India Plate along a south-north profile extending from the Ganges basin to central Tibet. Receiver functions give a high-resolution image of the base of the foreland basin at similar to 5 km depth and constrain the crustal thickness, which increases northwards from similar to 35 km beneath the indo-gangetic plain to similar to 70 km in southern Tibet. Together with available data sets including seismic profiles, seismological images from both INDEPTH and HIMNT experiments, deep well measurements and Bouguer anomaly profiles, we interpret this new image with 2-D thermomechanical modelling solutions, using different type of crustal and mantle rheologies. We find that (1) the EET of the India Plate decreases northwards from 60-80 to 20-30 km as it is flexed down beneath Himalaya and Tibet, due to thermal and flexural weakening; (2) the only resistant layer of the India Plate beneath southern Tibet is the upper mantle, which serves as a support for the topographic load and (3) the most abrupt drop in the EET, located around 200 km south of the MFT, is associated with a gradual decoupling between the crust and the mantle. We show that our geometrical constraints do not allow to determine if the upper and lower crust are coupled or not. Our results clearly reveal that a rheology with a weak mantle is unable to explain the geometry of the lithosphere in this region, and they are in favour of a rheology in which the mantle is strong

    FPGA Mezzanine Cards for CERN’s Accelerator Control System

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have become a key player in modern real time control systems. They offer determinism, simple design, high performance and versatility. A typical hardware architecture consists of an FPGA interfaced with a control bus and a variable number of digital IOs, ADCs and DACs depending on the application. Until recently the low-cost hardware paradigm has been using mezzanines containing a front end interface plus custom logic (typically an FPGA) and a local bus that interfaces the mezzanine to a carrier. As FPGAs grow in size and shrink in price, hardware reuse, testability and bus access speed could be improved if the user logic is moved to the carrier. The new FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) Vita 57 standard is a good example of this new paradigm. In this paper we present a standard kit of FPGA carriers and IO mezzanines for accelerator control. Carriers form factors will be VME, PCI and PCIe. The carriers will feature White Rabbit support for accurate synchronization of distributed systems. Initial plans include IO mezzanines for 100Ms/s ADCs and DACs, digital drivers and inputs, high accuracy time tag units and fine delay generators

    Control of the MKQA tuning and aperture kickers of the LHC

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    The large hadron collider (LHC) at CERN has been equipped with four fast pulsed kicker magnets in RA43 situated at point 4 which are part of the measurement system for the tune and the dynamic aperture of the LHC beam (Beam 1 and Beam 2). For the tune measurement 'Q', the magnets will excite oscillations in part of the beam. This is achieved by means of a generator producing a 5 µs base half-sine pulse of 1.2 kA [1] amplitude, superimposed with a 3rd harmonic to produce a 2 µs flat top. A kick repetition rate of 2 Hz will be possible. To measure the dynamic aperture 'A' of the LHC at different beam energies, the same magnets will also be driven by a more powerful generator which produces a 43 µs base half-sine current pulse of 3.8 kA. For the 'A' mode a thyristor is used as switching element inside the generator. A final third mode named 'AC dipole' will rely on the beam being excited coherently at a frequency close but outside its Eigen-frequencies by an oscillating dipole field. The beam is expected to oscillate at the exciter frequency of 3 kHz with a phase shift of π/2. The 'AC dipole' will use two 18 kW audio amplifiers capable of driving the magnets at 1 kHz(rms) around 3 kHz or between 2.7 kHz and 4 kHz. The complete system uses supervisory control implemented with Siemens PLC technology with added Siemens PROFIsafe safety feature to treat the various interlocks that have been introduced in the circuits and to assu re a safe functioning and provide 'LOCAL' and 'REMOTE' control (via CCC) of the complete installation

    Synthesis, characterization and photo physical-theoretical analysis of D-π-A compounds. 2. Chain length effect through even-odd effect on the photophysical properties

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    In the continuous search for new compounds for solar devices, the family of dipolar D-π-A molecules, which have a donor (D) and an acceptor (A) charge joined by a conjugate bridge, have been the focus of attention in the recent years due their different properties. As we have shown before, there is a connection between the geometry of molecules based on tertiary asymmetric amines and their quantum yield. In the current work, four new compounds based on the same backbone molecule ((E)-2-cyano-3-(5-((E)-2-(9,9-diethyl-7-(phenylamino)-9H-fluoren-2-yl)vinyl)thiophen-2-yl)acrylic acid), but with different substituent, were synthesized. It is shown that the chain-size of the substituent group modifies the quantum yield. The news substituents introduced are a propyl (M8-3), butyl (M8-4), pentyl (M8-5) or hexyl (M8-6) group. In general, it was possible to see that the new substituents were able to increase their performances. Furthermore, an odd-even substituent effect, between propyl/pentyl and butyl/hexyl, was found and the theoretical geometrical data was able to follow the trend. However, theoretically, this substituent effect was inverted in the case of M8-3 and M8-4, which may be due to the disappearance in the emission patterns of an excited state close to 450 nm (at λ2), as it was shown in the experimental data. The most suitable behaviour belongs to [(E)-2-cyano-3-(5-((E)-2-(9,9-diethyl-7-(phenyl(propyl)amino)-9H-fluoren-2-yl)vinyl)thiophen-2-yl)acrylic acid] (M8-3). M8-3 has the highest quantum yields on average in all studied solvents; even higher than the last reported compounds with methyl (M8-1) and ethyl (M8-2) groups. Theoretically, the most likely explanation is that the dihedral angle formed between the carbonyl acceptor and nitrogen electron donor (Aryl-CO), should be as small as the molecule M8-3. This isolated compound has an average quantum yield including all solvents of 58.1% (average value), showing that a long group is not necessary to improve the performance

    On the use of dislocations to model interseismic strain and stress build-up at intracontinental thrust faults

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    Creeping dislocations in an elastic half-space are commonly used to model interseismic deformation at subduction zones, and might also apply to major intracontinental thrust faults such as the Main Himalayan Thrust. Here, we compare such models with a more realistic 2-D finite element model that accounts for the mechanical layering of the continental lithosphere and surface processes, and that was found to fit all available constraints on interseismic and long-term surface displacements. These can also be fitted satisfactorily from dislocation models. The conventional back-slip model, commonly used for subduction zones, may, however, lead to a biased inference about the geometry of the locked portion of the thrust fault. We therefore favour the use of a creeping buried dislocation that simulates the ductile shear zone in the lower crust. A limitation of dislocation models is that the mechanical response of the lithosphere to the growth of the topography by bending of the elastic cores and ductile flow in the lower crust cannot be easily introduced. Fortunately these effects can be neglected because we may assume, to first order, a stationary topography. Moreover, we show that not only can dislocation models be used to adjust surface displacements but, with some caution, they can also provide a physically sound rationale to interpret interseismic microseismicity in terms of stress variations

    Adaptive image compression algorithm for angiograms stored on optical memory card

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    The main objective of the Cardio-Média project is to produce a coronarian multimedia data record stored on an optical car d in order to offer a better follow-up for the patients treated by angioplasty . In this paper, we present the compression algorithm implemented to store the angiographìc images of the data record . This algorithm is based on a wavelet decomposition followe d by an adapted lattice quantization of the wavelet coefficients . An original bit allocation algorithm is used during a learning step i n orderto provide a fast coding algorithm which is adapted to the angiographic images . A subjective evaluation of the diagnosti c quality of the images, based on the consensus approach leads to a compression ratio of 12 :1 which insures both a sufficien t medical quality and a sufficient data compression in regards to the storage capacity of the optical card .Le projet Cardio-Média a pour objectif la création d'un prototype de dossier coronarien sur carte optique afin de faciliter le suivi clinique des patients traités par angioplastie. Dans cet article, nous présentons l'algorithme de compression mis en oeuvre et les résultats obtenus. Notre algorithme utilise une transformation en ondelettes et une quantification vectorielle adaptée des coefficients d'ondelettes. Son originalité repose sur la phase d'apprentissage qui permet de disposer d'un algorithme de compression/décompression rapide adapté à la modalité médicale « angiographie ». Une évaluation subjective par consensus de la qualité diagnostique des images comprimées a permis de retenir un taux de compression de 12 qui répond aux contraintes matérielles et médicales du projet