41 research outputs found

    Exploiting Oxytricha trifallax nanochromosomes to screen for non-coding RNA genes

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    We took advantage of the unusual genomic organization of the ciliate Oxytricha trifallax to screen for eukaryotic non-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes. Ciliates have two types of nuclei: a germ line micronucleus that is usually transcriptionally inactive, and a somatic macronucleus that contains a reduced, fragmented and rearranged genome that expresses all genes required for growth and asexual reproduction. In some ciliates including Oxytricha, the macronuclear genome is particularly extreme, consisting of thousands of tiny ‘nanochromosomes’, each of which usually contains only a single gene. Because the organism itself identifies and isolates most of its genes on single-gene nanochromosomes, nanochromosome structure could facilitate the discovery of unusual genes or gene classes, such as ncRNA genes. Using a draft Oxytricha genome assembly and a custom-written protein-coding genefinding program, we identified a subset of nanochromosomes that lack any detectable protein-coding gene, thereby strongly enriching for nanochromosomes that carry ncRNA genes. We found only a small proportion of non-coding nanochromosomes, suggesting that Oxytricha has few independent ncRNA genes besides homologs of already known RNAs. Other than new members of known ncRNA classes including C/D and H/ACA snoRNAs, our screen identified one new family of small RNA genes, named the Arisong RNAs, which share some of the features of small nuclear RNAs

    Cellulysin from the plant parasitic fungus Trichoderma viride elicits volatile biosynthesis in higher plants via the octadecanoid signalling cascade

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    Cellulysin, a crude cellulase from the plant parasitic fungus Trichoderma viride, induces the biosynthesis of volatiles in higher plants (Nicotiana plumbaginifolia, Phaseolus lunatus, and Zea mays) when applied to cut petioles by the transpiration stre

    Localized Wounding by Heat Initiates the Accumulation of Proteinase Inhibitor II in Abscisic Acid-Deficient Plants by Triggering Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis.

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    To test whether the response to electrical current and heat treatment is due to the same signaling pathway that mediates mechanical wounding, we analyzed the effect of electric-current application and localized burning on proteinase inhibitor II (Pin2) gene expression in both wild-type and abscisic acid (ABA)-deficient tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and potato (Solanum phureja) plants. Electric-current application and localized burning led to the accumulation of Pin2 mRNA in potato and tomato wild-type plants. Among the treatments tested, only localized burning of the leaves led to an accumulation of Pin2 mRNA in the ABA-deficient plants. Electric-current application, like mechanical injury, was able to initiate ABA and jasmonic acid (JA) accumulation in wild-type but not in ABA-deficient plants. In contrast, heat treatment led to an accumulation of JA in both wild-type and ABA-deficient plants. Inhibition of JA biosynthesis by aspirin blocked the heat-induced Pin2 gene expression in tomato wild-type leaves. These results suggest that electric current, similar to mechanical wounding, requires the presence of ABA to induce Pin2 gene expression. Conversely, burning of the leaves activates Pin2 gene expression by directly triggering the biosynthesis of JA by an alternative pathway that is independent of endogenous ABA levels

    Expression of a Flax Allene Oxide Synthase cDNA Leads to Increased Endogenous Jasmonic Acid (JA) Levels in Transgenic Potato Plants but Not to a Corresponding Activation of JA-Responding Genes.

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    Both jasmonic acid (JA) and its methyl ester, methyl jasmonate (MeJA), are thought to be significant components of the signaling pathway regulating the expression of plant defense genes in response to various stresses. JA and MeJA are plant lipid derivatives synthesized from [alpha]-linolenic acid by a lipoxygenase-mediated oxygenation leading to 13-hydroperoxylinolenic acid, which is subsequently transformed by the action of allene oxide synthase (AOS) and additional modification steps. AOS converts lipoxygenase-derived fatty acid hydroperoxide to allene epoxide, which is the precursor for JA formation. Overexpression of flax AOS cDNA under the regulation of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter in transgenic potato plants led to an increase in the endogenous level of JA. Transgenic plants had six- to 12-fold higher levels of JA than the nontransformed plants. Increased levels of JA have been observed when potato and tomato plants are mechanically wounded. Under these conditions, the proteinase inhibitor II (pin2) genes are expressed in the leaves. Despite the fact that the transgenic plants had levels of JA similar to those found in nontransgenic wounded plants, pin2 genes were not constitutively expressed in the leaves of these plants. Transgenic plants with increased levels of JA did not show changes in water state or in the expression of water stress-responsive genes. Furthermore, the transgenic plants overexpressing the flax AOS gene, and containing elevated levels of JA, responded to wounding or water stress by a further increase in JA and by activating the expression of either wound- or water stress-inducible genes. Protein gel blot analysis demonstrated that the flax-derived AOS protein accumulated in the chloroplasts of the transgenic plants

    Evolutionary Diesel Engine 2000. Entwicklung von neuen Systemen zur Verbesserung von DI-Dieselmotoren zum Erreichen eines Otto-Komfort-Standards bei deutlichen Verbrauchsabsenkungen und Einhaltung der Emissionsstandards der 90er Jahre Abschlussbericht

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    The final report of the project 'Evolutionary Diesel Engine 2000' outlines the development of a direct-injection diesel engine for passenger cars. It comprises the following chapters: Comparison and assessment of different fuel injection systems; Design of drive, cylinder head and engine; Optimisation of the fuel injection system; Optimisation of the combustion process; Exhaust emissions; Engine acoustics; Electronic engine control. (HW)Der Abschlussbericht ueber das Vorhaben 'Evolutionary Diesel Engine 2000' liefert eine Uebersicht ueber die Entwicklung eines direkt einspritzenden PKW-Dieselmotor. Die Arbeit enthaelt folgende Kapitel: - Vergleich und Beurteilung verschiedener Einspritzsysteme - Konstruktion von Triebwerk, Zylinderkopf und Gesamtmotor - Optimierung der Einspritzsysteme - Optimierung des Brennverfahrens - Abgasemission - Akustik des Motors - Elektronisches Motormanagement. (HW)Available from TIB Hannover: F96B292+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany); Senatsverwaltung fuer Wissenschaft und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman