277 research outputs found

    "Writing to Learn or Learning to Write". A Critical Review of "English as a Foreign Language" (EFL) Teaching Practices in Writing in Saudi Universities

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    Desenvolupar el domini de l?escriptura en anglès sempre ha sigut un desafiament per als estudiants de nivell 2 en general i per a l?alumnat en particular. Malgrat la presència generalitzada de departaments d?anglès en universitats saudites des de la dècada passada, els resultats i assoliments són descoratjadors. Aquest article investiga de prop aquesta situació, i tracta de trobar els aspectes que poden explicar aquesta feblesa. Per això es revisen els més importants estudis empírics i teòrics relacionats amb el context saudita. Aquest treball presenta una panoràmica general sobre com les habilitats d?escriptura en anglès han evolucionat a Aràbia Saudita en el passat recent, i detalla els desafiaments que afronten no sols l?alumnat saudita de nivell 2 sinó també els professionals involucrats en l?ensenyament de l?idioma anglès en aquest país. A més, s?ofereix una visió de les principals innovacions pedagògiques dutes a terme en aquest terreny i se suggereix un camí de desenvolupament futur

    The Impact of the Teacher’s Personality on the Motivation of Learning the English Language Among Governmental School Students in Saudi Arabia

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    The current study aimed to identify the impact of the teachers personality on the motivation of learning English among government school students in the city of Abha, Saudi Arabia. The descriptive correlative method was used, and two questionnaires were designed to collect the data. They were distributed electronically, and the study targeted a sample of English language teachers in public secondary schools in Abha, and a sample of high school students in Abha, who were chosen randomly in a simple way. The results of the study showed that English language teachers have personal characteristics that qualify them to teach in high government schools, with an average of (3.6918), which is considered as a highly - approved degree, and that students have a motivation to learn English with an average of (3.7828), which means they scored a high degree of approval. The results also showed the effect of the teachers personality on the motivation of students towards learning English. The results also showed that it is possible to predict the motivation of learning English through the teachers personality

    Students' Satisfaction in Learning Style-Based Adaptation

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    Detection of Sex-Related Differential Item Functioning in Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices Test Using the Mantel-Haenszel Method

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    This study aimed to determine the presence of sex-related differential item functioning (DIF) in Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) Test. The research design was a comparative study, where boys formed the focal group and girls formed the reference group. The software used was SPSS-v26, and binary data of focal and reference groups were analyzed using jMetrik software to detect DIF according to the Mantel-Haenszel method. A total of 1032 students (49.6% boys and 50.4% girls), 570 from intermediate school and 462 from secondary school, were selected from 24 schools using a stratified random-sampling procedure. The statistical analyses showed that the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) Test was one-dimensional. The results showed that, of five moderate DIF items, four items favored the focal group (boys), and one item favored the reference group (girls). The results also showed two large DIF items; the direction of the one item favored the reference group (girls), and the direction of the second item favor the focal group (boys). The findings showed that there were several unbiased items, but some were clearly biased against female performance. According to these findings, we recommend reanalyzing the data using methods depending on the item response theory, such as the logistic regression, simultaneous item bias test (SIB) or IRT-likelihood ratio (IRT-LR) methods to confirm the results seen here. Keywords: Differential Item Functioning (DIF), Bias Item, Reference Group, Focal Group DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-29-10 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Aprendizaje basado en datos y enseñanza de preposiciones en ESL: un estudio de estudiantes árabes

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    This paper explores the effectiveness of data driven learning approach in teaching prepositions to Arab learners. English prepositions have been reported to be a typical feature to learn by the Arab ESL learners. Moreover, intermediate or advance level learners have also reported their difficulties in the usage of English prepositions; reasons might be perceptual and cultural differences bet the two language communities. Teacher trained materials prepared from online resources along with TPP corpus, the aim of the present study was to compare DDL and traditional prescriptive rule based method of grammar teaching. Two distinct classes; experimental (n = 41) and control (n = 19) groups were formed who were study English major. Standardized test was conducted as a pre-test to ensure participants equal level of proficiency in using prepositions. During the study duration for a semester, experimental group was exposed to teacher-prepared materials along with TPP to see prepositions in context. Moreover they were asked to explore further through the prepared materials to reinforce their learning from the data. A post-test was administered at the end of the course. The results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group. It was found that learners' active role to direct their own learning process caused this encouraging outcome and better learning experience for the learners.Este documento explora la efectividad del enfoque de aprendizaje basado en datos en la enseñanza de preposiciones para estudiantes árabes. Se ha informado que las preposiciones en inglés son un rasgo característico que los estudiantes árabes de ESL deben aprender. Además, los estudiantes de nivel intermedio o avanzado también han informado sobre sus dificultades en el uso de preposiciones en inglés; Las razones pueden ser las diferencias perceptivas y culturales entre las dos comunidades lingüísticas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar sustancias formadas por docentes preparadas a partir de recursos en línea junto con el corpus de TPP, para comparar el método de enseñanza de gramática basado en reglas prescriptivas tradicionales y DDL. Dos clases distintas; Se formaron grupos experimentales (n = 41) y de control (n = 19) que estudiaban inglés principal. La prueba estandarizada se realizó como una prueba previa para garantizar a los participantes el mismo nivel de competencia en el uso de preposiciones. Durante la duración del estudio durante un semestre, el grupo experimental fue expuesto a materiales preparados por el profesor junto con TPP para ver las preposiciones en contexto. Además, se les pidió que exploraran más a través de los materiales preparados para reforzar su aprendizaje a partir de los datos. Se administró una prueba posterior al final del curso. Los resultados mostraron que el grupo experimental superó al grupo de control. Se encontró que el rol activo de los estudiantes para dirigir su propio proceso de aprendizaje causó este resultado alentador y una mejor experiencia de aprendizaje para los estudiantes.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    EFL vocabulary learning strategies used by Saudi Arabia university students

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    Language skills depend on the meaning of words and the knowledge of the subject/context. The meanings of words that shape the true understanding of contexts are needed to experience language as a real-life activity. College students in Saudi Arabia struggle to develop desired proficiency in the English language that is required to further advance in their academic endeavours. It has been observed that even the minimum vocabulary level is far to be realised as reality, which consequently has posed a challenge for the various stakeholders to find the most effective strategies for Saudi learners. The present study tries to unfold the basic components which are needed to be in order first before considering the other related factors. In this study, a total of 85 male and female students were asked first appear for the vocabulary test, required to assess if they have achieved their desired levels. Their academic achievement in the specialised vocabulary course and their achievement in the standardised test have been compared with their strategies for language learning. The differences in the responses of the high achievers and the low achievers observed and found that high achievers give importance to all the strategies equally well, whereas the low achievers just focus on meta-cognitive and memory strategies. The results open up new dimensions for the teachers as well as the learners to choose and implement the best practices suited as per their academic and non-academic needs. Besides this, the other stakeholders like material developers, curriculum designers, educators and trainers will also have a macro picture of inside and outside of classrooms so that they could narrow down on the associated elements (motivation, learners’ autonomy, socio-cultural contexts etc.)

    An E-Learning Investigation into Learning Style Adaptivity.

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    An E-Learning Investigation into Learning Style Adaptivity.

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