3,144 research outputs found

    Wet oxidation of GeSi at (700)C

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    About 500-nm-thick films of Ge0.36Si0.64 and Ge0.28Si0.72 grown epitaxially on (100)Si have been oxidized at 700-degrees-C in wet ambient. A uniform GexSi1-xO2 oxide layer forms with a smooth interface between it and the unoxidized GexSi1-x layer below. The composition and structure of that layer remains unchanged as monitored by backscattering spectrometry or cross-sectional transmission electronic microscopy. The oxide of both samples grows as square root of oxidation duration. The parabolic rate constant increases with the Ge content and is larger than that for wet oxidation of pure Si at the same temperature. The absence of a regime of linear growth at this relatively low temperature indicates a much enhanced linear rate constant

    Critical behavior of 3D SU(2) gauge theory at finite temperature: exact results from universality

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    We show that universality arguments, namely the Svetitsky-Yaffe conjecture, allow one to obtain exact results on the critical behavior of 3D SU(2) gauge theory at the finite temperature deconfinement transition,through a mapping into the 2D Ising model. In particular, we consider the finite-size scaling behavior of the plaquette operator, which can be mapped into the energy operator of the 2D Ising model. We obtain exact predictions for the dependence of the plaquette expectation value on the size and shape of the lattice and we compare them to Monte Carlo results, finding complete agreement. We discuss the application of this method to the computation of more general correlators of the plaquette operator at criticality, and its relevance to the study of the color flux tube structure.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX file + 3 eps figure

    H2O Maser Observations of Candidate Post-AGB Stars and Discovery of Three High-velocity Water Sources

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    We present the results of 22 GHz H_2O maser observations of a sample of 85 post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) candidate stars, selected on the basis of their OH 1612 MHz maser and far-infrared properties. All sources were observed with the Tidbinbilla 70-m radio telescope and 21 detections were made. 86 GHz SiO Mopra observations of a subset of the sample are also presented. Of the 21 H_2O detections, 15 are from sources that are likely to be massive AGB stars and most of these show typical, regular H_2O maser profiles. In contrast, nearly all the detections of more evolved stars exhibited high-velocity H_2O maser emission. Of the five sources seen, v223 (W43A, IRAS 18450-0148) is a well known `water-fountain' source which belongs to a small group of post-AGB stars with highly collimated, high-velocity H_2O maser emission. A second source in our sample, v270 (IRAS 18596+0315), is also known to have high-velocity emission. We report the discovery of similar emission from a further three sources, d46 (IRAS 15445-5449), d62 (IRAS 15544-5332) and b292 (IRAS 18043-2116). The source d46 is an evolved post-AGB star with highly unusual maser properties. The H_2O maser emission from d62 is probably associated with a massive star. The source b292 is a young post-AGB star that is highly likely to be a water-fountain source, with masers detected over a velocity range of 210 km s^{-1}.Comment: 47 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted by Ap

    A Bayesian Approach to Risk Management in a World of High-Frequency Data

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    A Realised Volatility GARCH model using high-frequency data is developed within a Bayesian framework for the purpose of forecasting Value at Risk and Conditional Value at Risk. A Skewed Student-t return distribution is combined with a Student-t distribution in the measurement equation in a GARCH framework. Realised Volatility GARCH models show a marked improvement compared to ordinary GARCH. A Skewed Student-t Realised DCC copula model using Realised Volatility GARCH marginal functions is developed within a Bayesian framework for the purpose of forecasting portfolio tail risk. The use of copulas is implemented so that the marginal distributions can be separated from the dependence structure to produce tail forecasts. This is compared to using traditional GARCH-copula models, and GARCH on an aggregated portfolio. Copula models implementing a Realised Volatility GARCH framework show an improvement over traditional GARCH models. A Bayesian detection of regime changes utilizing high-frequency data is developed, once again for the purpose of forecasting portfolio tail risk. The use of high-frequency data improves the accuracy of regime change detection compared to daily data. Monte Carlo sampling schemes are employed for the estimation of these models

    Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in anharmonic potentials

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    Rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates confined in anharmonic traps can exhibit a rich variety of vortex phases, including a vortex lattice, a vortex lattice with a hole, and a giant vortex. Using an augmented Thomas-Fermi variational approach to determine the ground state of the condensate in the rotating frame -- valid for sufficiently strongly interacting condensates -- we determine the transitions between these three phases for a quadratic-plus-quartic confining potential. Combining the present results with previous numerical simulations of small rotating condensates in such anharmonic potentials, we delineate the general structure of the zero temperature phase diagram.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Towards a Realistic Equation of State of Strongly Interacting Matter

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    We consider a relativistic strongly interacting Bose gas. The interaction is manifested in the off-shellness of the equilibrium distribution. The equation of state that we obtain for such a gas has the properties of a realistic equation of state of strongly interacting matter, i.e., at low temperature it agrees with the one suggested by Shuryak for hadronic matter, while at high temperature it represents the equation of state of an ideal ultrarelativistic Stefan-Boltzmann gas, implying a phase transition to an effectively weakly interacting phase.Comment: LaTeX, figures not include

    The Thermodynamics of Quarks and Gluons

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    This is an introduction to the study of strongly interacting matter. We survey its different possible states and discuss the transition from hadronic matter to a plasma of deconfined quarks and gluons. Following this, we summarize the results provided by lattice QCD finite temperature and density, and then investigate the nature of the deconfinement transition. Finally we give a schematic overview of possible ways to study the properties of the quark-gluon plasma.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figures; lecture given at the QGP Winter School, Jaipur/India, Feb.1-3, 2008; to appear in Springer Lecture Notes in Physic