77 research outputs found

    Effective Political Contests

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    We study two-stage political contests with private entry costs. We show that these political contests could be ineffective, namely, the chance of low ability candidates participating in the contest might be higher than the chance of high ability candidates participating in the contest (and winning). However, by imposing a costly requirement (fee) on the winner of the contest, one can guarantee that the contest will be effective.All-pay auctions, Contests, Entry costs

    Optimal rewards in contests

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    We study all-pay contests under incomplete information where the reward is a function of the contestant's type and effort. We analyze the optimal reward for the designer when the reward is either multiplicatively separable or additively separable in effort and type. In the multiplicatively separable environment, the optimal reward is always positive while in the additively separable environment it may also be negative. In both environments, depending on the designer's utility, the optimal reward may either increase or decrease in the contestants' effort. Finally, in both environments, the designer's payoff depends only upon the expected value of the effort-dependent rewards and not the number of rewards.Leverhulme Foundation (Grant RF/7/2006/0325

    All-pay auctions with variable rewards

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    Available online from Blackwell SynergyWe study all–pay auctions with variable rewards under incomplete information. In standard models, a reward depends on a bidder’s privately known type; however, in our model it is also a function of his bid. We show that in such models there is a potential for paradoxical behavior where a reduction in the rewards or an increase in costs may increase the expected sum of bids or alternatively the expected highest bid

    Auctions with private entry costs

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    We study auctions where bidders have private information about their entry costs and the seller does not benefit from these entry costs. We consider a symmetric environment where all bidders have the same value for the object being sold, and also an asymmetric environment where bidders may have different valuations for the object. In these environments, the seller's pay-off as well as the social surplus may either increase or decrease in the number of bidders though not necessarily in the same direction. The auction designs that maximize the social surplus or the seller's pay-off are analysed

    Second-price auctions with private entry costs

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    We study asymmetric second-price auctions under incomplete information. The bidders have potentially different, commonly-known, valuations for the object and private information about their entry costs. The seller, however, does not benefit from these entry costs. We calculate the equilibrium strategies of the bidders and analyze the optimal design for the seller in this environment

    The essential mycobacterial genes, fabG1 and fabG4, encode 3-oxoacyl-thioester reductases that are functional in yeast mitochondrial fatty acid synthase type 2

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis represents a severe threat to human health worldwide. Therefore, it is important to expand our knowledge of vital mycobacterial processes, such as that effected by fatty acid synthase type 2 (FASII), as well as to uncover novel ones. Mycobacterial FASII undertakes mycolic acid biosynthesis, which relies on a set of essential enzymes, including 3-oxoacyl-AcpM reductase FabG1/Rv1483. However, the M. tuberculosis genome encodes four additional FabG homologs, designated FabG2–FabG5, whose functions have hitherto not been characterized in detail. Of the four candidates, FabG4/Rv0242c was recently shown to be essential for the survival of M. bovis BCG. The present work was initiated by assessing the suitability of yeast oar1Δ mutant cells lacking mitochondrial 3-oxoacyl-ACP reductase activity to act as a surrogate system for expressing FabG1/MabA directed to the mitochondria. Mutant yeast cells producing this targeted FabG1 variant were essentially wild type for all of the chronicled phenotype characteristics, including respiratory growth on glycerol medium, cytochrome assembly and lipoid acid production. This indicated that within the framework of de novo fatty acid biosynthesis in yeast mitochondria, FabG1 was able to act on shorter (C4) acyl substrates than was previously proposed (C8–20) during mycolic acid biosynthesis in M. tuberculosis. Thereafter, FabG2–FabG5 were expressed as mitochondrial proteins in the oar1Δ strain, and FabG4 was found to complement the mutant phenotype and contain high levels of 3-oxoacyl-thioester reductase activity. Hence, like FabG1, FabG4 is also an essential, physiologically functional 3-oxoacyl-thioester reductase, albeit the latter’s involvement in mycobacterial FASII remains to be explored

    A C. elegans Model for Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Synthase II: The Longevity-Associated Gene W09H1.5/mecr-1 Encodes a 2-trans-Enoyl-Thioester Reductase

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    Our recognition of the mitochondria as being important sites of fatty acid biosynthesis is continuously unfolding, especially in light of new data becoming available on compromised fatty acid synthase type 2 (FASII) in mammals. For example, perturbed regulation of murine 17β-HSD8 encoding a component of the mitochondrial FASII enzyme 3-oxoacyl-thioester reductase is implicated in polycystic kidney disease. In addition, over-expression in mice of the Mecr gene coding for 2-trans-enoyl-thioester reductase, also of mitochondrial FASII, leads to impaired heart function. However, mouse knockouts for mitochondrial FASII have hitherto not been reported and, hence, there is a need to develop alternate metazoan models such as nematodes or fruit flies. Here, the identification of Caenorhabditis elegans W09H1.5/MECR-1 as a 2-trans-enoyl-thioester reductase of mitochondrial FASII is reported. To identify MECR-1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae etr1Δ mutant cells were employed that are devoid of mitochondrial 2-trans-enoyl-thioester reductase Etr1p. These yeast mutants fail to synthesize sufficient levels of lipoic acid or form cytochrome complexes, and cannot respire or grow on non-fermentable carbon sources. A mutant yeast strain ectopically expressing nematode mecr-1 was shown to contain reductase activity and resemble the self-complemented mutant strain for these phenotype characteristics. Since MECR-1 was not intentionally targeted for compartmentalization using a yeast mitochondrial leader sequence, this inferred that the protein represented a physiologically functional mitochondrial 2-trans-enoyl-thioester reductase. In accordance with published findings, RNAi-mediated knockdown of mecr-1 in C. elegans resulted in life span extension, presumably due to mitochondrial dysfunction. Moreover, old mecr-1(RNAi) worms had better internal organ appearance and were more mobile than control worms, indicating a reduced physiological age. This is the first report on RNAi work dedicated specifically to curtailing mitochondrial FASII in metazoans. The availability of affected survivors will help to position C. elegans as an excellent model for future pursuits in the emerging field of mitochondrial FASII research


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