1,880 research outputs found

    Detection performance assessment of the FM-based AULOS® passive radar for air surveillance applications

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    In this paper, we report the latest developments obtained with the FM-based configuration of the AULOS® passive radar system designed by Leonardo SpA for air surveillance applications. Specifically, aiming at improving the target detection capability of the sensor, a robust disturbance cancellation technique is adopted. Moreover, to counteract the time-varying performance of the single FM channel we consider the joint exploitation of multiple FM radio channels. For the purposes, the recent processing techniques developed by the research group of Sapienza University of Rome have been successfully applied. The benefits of the proposed solutions have been extensively tested and validated against both traffic of opportunity and small cooperative targets. The reported results clearly show that the choice of appropriate processing strategies is critical for the performance of the resulting system and the exploitation of effective techniques allows a significant widening of its coverage

    Effect of LPS-induced inflammatory state on some aspects of reproductive function of rabbit does

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    Effetto dell\u2019infiammazione indotta con LPS su alcuni aspetti della funzione riproduttiva nelle coniglie. Scopo della ricerca \ue8 stato quello di studiare un modello d\u2019induzione sperimentale di infiammazione con lipopolisaccaridi (LPS) microbici nella coniglia fattrice e l'eventuale effetto sulla risalita degli spermatozoi. Due gruppi di 6 coniglie fattrici sono state inoculate per via intra-peritoneale rispettivamente con LPS di E. coli 0127:B8 (100 \ub5g/kg peso vivo), o con soluzione fisiologica (controllo). Sono stati rilevati per 72 ore temperatura rettale e il numero dei leucociti; dopo inseminazione artificiale \ue8 stata valutata la risalita degli spermatozoi nel tratto riproduttivo femminile e la situazione ovarica. L\u2019infiammazione sperimentale ha indotto un rilevante incremento della temperatura rettale e sostanziali modifiche a livello di leucociti che sono comunque scomparse entro 72 ore. Anche il numero di spermatozoi risaliti \ue8 stato significativamente pi\uf9 basso a livello di corna uterine e addirittura nullo a livello dell\u2019ovidutto. In conclusione si pu\uf2 affermare che \ue8 possibile costruire un modello d\u2019induzione dello stato infiammatorio nella coniglia mediante inoculazione intra-peritoneale di 100 \ub5g LPS/kg di peso vivo.The efficiency of the cycled production system in rabbit farms is greatly conditioned by the fertility rate of does. Nulliparous does generally exhibit high fertility rate (Castellini et al., 1998), whereas the reproductive performances of multiparous does goes down. One reason of this reduction is related to the use of intensive reproductive rhythms which implies an overlapping between lactation and insemination which often produces a severe energy deficit. As in other mammals, lactation shows a strong hormonal antagonism with the reproductive activity. An other cause of hypo-fertility depends on the sanitary condition of does. Genital tract inflammation and/or infection is one of the major causes of infertility (Gram et al., 2002) and often determined by incorrect practices of artificial insemination (AI). It has been demonstrated that uterine infection negatively affects fertility (Facchin et al., 1999) and prolongs the life span of corpora lutea (Boiti et al., 1999) due to uterine leukocytes infiltration, reduced prostaglandins synthesis and increased spermatozoa reabsorption. Lipopolysaccarides (LPS), constituents of the Gram-negative germ wall, are potent stimulators of prostaglandins synthesis and are widely used to simulate inflammation in several district and organs. The aim of the paper was to verify the effect of an LPS-induced inflammatory state on some aspects of reproductive function of non-lactating rabbit does

    Theoretical and numerical studies of wave-packet propagation in tokamak plasmas

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    Theoretical and numerical studies of wave-packet propagation are presented to analyze the time varying 2D mode structures of electrostatic fluctuations in tokamak plasmas, using general flux coordinates. Instead of solving the 2D wave equations directly, the solution of the initial value problem is used to obtain the 2D mode structure, following the propagation of wave-packets generated by a source and reconstructing the time varying field. As application, the 2D WKB method is applied to investigate the shaping effects (elongation and triangularity) of tokamak geometry on the lower hybrid wave propagation and absorbtion. Meanwhile, the Mode Structure Decomposition (MSD) method is used to handle the boundary conditions and simplify the 2D problem to two nested 1D problems. The MSD method is related to that discussed earlier by Zonca and Chen [Phys. Fluids B 5, 3668 (1993)], and reduces to the well-known "ballooning formalism" [J. W. Connor, R. J. Hastie, and J. B. Taylor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40, 396 (1978)], when spatial scale separation applies. This method is used to investigate the time varying 2D electrostatic ITG mode structure with a mixed WKB-full-wave technique. The time varying field pattern is reconstructed and the time asymptotic structure of the wave-packet propagation gives the 2D eigenmode and the corresponding eigenvalue. As a general approach to investigate 2D mode structures in tokamak plasmas, our method also applies for electromagnetic waves with general source/sink terms, either by an internal/external antenna or nonlinear wave interaction with zonal structures.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    Planar Thinned Arrays: Optimization and Subarray Based Adaptive Processing

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    A new approach is presented for the optimized design of a planar thinned array; the proposed strategy works with single antenna elements or with small sets of different subarray types, properly located on a planar surface. The optimization approach is based on the maximization of an objective function accounting for side lobe level and considering a fixed number of active elements/subarrays. The proposed technique is suitable for different shapes of the desired output array, allowing the achievement of the desired directivity properties on the corresponding antenna pattern. The use of subarrays with a limited number of different shapes is relevant for industrial production, which would benefit from reduced design and manufacturing costs. The resulting modularity allows scalable antenna designs for different applications. Moreover, subarrays can be arranged in a set of subapertures, each connected to an independent receiving channel. Therefore, adaptive processing techniques could be applied to cope with and mitigate clutter echoes and external electromagnetic interferences. The performance of adaptive techniques with subapertures taken from the optimized thinned array is evaluated against assigned clutter and jamming scenarios and compared to the performance achievable considering a subarray based filled array with the same number of active elements

    Melatonin in Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders

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    Increased oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction have been identified as common pathophysiological phenomena associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD) and Huntington's disease (HD). As the age-related decline in the production of melatonin may contribute to increased levels of oxidative stress in the elderly, the role of this neuroprotective agent is attracting increasing attention. Melatonin has multiple actions as a regulator of antioxidant and prooxidant enzymes, radical scavenger and antagonist of mitochondrial radical formation. The ability of melatonin and its kynuramine metabolites to interact directly with the electron transport chain by increasing the electron flow and reducing electron leakage are unique features by which melatonin is able to increase the survival of neurons under enhanced oxidative stress. Moreover, antifibrillogenic actions have been demonstrated in vitro, also in the presence of profibrillogenic apoE4 or apoE3, and in vivo, in a transgenic mouse model. Amyloid-β toxicity is antagonized by melatonin and one of its kynuramine metabolites. Cytoskeletal disorganization and protein hyperphosphorylation, as induced in several cell-line models, have been attenuated by melatonin, effects comprising stress kinase downregulation and extending to neurotrophin expression. Various experimental models of AD, PD and HD indicate the usefulness of melatonin in antagonizing disease progression and/or mitigating some of the symptoms. Melatonin secretion has been found to be altered in AD and PD. Attempts to compensate for age- and disease-dependent melatonin deficiency have shown that administration of this compound can improve sleep efficiency in AD and PD and, to some extent, cognitive function in AD patients. Exogenous melatonin has also been reported to alleviate behavioral symptoms such as sundowning. Taken together, these findings suggest that melatonin, its analogues and kynuric metabolites may have potential value in prevention and treatment of AD and other neurodegenerative disorders


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    Abstract. The seismic vulnerability of masonry building aggregates is very difficult to determine, since it is affected by many uncertainties. The most uncertain quantities concern the historical periodization of structural aggregates. Moreover, the studies made at the urban scale can hardly be thorough, and usually the knowledge achieved on the single units is not fully satisfactory, so that the structural designer has to deal with uncompleted architectonical surveys and partial data; one of the most important problems concerns the lack of knowledge about the boundary conditions between adjacent structures. In order to perform mechanical analyses, an extensive knowledge of materials and techniques adopted is required. In this paper, an integrated methodology for the seismic assessment of building aggregate is presented. It concerns a multidisciplinary knowledge-based approach calibrated over the historical centres and the urban aggregates; the procedure joins different aspects, such as the use of modern technologies for an integrated knowledge, plans reconstructions through archival documents, laser scanner digital survey of urban fronts, non-destructive investigations of the materials. GIS and BIM platforms have been used to implement and collect data in order to perform detailed analyses. The information allowed to assess the seismic vulnerability of the building aggregates and the expected damage scenarios through empirical methodologies. The city of Scarperia, founded a few kilometres from Florence during the Medieval Age and characterized by a medium seismicity, has been chosen as a case study for the presented procedure

    Ovulation induction in rabbit does submitted to artificial insemination by adding lecirelin to the semen dose: preliminary results

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of intravaginal administration of lecirelin on ovulation induction in rabbit does. Eighty pluriparous does (Martini genetic strain) were submitted to AI using a seminal dose of 0.5 ml containing about 10 million sperms. To stimulate ovulation, 4 homogeneous groups were submitted to different treatments: Control Group: 0.2 ml intramuscular administration of lecirelin (Dalmarelin, Fatro\uae); 0.2 Group: 0.2 ml intravaginal administration of lecirelin; 0.6 Group: 0.6 ml intravaginal administration of lecirelin; 2.0 Group: 2 ml intravaginal administration of lecirelin. In groups receiving an intra-vaginal administration, 25 \ub5g/ml Dalmarelin was diluted in the seminal dose using benzilic alcohol (20 mg/ml) as excipient. Blood samples were collected from all females, to determine LH prior (-60, -30 and 0 minutes) and (30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 minutes) after AI, and progesterone once a week for 4 weeks. After 7 days from AI, 10 does per group were euthanized in order to analyze the ovarian status. The does of control group showed a high LH peak after 30 minutes from AI; whereas intra-vaginal administration of 0.2 and 0.6 ml determined a lower increase of LH blood concentration after 2 hours. The highest dose did not produce any LH or progesterone increase. The ovary status showed a higher number of corpora lutea in Control group (P<0.05), followed by 0.2 and 0.6 ones, whereas embryos were recorded only in Control and 0.2 groups. The unsuccessful of the other experimental groups could be ascribed to the negative effect of benzilic alcohol on seminal characteristic. Only 30% of 0.2 group does were pregnant and the prolificacy was 8 kits/doe. Compared to the control group, the progesterone concentration in pregnant does showed lower value in 0.2 group. In conclusion, in spite of the obtained results, it will be necessary to test different Dalmarelin formulations (lower volume, different excipient) to recommend the minimal dose to inject intravaginally for inducing ovulation

    Native immunity and oxidative traits of growing rabbits

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    [EN] The evaluation of animal welfare through innate immunity (Serum Bactericidal Activity - SBA, Hemolytic Complement Assay - HCA, lysozyme) and the antioxidant status of the body (Reactive Oxygen Substances - ROS and Antioxidant Power of plasma, AP) offers a reliable prognostic and diagnostic tool. The aim of the present study was to investigate trends and correlations between some traits of innate immunity and the oxidative status of fattening rabbits at different ages. Blood samples from 120 New Zealand White fattening rabbits at 45, 55, 65, and 75 d of age were collected and analyzed. The results showed that SBA did not have a normal distribution because of numerous 0 values. Data distribution was normal when only SBA > 0 values were considered. Lysozyme (mean value 27.19 microg/mL) and HCA (mean value 50.84 CH50% ) had stable trends at different ages and showed a tendency that was comparable to that obtained in other animal species. On the contrary, SBA (mean value 42.15%) showed an unexpected positive correlation with lysozyme (P<0.001) and a negative correlation with HCA (P<0.001). Oxygen free-radicals are involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases and oxidative stress alters immune competence. In this experiment, ROS and AP showed mean values of 0.60 mmol H2 O2 and 421.67 micromol HClO, respectively. In this context positive correlation coefficients between oxidative status traits and immune traits (P<0.001) were found, although at a very low level; and surprisingly, only ROS and SBA did not show any significant correlation. In this study it emerged that, even in the absence of evident pathologies, the immune and oxidative traits of fattening rabbits could be affected by environmental stress (weaning, cage, neighbors)Funded by Ricerca Corrente 2006 Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e MarcheMoscati, L.; Dal Bosco, A.; Battistacci, L.; Cardinali, R.; Mugnai, C.; Castellini, C. (2008). Native immunity and oxidative traits of growing rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 16(4). doi:10.4995/wrs.2008.616SWORD16